Chapter 4 - Problems

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A/N Sorry about taking awhile with this. I have been thinking about a lot of things lately. Mostly my future. Enough of that for now. Enjoy the chapter.

Caboose was currently standing next to the flag. But he was wondering where the armory was. He has yet to receive a gun, and Tucker hasn't given him his knife back.

'This is so boring.' Caboose thought to himself. 'I wish I left that comment I made to myself. If I make enemies of my teammates now, I know I will be sacrificed later.' He already had a feeling about what kind of people Church and Tucker was. He really didn't want to become a red shirt because he couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Suddenly, a red soldier appeared through one of the doors.

"Wow, uh, you got here fast." Caboose said curiously. He didn't even hear a ship land.

"Why is everyone so frickin' rude in this canyon?" He asked in frustration.

"Uh, I'm not sir. What can I do for you sir?" He asked. Why did he have red armour while Tucker and Church have blue colored armour? Is he wearing it so he can be picked out of a group of the same guys in blue armour?

"Finally, I someone with a little respect." He commented. Were Tucker and Church rude to the general? That can't be right.

"Umm... Yes sir I assume you're here for the flag." He gestures to the flag.

"Wait, is this all you have?" He asks.

Caboose then realizes he has made a mistake. This was not the general. Of all the times to not have his knife. "Uh... Yes sir." He said. He really didn't know where the guns were, nor would he suggest where they are.

"Aw man, this figures. Shit. What about Elbow Grease?" The red soldier asked.

"Ummm..." Caboose said. That's... not a real thing.

"Headlight fluid?"

"No... All we have is this flag." He said. He really didn't understand the importance of the flag. What could make command want to protect it so much.

"Well, I can't go back empty handed... I guess I'll take that." The red soldier said.

"Uh... Okay." Caboose said.

"Man, they're gonna give me so much shit for coming back with just this stupid flag." The Red soldier said as he left, grabbing the flag.

After he left, Caboose said to himself, "I'm going to be in so much trouble."

Timeskip with Caboose getting his knife back.

"So let me get this straight. You gave the guy the flag." Church said to him. The entire team was on top of the base.

"I had no weapons. What was I supposed to do? Try to fight him bare handed while he had a gun?"

"Well you could have done something." Church retorted.

"Like what?" Caboose replied.

"Oh hey I see him." Tucker said, interrupting the argument. Thus keeping a possible fight from breaking out. Church looked through his sniper rifle to see the Red soldier run around.

"I see him. It seems he's going to the cliffs." Church said to them.

"Man, that must be one smart son of a bitch." Tucker said.

'Yet he's moving in a strange pattern. Is he lost?' Caboose thought to himself. 'There is only the Red and Blue bases in this canyon, so he couldn't be lost,could he?'

"Oh shit." Church said. Look at his armour. It's red."

"So?" Caboose asked.

"It means the flag was stolen by there Sargent." Tucker explained.

"How do you it's their Sargent?" Caboose asked.

"Well he managed to steal our flag-"

"Through the entrance that you two were guarding." Caboose interrupted.

"Yeah well..." Church said trying to come up with a rebuttal. "Can we argue about this later. We could lose our jobs."

"Fine." Caboose said, knowing he didn't have very many opportunities due to his past, "What are we going to do?"

"I'm going to take him out. Say goodnight Sarge." Church as he shot at him... And completely and totally missed each shot. The soldier shouted something, but Caboose didn't quite catch what he said. Eventually Church stop and quietly curse at himself. He then looks to see Tucker staring at him. "What?"

"Your really not good with thing are you?" Tucker asked.

"Is he waving the flag at us?" Caboose asked.

"What?" They turn to see the Red soldier waving. "Aw great not he's taunting us. That's just embarrassing."

"That's it. Rookie, you stay here. Me and Tucker are going after the flag. Rookie, you.stay here and make sure they don't blow up the base." Church said as he lead Tucker to a green portal.

"Alright. Tucker let's go." Church said.

"I am not going through that thing." Tucker said.

"Tucker stop being a baby. We tested it remember?" Church said.

"We threw rocks in it." Tucker said in disbelief.

"Yeah, so? They came out the other side, didn't they?" Church rebuttals.

"Yeah, but they were all hot, and covered in black soot." Tucker counter-argued.

"So that's what this about. Your afraid of a little black stuff." Church asked.

"Yes," Tucker said "I am afraid of a little black stuff."

"Tucker, I almost hate to do this to you." Church said as he raised his sniper rifle to him.

"You wouldn't." Tucker said in slight horror.

"I think he will." Caboose commented.

"You know, I look at it this way: either A, we go through there, and get the flag back, or B, we stay here, and I get to kill you. Either way, I win." Church replied.

"Just to let you know, rocks aren't people." Tucker said to Church. Caboose narrowed his eyes a little under his helmet.

"Duly noted. Now get in there." Church said as he waved his gun towards the portal.

"Crap." Tucker said as he turned to the portal. He was afraid to his core. But he had little to no options. "Okay. One..." Tucker began, psyching himself and silently praying to not have his atoms scattered across the universe. "Two..."

He then leaped through the portal. Caboose and Church looked over to the front of the base. Caboose had no idea where he was supposed to look at. He saw a sort of metal triangle. He guessed that was where he was supposed to appear. In fact that's was near where the Red soldier was standing. 'Why is it so near to the cliffs.' He thought.

"... Huh, he didn't come out the other side..." Caboose said.

"Yeeeaaaahhhhh, I've uh, I've decided I'm not gonna use the teleporter." Church said. "Okay, Rookie, you stay here! I'll be back with the flag!"

"Why do I feel like that's going to be the last time I'm going to see him alive up close." Caboose said to himself.

A/N I need your guys help with something.

I have two ways I want to take this story. One is where I remain true to science and stuff, another where I have magic involved. I won't fully disclose on what I am going to include, but I it will be somewhat interesting. I have debating this entire time on which path to take. So I officially decided I will let you guys decide.

Vote here for magic. (Includes FF & Star wars) + Shorter upload time

Vote here for science. (Includes Marvel and DC) + Longer chapters

I will still include elements from each side, but the primary focus will be one the voted side. I will stop counting the votes when I finish writing the first Season.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter I should be able to upload a chapter sooner this time. Till next time, bye. 😊

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