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Chronos was bored. They were in trapped in a space between time, if that makes any sense.

Chronos doesn't know how. Even at their most powerful they couldn't pull this off. How could this happen. They needed a way to escape. As tempering as it is to use the being know as Donut to mess with time to brake her out, it seem like the wrong choice. So they came up with a different idea.

If they wanted to get out, they would make the mortals want to get them out. But they would should first choose a gender. As male would be a nice choice, a calm loving mother figure would be the optimal choice.

Next step, stop the extinction of the Kylntar. Why were they important? A lot of reasons, but the main one being they could make any bottom of the food chain animal into the Apex predator of their entire planet.

She used the last of her to do a few things.

1. Grab about a handful of the Kylntar before they were wiped out.

2. Linked so power to them so then when they get stronger, she would get a small portion back. Even the children they would eventually spawn would send some energy back. But this would only happen after they reach true symbiosis.

3. Plant a subconscious need to help others out. This would insure that more people would want to bond with them, thus giving her more energy.

4. They would have the ability to feast on the flood as a food source. (What were the flood? I'll answer that in a much later chapter.)

Now that her tinkering was done she would send almost all to the UNSC directly. They would mess with them enough for their abilities. But she saved one. After all can't put too many eggs in one basket.

No... This one had to go to someone special. Someone that would cause the most energy feedback. She would send the that would become know as venom to bond with a being known as Michel J. Caboose.

Little did she know, her meddling was already changing history. Including her own.

A/N Wow that was a lot. I mean, I kinda just came up with this on the spot, but I did enjoy writing this. I really needed this. Just going with the follow of things. It feels so good. Anyways, I have great things planned for this. Or a lot of things really. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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