Chapter 3 - Meetings

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Chapter 3 - Teammates

"Well that was uneventful." Caboose said as he exited the cave.

He was surprised that nothing happened in the cave. What was more surprising was that he was nearby to blue base. He could tell because of the tank.

He walked to up to see two soldiers in blue colored armour. One had light blue armour, and the other had aqua teal blue color armour.

"You know... I could blow up the whole God damn world with this thing." The light blue soldier said to himself.

"I sincerely doubt it." Caboose said to them.

"What the?" Aqua teal said.

"You don't even have the keys to turn it on." Caboose continue, "How would you drive it?"

"When there's a will, there will always be a way." The light blue soldier asked. "Who even are you?"

"Oh! Sorry, I completely forgot to introduce myself. I'm Caboose. I am the new member of Blue team." Caboose replied as he put the box down.

"Oh your the new recruit. I'm Church and this is Tucker." Church said gestering to the other soldier.

"What up?" Tucker asked.

"I just came from command with a package detailing their commands."

"Command? What do they want?" Tucker asked.

"Maybe they want you to stop bugging them about sending over female soldiers." Church retorted.

"Dude come on. There literally no girls in this canyon." (Add innuendo)

"Uhhh... So are you going to open the box?

"Hmm? Oh right. Tucker you have a knife?


"What do you mean no. I thought you said you carried knifes

"I only have one knife and it's in my pants. Bow chicka bow wow

"Dude that's disgusting.

"I have a knife actually.

"Really? Okay then give it to so I can this box.

"Ok." Caboose said as he passed the knife from his pocket to him.

Church cut the tape off and opened the box. On the top he saw a letter entitled to Blue team. Church picked it up, and underneath it was a Wi-Fi router.

"Oh sweet! They sent us a new router for us." Tucker exclaimed. While Tucker messed with the router, Church opened the letter.

"To Blue Team," Church read aloud, "Due to the death of your team leader, we shall send a new one in two months time.

We have responded to your request for a new router for limited internet access. We will be monitoring what you do when using this router. So please be aware of this before use."

"Aww come on." Tucker said.

"The tank has been sent to help you combat Red teams superior firepower and number's. The keys are include inside the box.

Sincerely, Command." Church finished.

"Huh... Neat."

Timeskip while they mess with the router.

3rd person POV

"So rookie," Church said as they walked back to the tank. "What do you think of the tank we just got?"

Caboose looks at the tank. "Looks cool to me."

"You know what?" Tucker said. "Forget what I said earlier. We can definitely pick up chicks in a tank. Probably two or three chicks apiece."

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