Chapter 18

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Kuroo's POV

It's been five days since that night. I looked over at where Amber was - at the other end of the court receiving spikes with Yaku. She had her usual focused expression and sweat smitten face.

I couldn't forget how she clung to me that night, it was sweet, but desperation was the word that could best describe the overall vibe. When she hung onto my sleeves, I felt her tremble ever so slightly. I knew right there and then that something was wrong and I needed to be with her.

In the end, she fell asleep in my arms and I carried her off to bed. My body was really screaming for something else, but I stopped myself because I knew I'd regret it if I did.

She didn't change out nor remove her makeup; it was as if she had reverted to a child, waiting to be cradled to sleep. I didn't sleep well that night; every movement made by her broke me out of sleep. The morning after, when she finally woke up, she sat up on the bed, back facing me.

I wanted to greet her with a good morning, but her next moments broke my heart.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and she suppressed pained hiccups. Maybe I should've bolted upright to comfort her; maybe I should've hugged her until she stopped crying.

But I didn't. I couldn't. She was hurting and I think it was because of me. So I pretended to be asleep when she slid off her bed and disappeared into her bathroom.

When she stepped out, I was already awake and she had returned to her usual self. She thanked me for staying and told me she was feeling alright. I followed after her lead, not wanting to break down again.

The days went by as usual and Kenma and I would walk her back to her place. Occasionally she'd come over for dinner and all was good. Well, something was indeed different.


When we went back to school, Amber no longer did her work upstairs. She fully immersed herself into our practices and oddly became an unofficial member of our team.

Coach Nekomata asked about her change in behavior the day before, and her reply was, "I don't need to study anymore. Is my presence throwing off everyone else's game?" Who doesn't need to study anymore?

To which he replied, "No, in fact, I think everyone's doing better because of you. I might just hire you as our manager, what do you think?" When we all heard the news, everyone celebrated and pleaded for her to agree.

She looked at me for support, and I gave her a thumbs-up sign, really hoping for her to join too. She finally gave a nervous laugh and agreed.

So now, she was our manager. I knew it was temporary in my heart, but a manager, nonetheless. Yamamoto literally boasted to the whole school after that day and she gained popularity overnight.

Did I get jealous when I saw guys standing near her during lunchtime? If the thought of really wanting to kiss her in front of all of them was a sign of jealousy, then yes. Other than that, I think proud was a good use of words to describe what I feel.


"Nekomata-sensei, this isn't much but I made a list of the team's statistics. I got their strengths and weaknesses in a chart to get a clearer perspective on how to work with them. If it's possible, we could find some time to update on their physical attributes later?" Amber went up to talk to Coach Nekomata.

Kenma and I were standing right beside them when we overheard them talking. Everyone was definitely surprised to see her put in so much work as our manager.

We all agreed that her being in the gym and receiving our balls were good enough. She really has her way of warming up our hearts. "Oh, that's awesome, Amber-chan. Captain, come over here," coach Nekomata waved me over.

"Yes, coach," I answered. "Lead Amber-chan here over to the basketball court and have her record your height, weight and vertical jump height. It's about time we updated the data. Man, having her here really does increase proficiency." He stood up and cracked his back. "Yes, coach!" I replied and flashed her a wide smile.

"What's not to love about you?" I sandwiched her head in my hands and shook it back and forth. "Stop it, Tetsurou. Get back to practice!" She whined and I stopped teasing her. Practice carried on as usual, this time with her standing at the side of the court and helping coach out.

When we were done, we went to the basketball court for our measurements. "Amber-chan, we need to take yours too!" Yamamoto hooked the clipboard she was holding out from her hands and suggested.

"Why are all of you calling her by her first name now? It's meant to be me only," I crossed my arms, unsatisfied. "She's our manager and we're all close now, right, Amber-chan?" Yamamoto defended, "besides, we're using honorifics. So we're still formal with her, unlike you, Mr boyfriend."

"I'm alright with it and you should be too, Tetsurou. We're all family here, well, at least to me," she shyly fidgeted with her hair and smiled.

Oh, alright. I give in. "Why do I need to be recorded as well?" She changed the topic. "Like you said, we're family. That includes your data as well!" Yamamoto readied his pen. Seeing that there was no end to this, Amber followed through.

Height: 163cm

Weight: 48kg

Jump Height: 200cm

"Ah, I can't jump very high..." she was discouraged after seeing her score. "It's alright, no big issue there," I patted her head and she pouted. After that, we called it a day and everyone made their way back home.


After we left Amber's apartment, Kenma and I made our way back to our homes. Unsurprisingly, he was on his game console again. But surprisingly, he asked something, "She's different. What did you do?" I felt attacked.

"Why are you targeting me? I didn't do anything!" I clicked my tongue at him. "I get that she's no longer putting up a facade, but I'm feeling that she's forcing herself now," Kenma said as he punched his thumbs on the buttons on his console. "Something did happen on Saturday..." I let Kenma know what happened.

"She cried? Did you ever ask why?" Finally realizing the heavy topic, he kept his console and focused on me.

"No, how should I? What if she completely shuts down again?" I sighed, "and I think something big is happening at work."

"Okay, so. You think she's working with the Ministry of Defense, right? And our gardening club is producing drugs and she's here to rat them out? And you think that this special event that cancelled our training is the cause of why she's different?" He summarized.

"Wow, that sounds really ridiculous now that you say it out loud. But, yes," I said.

"Then that explains why she's exerting herself more. She's making everyday count," Kenma looked down at the ground. "What do you mean?" I was genuinely confused. I can never get how he understands a situation so fast. He's the brain of the team, alright.

"What I'm trying to say, dumbass, is that she thinks that it'll all be over soon and she's trying to make ends meet. Doing her best in class, eating lunch with friends, doing her job as our manager and enjoying time with us. She's on borrowed time, you idiot," Kenma scolded me.

I think I was just struck by lightning in my head. How could I have been so blind?

"Yes, you're blind," Kenma read my mind and stabbed me in the heart, metaphorically. I started panicking; what the hell should I even do?

"You don't have to do anything," Kenma read my mind, again. "Will you please stop doing that?" I snapped at him.

"Why? You were wondering that, right? And I'm telling you that you don't have to do anything other than being your usual self. It's what she wants and probably what's best. But, I don't know, maybe do more couple stuff... like couples do... don't judge me. I don't know couple stuff," he rolled his eyes at me.

Suddenly overcome with gratitude, I hugged Kenma and thanked him for helping me with everything. My best friend, what would I do without him?

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