Chapter 17

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Normal POV

My heart was beating crazily in my chest. That incident just now outside the jewellery school totally took me by surprise. I was actually furious at that man and I was so tempted to put him in his spot and declare that I was a so-called "police". It took every ounce of energy in me to resist and opt for a less aggressive way to handle the situation.

I could've reacted passively and threatened to call the real cops. But when he swatted Kuroo's hand away, I lost it.

As we settled onto the plush seats in the theater, I stole a glance at Kuroo. He hasn't mentioned anything about my flip at all. I was worried; was he too shocked to talk about it? Will he be afraid of me? Regret his choice and leave me?

"Stop eating all the popcorn during the trailers!" He hissed at me and grabbed the bag of popcorn from my hands. I gave a little sigh of relief - it seemed like he's not affected by it at all.

Was that a good sign? The theaters' lights started to dim, signifying the start of the movie and it cut my train of thought. I guess I shouldn't worry about it too much.


The movie was good; the ending was a little bit sad, but I didn't tear up or anything. I should say I've faced much worse than this and it doesn't hit me straight in the heart for me to bawl over.

Kuroo was sniffling beside me when the lights lit up the room again. "Are you actually crying?" I teased him. "W-what? No! The room's dusty, that's all," he aggressively rubbed his nose with his wrist and denied.

I laughed as both of us exited together. It was now around six in the evening and we were walking down the streets hand in hand, looking for a spot for dinner.

This atmosphere feels strange. I knew it; he's definitely affected by what happened just now. "Are we going to talk about it?" I initiated. Kuroo looked at me, surprised at my words.

"What is it?" He gave me a confused look. "What happened just now outside the jewellery shop. You're not going to ask how I managed that flip?" I fidgeted with my hair nervously.

"I was surprised, but when have you not surprised me? I'm happy that you stepped in so heroically and put that man in his spot. I don't see a need to question. I think I'm rather proud to have a girlfriend like you," his grip tightened around my hand and he gave a dashing smile.

I- I was speechless. This man really trusts me and loves me unconditionally. There goes my heart, skipping jubilantly. But deep down feeling guilty for not telling him everything.

Soon Amber, soon. Just a little more.

"Besides, I've already decided that you're the only one for me and I never want to let you go," he pinched my cheek and shamelessly spouted those love words again. My cheeks are tired of blushing every single time he does that.


We had found a lovely cafe for dinner and settled down to order our food. While waiting, Kuroo got an email notification through his phone. He opened it up and checked it. "Something going on?" I asked when I saw him sigh.

"There won't be any practice on the Twelfth of February. Says here that there's a special event that will suspend all club activities. Pity, with competitions coming up, we could really use the weekend sessions," he set his phone back in his pocket and sighed again.

News traveled fast. It was my turn to sigh now because I knew the real reason why the club activities were suspended. "Something wrong? Oh, I know. Do you want to join us for weekend sessions too?" Kuroo cunningly suggested.

"No, that's crazy. I have work that day, it... might be my... no. It's nothing," I spoke half-heartedly. Kuroo furrowed his eyebrows but decided not to press any further.

Our food arrived and we ate in silence. Kuroo tried to lighten the conversation again by saying, "the more I think about it, the more we need that practice. The next competition will be without third years and we need more time to settle with our new line up. Maybe we could sneak in and use the court..."

I choked on my rice when I heard his crazy idea. "Woah, you alright?" I heard Kuroo ask as I washed down my food with my drink. "No! I mean, you shouldn't go back to school that day. Maybe it's a private event. You guys shouldn't impose," I tried to sway away from the real reason and hope that Kuroo will drop the idea..

Kuroo didn't reply and stared hard at me. It was obvious that he wanted to know why I'm getting so flustered. "Just... promise me you'll be a good example and stick with school regulations. I don't want to see you getting hurt..." I muttered the last sentence under my breath.

"Alright, guess I'll just find another day to make up for it. I would love to bring you out on another date, but you have work too, huh," he finished the last portion of his food and sunk into his chair.

"Ah! Valentine's day! Let's go out then?" His eyes sparkled at me. My heart got shot with a pang of sadness. I wanted to cry; there's no guarantee I'll be here after twelfth Kuroo.

I really wish I am.

"Ah, maybe it's too soon to plan?" Kuroo gave a dejected answer for himself after seeing that I didn't give a response. I'm sorry for making this such a down dinner; our path is just about to get shaky.


After dinner, we went for a stroll in the nearby park. Thankfully the conversation was light this time around. We were talking about our favourite things, hobbies and music choices.

There was a moment when a cyclist was coming towards me and Kuroo's strong arms guided me out of harm's way. Little things, people, it's the little things that make girls weak. This man was definitely capable of doing that.

We finally ended our date with him sending me back home. "I had a lot of fun today, loved you a little more as well," he kissed my forehead and got ready to leave.

Before I knew it, my hand reached out and clutched the hem of his sleeve. "Amber?" He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me.

"Oh!" I immediately released him, "Sorry. Didn't know why I did that..." He placed his huge palms on my head and shook my head a little, "do you need me to stay a little longer?"

Yes, yes, please. I gave in and nodded my head and allowed him to enter while I switched on the radiator. He shrugged off his coat and sat down around my small dining table. I did the same and made my way over to him.

I slumped into his open arms and snuggled into his chest. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling his heartbeat increase with every thump and prayed that this moment would never end.

He didn't say anything and he just held me gently in comfortable silence. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I thanked him over and over in my head for being here with me, for being in my life, and for being someone so special to me.

He shifted a little bit and took out his phone. He was typing something and then left it on the table. "I'll be here for as long as you need," his hand rubbed my back, comforting me.

Always the observant one, aren't you? Expected of the future team captain, eh? I felt even more relaxed under his touch and I just needed to kiss him. So I did.

Things didn't go crazy after that; don't get the wrong idea. He knew I was conflicted at the moment and never wanted to do something I didn't want to. He ended up staying over for the night, with me in his arms, which made me feel a hundred times better the next morning.

Maybe I shed a tear or two when I woke up with him next to me. But he'll never know. And for once, he didn't have a bedhead.

That's for me to know and you to never find out.

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