Chapter 2 - Venom

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A/N I feel like I should mention that alot of will be said here will be left unexplained because it would be more clarified when I tell them about Caboose. I guess what I'm trying to say here is... You will be confused

The Kylntar was a unique race of alien beings. They were probably the oldest race in existence. There orgins lost to time. They have watch the forerunners kill the precussors. Which were kinda gods. They got killed pretty easily, so the Kylntar didn't really consider them gods.

Several thousand years later, the flood came around. They were basically precussor remains wanting revenge against the forerunners. The humans originally were having trouble fighting the flood until they bonded with symbiotes.

The symbiotes usually feed off of adrenaline. But they could also feed consume Phenethylamine. Most commonly found in chocolate and brains.

The flood were basically turning the nervous of beings with a nervous system into giant brains.

While the symbiotes preferred consuming the adrenaline in their hosts, they worked with the humans to destroy the flood. They did so by consuming the flood off of their hosts. It worked out surprisingly well. The people who were freed from the floods control, had greatly increased healing and better reaction time.

The flood soon became a manageable problem. That was until the Forerunners had a war with them.

Despite giving the humans superior combat abilities, they abused the Kylntar's weakness to fire and sound.

They brought the Kylntar to near extinction, only being found in the Forerunner's 'Librarian' labs. Humans were exiled to earth, and brought back to the bronze age.

Without the Kylntar to keep the flood in check, the flood began to expand rapidly.

Eventually they tried to bring the Kylntar back, but they were to late. The flood had grown to out of control. They tried, but there too few of them and to many of the flood hosts.

The few left were now waiting for the librarian to activate the Halo rings. They were designed to wipe out everything with a nervous system. They had designed towers to bring life back after the Galactic extinction.

There were about a few dozen left. They were currently just wandering around the facility. They knew the rings would be activated soon so why bother.

Venom POV

He was currently just a waiting on top of the facility, waiting for the end. He was named Venom by the flood because he would often go into the flood and ate them from the inside out. He didn't get it, but at least he had a name.

So of the other symbiotes figured if they dug enough underground, they could survive. Others tried to find a ship so they could be in space for the last time. Venom personally just wanted to sit and gaze at nature.

He just wanted to enjoy its beauty one last time before the end. He had accepted his death. Did he have regrets? Anything with a sentient mind will always regret something at one point in its life. What he regretted the most currently was not being able to enjoy his last moments with a host that could actually enjoy it with them.

It was watching the sunset when it suddenly saw a portal appear in front of it. Before they could even react it was sucked in. It saw many colors past by it as it felt energy penetrate it. Then as sudden as it happen, it then found itself in a cave.

All it could think at the moment was, 'What just happened?'

A/N Alright new chapter done. I have decided to start combining chapters together in the same section in order to give you more content to read.

I will have a harem page for Caboose. I will update it as girls join it. Until next time.

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