Cut content- Season 1

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A/N I first started this book on 9/3/2019. I published 3 chapters over a course of a week. I was really new at it to. I miss those days. Mostly because we didn't have to worry about as much now.

Existential problems aside, I really do love how much you guys seem to enjoy my story. I worked super hard on it. I always worried at first that people would pressure me into making more chapters. I even put off making new chapters for a whole half a year because of that worry.

Seems ridiculous now. Anyways, I hope enjoyed the scraps of ideas that I didn't think would benefit the idea I had for the story or just notes I wrote down for I was planning on taking the story in that chapter.

Also I will be adding the publishing date for each chapter because I just want it written down when I first published those chapters.

Prologue- 9/3/19
Ch 1- 9/5/19
Ch 2- 9/7/19

Chapter 3- 9/23/19

"Hello." Caboose replied. Awkward silence ensued.

"So about the box..." Caboose said trying to start a conversation.

"Oh sweet my order came in." Tucker said grabbing the box.

"What exactly did you order?" Caboose asked, curious about the contents of the box.

"Oh you know... Personal stuff..." Tucker replied.

"Really? Like what?" Caboose asked.

"Dude, stop asking. It's probably just porn he order online." Church said dismissively.

"You can't prove that." Tucker responded quickly.

"Then why don't you open it up and show what's inside to us."

"Hey I don't demand you

"I don't I'll get married." Caboose chimed in. "Not after what happen to Dad."

"What happen?" Tucker asked.

"My mom left him for a really rich man, and left me and my sister's with Dad. He was never the same." Caboose said sadly.

"Sorry about man." Church said awkwardly.

"After the divorce he started drinking and saying, 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?'" Caboose said sadly.

Silence reign for a while. Church had no response.

"Uh... How about you go inside and watch the flag for awhile rookie." Church said wanting to end the conversation.

"Why would I need to watch a flag? What's so important about it?" Caboose asked Church.

"Well... to be honest, I really don't know. Command wants us to guard it for some reason." Church said honestly. "It's a really simple job. Help clear your mind from this discussion about your Dad."

"Ok I guess."

Caboose then started heading inside.

"Hey rookie one more thing." Church shouted to him. "Try to stand at attention while guarding. Someone from command should be coming by later for a inspection."

"Ok, thank you for telling me." Caboose said before heading inside. Trying to suppress some of his memories again.

The two outside remained silent.

"So his dad..." Tucker started.

"He kinda reminds me of someone." Church said somberly. "Someone I use to know when I was younger."

"Really? Who?" Tucker asked. Tucker knew Church only for a few weeks. Neither of them talked much of their pasts. They weren't exactly friends.

"I wish knew. It was so long ago, that everything is just fuzzy." Church said quietly.

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