Chapter 13 -Warnings

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A/N I forgot to add in Lopez's translation for his Spanish. Whoops. Ah well. I'll fix it sometime down the line. But back to the story.

"Alright what's the plan?" Church asks Tex.

"I fix the tank, kill the red's and then your saving me favor is done." She replies.

"Wait you can fix Shiela? I think you're now my favorite on this team." Caboose said giddily.

"So what am I?" Venom asks Caboose, "One of the Poisons?"

"Is that an species that attack you? Otherwise I have no idea what you're talking about."

Venom sighs, being reminded him of his situation and how alone he currently feels.

"Never mind." Venom mutters. Caboose wanted to help venom but he didn't know what to say. As Caboose turns his attention back to see Tex flipping the tank in a way that reminds him of rage comics flipping a table.

"You are very strong." Caboose commented.

"Yes. Now shut up and let me see the damages." Tex said as she begins her work.

"Okay now I'm reconsidering." Caboose says.

"Caboose, you keep an eye on any approaching reds while I scout out red base.

"Okay." Caboose then went up to a hill to scout out for any near by reds.

"So, I suppose if you're helping us, you're not as mean as I thought." Tucker says to Tex.

"I wouldn't say I'm mean, I just get hired to do mean things." Tex replied as she kept working.

"Yeah, but you like it." He countered.

"Well, I think it's important to enjoy what you do." Tex rebuttaled.

"So let's say I payed you to kill Caboose. You would still do it, right? Even though you're supposed to be helping us?" Tucker asked. Tex stopped working on the tank. More often then Tex cared to admit, her employers often say what job she had to accomplish in a sarcastic tone.

"Is this a hypothetical discussion, or should we start talking numbers? Because it's going to be very pricey considering who's tagging along." Tex asked as she turned towards him.

"You know we can hear you, right?" Venom shouted to them.

"Your point is?" Tex asked as venom growled at her.

"You know what? I think I hear Church calling me and Tucker." Caboose said hoping to stop a fight.


"Speak of the devil." Tucker said.

"What the hell is my body still doing up here?" Church shouted in anger.

"That's part of being dead, Church. Your body doesn't really move around much any more. Maybe you haven't fully grasped the concept yet." Tucker replied.

"Alright, well let me rephrase that then: Why in the hell haven't you buried my body yet?" Church complained.

"Buried? With what? All we have are pistols and rifles. What do you want me to do, shoot you a grave?" Tucker asked. Where would they even put those tools?

"Well then how about shipping me back home? You know, let the loved ones pay a little respect." Church shouted back.

"Well Church, here's your girlfriend. Tex, as one of Church's loved ones, would you like to pay your respects?" Tucker asked her.

"..." Tex stayed silent as she return to work on the tank.

"That was a stirring eulogy. Rest in peace, good buddy!" Tucker said in what Church swore was a sarcastic voice.

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