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New slightly shorter chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   "Hoo~ly shit!" Kai yelled, air bubbles floating up to the surface. "You both are mates!"

   "WE'RE WHAT?!"

   "Mates," you sighed. "Every mermaid and merman has a special person that they'll be most compatible with. With that person, you'll create the best offspring and is the only person that you can experience true love."

   "So—So you're saying that I'm obligated love you?" Taehyung questioned. You blinked in shock and slightly moved backwards.

   "Well, when you put it like that, it sounds terrible," Kai said while wrapping an arm around your shoulders.

   "N-No, I didn't mean it like that!" Taehyung exclaimed. "I meant it like, we're meant for each other? Like no other person will ever love me as much as you could?" You nodded. "I don't even know your name!"

   "I'm Y/N Huening," you said.

   "I—well, anyway, Kai, do you have a mate?" Taehyung questioned while using his arms to scoot forward, as his tail was too hard for him to figure out how to use.

   "I've been in Korea for a couple years, right?"


   "You haven't seen me with an unknown significant other, have you?"


   "Have you ever seen me near any type of water?"


   "Then no. I don't."

   "Kai, you're so mean! Be nice," you scolded while slapping his arm. Kai winced and bowed with an apologetic expression on his face.

   "Sorry, Sunbae," apologized Kai.

   "Nah, it's okay. And just call me Tae-hyung."

   "Sunbae or whatever your name is how'd you even fall down here? Kai told me that he forbid you guys from climbing the mountain," you questioned while leaning back on the wall.

   "My name is Taehyung—or Oppa for you—and my best friend Jimin and I decided to climb the mountain for the sole reason of Kai not wanting us to climb it."

   "So you both decided to become rebels?"

   ". . .Maybe."

   "Okay, but that still doesn't explain how you ended up down here, Sun—er, Hyung," Kai pointed out.

   "I challenged Jimin to a race up the mountain when we were almost at the top and he fell and twisted his ankle. Then he got mad at me and pushed me but didn't see the opening in the ground.

   "Oof," you gasped.

   "Yeah . . ." Taehyung coughed.

   "Who all was up there with you?" Kai asked while sitting down on the moon pool floor.

   "Uh, it was all of my members and me."

   "Are they all still up there?"

   "How would I know? I've been down here," Taehyung chuckled.

   "Oh yeah."

   "Taehyung, you're going to have to stay with us in the cave room," you sighed while closing your eyes.

   "What cave room?" Taehyung questioned while cocking his head to the side, his blondish brownish hair floating everywhere around his head.

   "The cave room is my room," replied Kai. "In the room, we have a pool that leads out to the ocean. That's how Y/N and I left the house earlier for the moon ceremony without being detected."

   "Is that also where you've been residing, Y/N?" asked Taehyung. You nodded and cutely sneezed, air bubbles floating upwards. Taehyung awed and reached forward unconsciously to ruffle your hair. You blushed deeply and slapped his hands away.

   "The soulmate affection has already started," Kai chuckled evilly while rubbing his hands together. You gave him a weird look and he coughed and apologized.

   "Wait, so how am I supposed to come back? Like, I'm pretty sure they think I'm dead and I can't swim with this thing," Taehyung pointed out while gesturing towards his new tail. All three of you went silent as you all were in deep thought.

   "Oh! I know!" you exclaimed. "Kai and I will help you swim back to our cave room, where you'll sleep for the night. Then, in the morning, we'll swim you over to a beach and help you dry your tail. After that, you'll walk back up to the house claiming that there was water at the bottom of the mountain, and you were able to swim back. If they question why you're fully dry, say you fell asleep on the shore from exhaustion." Taehyung nodded.

   "Sounds good to me."

   "Well, we better get going," Kai said whileclapping his hands. "I'm tired as hell."


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends and Merry Christmas!!! (Happy Holidays)~~<3

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