Chapter 5

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Normal POV

I brought the tea up to my lips just as Kuroo, my unexpected guest, slammed his head onto the table. "Are you alright?" I asked. "Yep," his answer was short. "Well, what brings you here? How did you find out where I lived?" I asked as I sipped my tea.

"I just lied to the teacher about giving you a notebook for your test tomorrow. Also, I found it weird that I didn't see you at practice today, and I worried... I mean, you know, after yesterday. I figured I should check in on you," he stumbled with his choice of words. A smile formed on my face and I was genuinely happy with the concern I was given. "It is I who should be checking up on you. How's your wound?" I sat my tea down on the table and rested my head on my palm.

"It's good, I heal fast. Don't worry about me, I was still able to spike the same amount of balls today!" He smirked and boasted his statistics. "You shouldn't overdo it," I sternly told him, which made him blink in surprise.

His expression suddenly turned super serious and he moved towards me. Realizing a little too late, he was already a few centimeters away from me. How did I let someone get so close to me? My heart rate quickened and Kuroo whispered, sending chills down my spine.

"Who are you and why are you doing this to me?"

His intense gaze seemed to see through my cover. Has he found out about my identity? What does he mean by why am I doing this to him?

He retreated to his seat and sipped his tea. My face was probably as red as a tomato now and stunned. "I've never quite met a girl like you, Kageyama Amber. I don't necessarily dislike you - you just pique me. And I want to know why. It's obvious you're putting up a facade once I had seen your soft side," his voice seemed to resonate through the room and vibrated it.

"You put up this cold and mysterious aura around you all day. But yesterday, when I was injured, the real you came out. This soft and fragile girl who looked like she was tasked to carry the world alone. Why?" He put down his empty teacup. I avoided his eyes.

This was really bad. But could I trust him? Of course I could - future team captain? Childhood friends with another person? Does he seem like the one who would be involved in drug trafficking? No, this was the man I owed my life to. I could trust this man.

I sighed, concluding. My body was collapsing like I was finally able to take off the mask I've been wearing. My facial muscles relaxed and I stared into his eyes and gave a tired smile. He smiled at me too, knowing he's broken down a barrier. "You're good, but not that good," I teased. I guess I can tell him a little bit. But not everything. He crossed his arms and nodded his head as if saying, "prove it to me."

"My name is Kageyama Amber, that's the truth. I came from America and that's the truth too. But my hometown is Miyagi but it has been almost three months since I've been back there. I left for America and I was working there for those three months." I started like this.

He didn't respond, only waiting for me to explain more, so I did, "I've transferred here to do a specific job which I cannot disclose to you. When I have finished this job, I will probably be transferred back to America to complete that job. If you're so interested in me, then I can only say good luck from trying to get this information out of me."

Out of the blue, he came at me, pinning me to the floor. I heard him knock over the teacups on the table but that didn't stop him from towering over me. "What do you think you're doing?" I hissed. "I am interested in you, Kageyama Amber. I have decided I want you, mysterious back story and all. I'll strip from this facade you're having and make you mine one day." He lowered his face beside mine and growled. Slightly pissed that he was so stubborn before hearing me out, I lifted my leg and kicked him hard in his abdomen. He fell back and grunted.

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