Chapter 1

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Normal POV

My name is Kageyama Amber. Yes, I'm the twin sister of Kageyama Tobio. I've lost contact with him since the second half of our second year of middle school, but that didn't matter. At least, not for now. Not dwelling too much on my past, I focused on the task at hand.

I'm currently working as an undercover agent for the Youth Foundation, Japan's Ministry of defense. Last week, I was appointed to an assignment in the United States of America as a trainee to gain new experiences and help out with undercover work. No more than two months later, I was called back to Japan, Tokyo, as a replacement for another undercover assignment.

The assignment was relatively simple for a trainee like me. The team that I've been assigned to was tasked to uncover a drug trafficking case, learning their contacts and supplies. The team managed to narrow down one of the few supply houses and it was daringly located in a high school garden. They needed a young undercover agent and they found me, a fifteen-year-old. They figured I could blend in as a sixteen-year-old in the first year of high school and seek out who has been outsourcing the drugs.

Thus, my job was to pose as a first year student and locate the ones responsible for getting these drugs in and out of the prefecture. "Observe, locate and record." Was my main objective in this assignment. I was told specifically not to interfere with anyone in suspicion and only record and upload information to our task file. The seniors on the team will then take action accordingly.

Slightly nervous about my first "on the field" assignment alone, I took my first step into Nekoma Highschool.


The bell rang, signifying the end of the school day. I grabbed my bag and made my way toward the gardening club. Well, not directly into the club, but near it. I figured the best way to observe them would be nearby. I still wasn't used to the stares I got when walking down the hallway and I tried my best to avoid any unnecessary eye contact.

I must admit that I transferred into the school at a weird timing and a half-baked back-story given by my higher-ups. This didn't pose much of a problem as the principal was the one who contacted us about suspicious behavior in the school. So, my existence quickly blended into the cohort.

The day had gone on smoothly but I was struggling in class with the fresh new high school syllabus. I am still a third-year middle school student, so learning standard high school information was a little bit overwhelming for me. "You have to keep up a facade or you'll attract attention." My team leader told me when briefed about the assignment. I asked why the school couldn't change my grades accordingly and a simple reason answered me, "we don't know who we can trust besides the principal in the school."

Noting that reason, I tried my best to succeed in a high school environment. I stepped out of the main campus building and was greeted by the winter wind. December, it is colder here in Tokyo than back in my hometown, Miyagi. I wandered around the back campus for a while and found a good angle to observe the gardening club. Though I was reluctant to step into the place as it brought back bad memories, I pushed my personal feelings aside and started on my job.


I opened the school's volleyball gym and was greeted by tall, muscular men running around the court. They took barely any notice of me, which I found weird as girls don't usually step into the gym... right? I gave a small nod at the guys who just ran past me and made my way upstairs. Well, my thought was wrong. When I climbed up to the observation deck above, a couple of girls were already standing and squealing over the volleyball team. I sighed, no longer surprised at the reason and settled myself quite awkwardly at the far end of the room.

The second-floor observation deck had a window opening, which gave me the best view of the gardening club's hydroponics farm entrance. Perfect, I can see who goes in and out of the tent now. Meanwhile, I'll just hang out here and pretend to be doing my work. Well, I am quite determined to do well despite being a year younger. I was brought up this way... as much as I disliked that about myself. I could say that I like to challenge myself.

"Hey," a girl stood beside me and said, "what're you even doing here if you're not cheering the guys on?" She flipped her chestnut brown hair dramatically and folded her arms. I clicked my tongue softly, ugh, fangirls... I looked up from my mathematical textbook and answered her, "sorry, I just like to study with the background noise of balls spiking. It puts me in the zone; I won't cause any trouble." I ended the conversation by returning my focus to my work.

Seeing that I no longer had an interest in talking to her anymore, she gave a short, "whatever," and walked off back to her group of friends. I gazed out of the window once more and noticed a middle-aged man walking in. I took out my laptop and jotted down notes. By the end of the week, I should be able to gather who are in the club and the ones who are going in and out of the tent at irregular times. The sound of me tapping on my laptop was overwhelmed by the balls smacking on the ground.


Kuroo's POV

"Hey, did you hear about the new girl today?" Yamamoto came up to me as usual with his wild talks. We were doing a few runs around the court as warm-up and he made small talk. "Yea, so?" I gave a nonchalant reply. "What do you mean so? Have you not seen her? She got this long silky jet black hair and her legs! Oh man, her legs are to die for!" He exclaimed and ran off excitedly.

"What's his problem?" Kenma remarked beside me and sighed as usual. I laughed at him, he really hates physical exercises. Just then, the gym door opened and a new face popped up. Oh, it's her. The new girl. What's she going here? We get some girls coming over to look at us doing practices, so she's one of them too? I felt kind of disappointed by that. Those girls upstairs were low-key annoying when we're practicing. But my seniors said to get used to them and accept their support.

"Oho!!" Yamamoto zoomed back to the entrance and exclaimed. I managed to grab ahold of him before he came crashing into the girl. She gave a small nod and made her way upstairs. She's cold... and mysterious? I tilted my head and pondered. "Behave yourself," I barked at Yamamoto. "Yes! Future captain!" He saluted me and ran off to join the rest. Future captain, huh.

I stood and just looked at the black, silky haired girl from the court. Huh? She's not joining the rest of the girls. I narrowed my eyebrows and I grew interested... Kenma gave me a nudge and I snapped back to reality. I jogged up to the rest of the team and our coach began throwing out instructions. From the corner of my eye, I saw her sit down in the corner, minding her own business.


And so, she came around every day after school for the remainder of the week. During our practice hours, just sitting there and staring out the window. She would occasionally take out her laptop, type something in it for a bit and then return her focus to a pile of worksheets from class. The team seemed to have noticed her weird vibe and was interested in talking to her. Yet, at the same time, no one dared to approach her. As the week went by, the group of girls who would come to cheer for us stopped, as expected. But she remained.

She never looks at us from what I could tell. She'd just focus on what was happening outside of the window and her school work. There were times where I heard her curse and click her tongue when doing her work - facing difficulties? I thought once when I saw her struggle and bite the tip of her mechanical pencil.

She would leave just a few minutes before we leave the gym, like she was used to our schedule being here for a few years. But she had only been here for five days. "There's something about her, Kenma," I adjusted my scarf as I walked out of the gym with my childhood friend. "Mmm, maybe. I can't really be bothered," Kenma retorted and fidgeted with his game console.

We made our way back home but I noticed her lurking around the neighborhood that Friday evening. "What's she doing?" I perked up and grabbed Kenma by his bag. It seems like... she's looking at the street shops? Could it be that she's lost? She is somewhat new, right? "Let's go make ourselves a friend, Kenma," I said as I dragged him over to the new girl. Kenma trudged his feet behind me.

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