Chapter 20

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Normal POV

I broke down yesterday night, feeling my absolute worst. I know that Kuroo and I could still be together even if he finds out who I really am. But was I willing to be that selfish person who consistently made others worry just so that I can be happy while others are not?

I was at HQ with the full team since eight in the morning. We spent the morning running through our plan one last time. Now, slightly afternoon, we were suiting up to move out for the school. I had some spare time, so I checked my phone for notifications.

That's odd, no texts from him. He would normally send me a text asking if I've eaten or not or encouraging me on for work. "Kageyama, you're moving out first. Team Alpha and Beta will move in later," Kasun-san's voice crackled over my earpiece. I brought my hand up and pressed the button to reply to him, "Yes sir, on my way."


Kuroo's POV

I left my house around three in the afternoon to make my way to school. When I arrived, the school was empty. There wasn't even any security at the entrance. I'd never seen the school so deserted before; there would at least be a few teachers working overtime in the office.

I scrunched my face as I grew more worried. I didn't text Amber, nor did she text me. I decided to wait around to wait at the nearby park where I viewed the school's main gate. An hour or so later, I spotted Mr Deki, my chemistry teacher, dressed in a black hoodie, entering the school. He carried a relatively large backpack, which was unusual and his hair was messy, making him almost unrecognizable.

I knew that there would be a teacher or two to come back on the weekend, but why was it only him? And dressed so suspiciously? I nibbled on my thumbnail and continued watching. Where were you, Amber? Was my hunch wrong after all?

Not long after Mr Deki had gone into the school, a couple of black cars pulled up, and many people came out of them. They were all dressed similarly to Mr Deki, black tops, black bottoms, some even had caps and I didn't recognize any of them. I glanced at my phone, indicating it was around five in the evening. More cars continued to pull up and one large black van.

I squinted my eyes to see what the men were doing at the back of the van. I almost fell out of my seat as I saw them distribute out firearms. What the hell? Are those... for real? Amber, you're involved in this?! I quickly took my phone out, typed out "don't go for work today" but stopped myself before sending it.

No, this was something she took pride in doing. She must have a plan to stop all these. I deleted my text and kept my phone.

The more I watched the strangers alight and made their way into the back of the school, where the gym was, the more my heart sped up and cold sweat formed on my forehead. I was shaking my legs in my seat, worried about what's going to happen next.

"Close up the gates!" Someone barked the order from inside the school. A few guys dressed with armor plates rolled the gates shut and positioned themselves at the school building entrance with I presume were M16s in their hands.



A white car pulled up; three men came out of it in full body armor. This time they had the word TMPD on the back of their vests. They were equipped with headsets and armed with their standard secondary firearm. My heart thumped nervously but seeing them so poised and confident gave me hope that they knew what they were doing.

One last person stepped out of the car, mesmerizing me yet again.

Kageyama Amber, the one who stole my heart, exited the car radiating with confidence. Her face was stoic, eyes immediately scanning the surroundings and she slipped on her TMPD jacket. My jaw dropped as I watched her carry the name of Japan's core military association with such little shoulders that my arms could wrap around.

I stood up from my seat and crouched closer to them, hiding behind tall and thick bushes. "Alpha and Beta in position. Echo, update," their walkie-talkie crackled on from one of the men. "Echo in position, standing by," I recognized that man. He was the one that sent Amber home that night. The group of four jogged up to the school wall and waited for further instructions.

"This does look like a spot that could be easily jumped over. Will they even evade through here?" The man with the scar spoke, facing Amber. "It's a low possibility, but it's an easy route to escape from the greenhouse." Her voice was cold and seemed relentless.

It sent shivers up my spine, seeing her be a totally different person. There was no trace of her bright smile, warm laugh or sparkling eyes. She looked like a machine, ready to pounce at anybody.

"Alright. Team, we may not be on the front lines, but we play an equally important role. We're here to defend this spot even if it costs us our lives. It's time we put an end to this drug rig and prevent any more innocent kids from going down the wrong path," He huddled the rest in a circle and gave a pep talk. "Roger!" They all answered simultaneously and it gave me goosebumps.


Normal POV


It started. Team Alpha would've stormed in by now. I was standing next to Takshi-san, the guy who dropped me off, the one in charge of my team. Kasun-san was with team Alpha, charging in with the SWAT team. Kasun-san was the one in charge of me. He was the closest to me in the whole of the TMPD, Ministry of Defense. I couldn't help but worry about him.

"Don't worry about Kasun-san, Amber-kun. I'd worry more about you, though," he faced me. I stared at him, wondering what he meant. He continued, "well, you're young. Very young. Kasun-san picked you from that neighborhood gang, right? I used to question why he would do that. But after seeing your training the past two days, I'd seen why he chose you. You're still inexperienced, it's good to look after others, but you must look after yourself first before anything else. Well, that said, I'm sure you've picked up a thing or two in America. Your intelligence and skills never cease to amuse me."

"Sir, I'll continue to work hard. Though all I've been doing in America was undercover work, it helped me out in this assignment. I hope to contribute more in the future," I gave a bow toward the superior standing in front of me. "Good to hear," he responded and focused back on the screen of the computer. I did the same as well.

But, I heard some rustling at the bushes coming from behind us. I took out my sidearm, aiming at the array of flora.

A loud spray of bullets erupted from inside the school that made me snap my head back. "Alpha team had made contact with their primary defense. It should all progress very fast now. Team, in position!" Takahi-san barked out the status and called us in positions.

Casting one last glance at the bush behind me, it must've been my imagination, I thought and ran to the other direction beside my other two members.


The next few minutes seemed to last an eternity. A constant rhythm of bullets firing and muffled orders from both parties. I wanted to join them and help them too. Standing on the other side of this wall was the total opposite of that.

Just then, our headsets crackled on, "Echo team, we need backup. There was an emergency exit underground. The other end of the tunnel is at seventh Genki lane. Rendezvous there with extra men!"

Takshi-san spun his head around and looked at us. His eyes were dead focused, a million thoughts ran through his mind and he finally gave us his orders, "Norumi, you're with me. Hyosuke, stay and man this position with Kageyama. Don't underestimate anything, stay focused, stay alive."

He quickly patted us on our shoulders and ran off with Norumi-san. Hyosuke-san and I were the only two left. We looked at each other and nodded our head firmly.

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