Chapter 15

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Kuroo's POV

I had lost track of time but seeing Amber in my arms fast asleep was the best thing I could ever hope for. I texted my parents that I'd be home late after seeing her knocked out after I pulled her into the embrace. We sat in comfortable silence for a while until I felt her head fall onto my shoulders.

I didn't dare to move. She must've been tired after a full day of work. Meetings, maybe. The reason for her being awake at four in the morning was left unexplained as well.

I looked at the porcelain face in my arms; she was sleeping so peacefully. I took a strand of her hair into my hand, playing around with it. They were incredibly soft and silky, falling through my fingers like water.

Ah, my leg is getting numb. I should just carry her to her bed and push back the date to a later time. Very carefully, I adjusted her and carried her to her bed. She mumbled in her sleep and curled up into a ball. I placed a kiss on her head and tucked her in under her blanket. I should leave and drop her a message later. I walked by her bookshelf on the way out but something caught my eye.


That's a lot of black files... I looked around at the other compartments; they were neatly organized into our school subjects and spotted several books about... plants. I took one of those books and flipped through, connecting the dots on why she keeps looking at the gardening club. Does she like plants? No, it can't be that simple.

They were about plants but plants with medicinal effects? Wait... these plants are all commonly used for drugs. What was she looking at these for?

I glanced over at the small figure under the covers, her body slowly rising and falling with her breathing. I closed the book up, not wanting to think anymore. I then took one of the black files and flipped them open.

I- They're student information?! What is this?

I flipped through frantically, class 1, class 4, even third years? A name highlighted in yellow made me stop. Futashiki... Leon? The page had a bunch of scribbles on them; the name of people he usually hung out with, his family background and his after-school curriculum.

They were all written in her handwriting. Just what was going on? His class was highlighted in yellow... that's the class right opposite mine. Amber was looking in that direction whenever she came around. Was she... looking for him?

My mind was spinning now. What was all these?

Data on students? This was only one of the black files. What were the rest? Could my data be inside somewhere too? Would my name have a bunch of scribbles like Leon?

I have to stop. This was getting crazy. What sort of job needs to keep this sort of information anyway? I snapped the file shut and took a deep breath.

I looked at her one more time before making my way out. I shouldn't have gone through her things; it wasn't right for me in the first place. And it's making me feel weird about everything. Drugs? Student data? It's as if she's involved in illegal activities.

Did I fall for a criminal? No, no, no. I slapped my cheeks for having those insane thoughts. Does Amber seem like the type of person? No! She was kind, caring, brave and true to us. There's no way she's involved in anything bad.

I took out my phone and texted her, "Get some more rest. You looked really tired. We could meet in the evening for that date." I sighed. I have to tell her what I did tomorrow, maybe, just maybe she'll really let me know what's happening.


Normal POV

I blinked my eyes open and found myself snuggled under my covers. Did I fell asleep? I sat up on my bed, scanning my room for my boyfriend. The room was dim and only my table lamp was on. He already went home, huh. Ah, I can't believe I fell asleep just like that.

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