Poll: Magic, science, or both

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Okay. Last chapter A/n was not explained as well as I would have liked. So I am going to explain it here.

What I hope to get from this vote is having an idea for how I want to write. Magic will have more character development for my characters, while science would include more world building.

The First and Second will be largely uneffected. But I want to spread hints of what to come when I write Season 2.

But to be honest, I want to do both in a way. I want to add Magic to make it easier to write away problems that may occur. But I would add in some science to add in more logic to the madness that will occur in this story.

Or something along those lines. I don't know.

I guess it really comes down to the universes I want to crossover with this story.

Science being Marvel and Star wars. Magic being more Disney and Final Fantasy.

Why did I mostly think of Disney?


Anyways, A mixture of both would include another poll for when I finish Season 1.

So after telling all that, pick what you want to happen. Do you want;





Thanks for voting. See you next chapter.

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