Chapter 16

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Kuroo's POV

It was my gut feeling, but I think something big is happening at work with Amber. It all made sense to me now; the late nights and missing classes could only mean something was happening at work that she couldn't afford to miss. I stayed up the whole night after Amber had officially gone to bed, thinking and trying to piece together the things I'd found in her room.

A mysterious transfer at the end of the year, secluding herself from people around her, sitting alone and watching the gardening club since her first day. Linking to the book on drugs and the gardening club, there's a high chance that... the club was involved in something dangerous. And she was... observing them.

The black files on her bookshelf were information no average student could ever get their hands on. They would only be obtained illegally, or... legally. Crossing out the illegal ideas, she could only have achieved them through... the government? The government. It was like the final puzzle piece had been fit into the picture.

Drugs, recordings, data, crazy tactical and weaponry skills. She's... working with the ministry of defense. A cover? A raid? Stakeout? A lie?

No. Not a lie, her emotions were real towards us. The time she spent with us was real, she wanted them herself too. She warned me about how the truth will push me away, now that I have a hunch about it, what am I feeling?

I frantically rummaged my hands through my bed hair, which got worse since I had so little sleep. I sighed and rang her doorbell, burning with conflicting questions and feelings.

"Coming!" Her cheerful voice resonated from within, calming my heart slightly. She swung her door open and my worries were blown away.


There in the doorway stood the prettiest girl I had seen. I knew I told Yaku that I preferred long-haired girls, but she really takes the whole cake.

Her hair was tied up in a half braid. She had curled her hair for today; her curls laid elegantly over her shoulders and down to her waist. Makeup, she was wearing makeup. Oh my god, lip gloss! I wanna kiss those lips. I must have been staring quite hard.

She stepped out and locked the door. Her outfit was... super chic as well?! She was wearing a white turtleneck top with a black leather jacket. Her maroon scarf wrapped around her slender neck loosely, paired with a set of black leggings and dark brown ankle-high boots.

I cannot believe she's a first-year; she's practically dressed like an adult now. Totally... my type?! Why am I so surprised at this? Damn it.

"Y-you look really, really fine today," I managed to gawk out and compliment her. Shit, that was so lame of me. She spun around and showed off her outfit to me, "Thanks! I think it's the least I could do when I go on a date with such a hotshot." Because of me? I covered my face in... happiness while she giggled at my side. I had completely forgotten all my worries just now.

I took hold of her hand and we made our way to town to the cinema. "What do you want to watch?" I asked her as we got on the train. "Hmm, whatever they have for now. I'd prefer some action or thriller," she leaned her head on my shoulder, her hand was still in mine.

"You're really something else, ya know that? Most girls would go straight for romance or comedy," I gave my honest opinion. "Well, I'm not most girls," she playfully winked at me. Yea, I just figured that out last night.

"Okay, I think there's a thriller show that's on-screen currently. Don't you get scared easily?" I pulled her closer to me as more people stepped into the cabin. My heart fluttering against my ribcage as her small body pressed onto my chest.

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