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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   The next morning, Taehyung woke up before you did. He felt disoriented at first, but soon came back to his senses and moved his eyes to you. So gorgeous, he thought as his eyes travelled over your entire body. A smile appeared on his face as his eyes connected with your swollen belly. He was proud of himself for impregnating you. All he ever wanted was a lover and beautiful children. Four boys and a girl, he wanted. You probably wouldn't be too happy with that request at first, but once you saw how cute they would be, he knew you'd change your mind.

   After checking if you were still asleep, Taehyung moved his hand underneath your large shirt—which was actually Taehyung's as he had given it to you after aftercare—and began to massage your stomach, his face moving in between your neck and inhaling your calming scent as well. Another lazy smile spread across his face and he pulled you closer to him, never wanting to ever let you go again. "God, I love you so fucking much," Taehyung whispered while unconsciously tightening his hold around you.

   "I love you, too," you faintly slurred, causing Taehyung to quietly chuckle.

   "Good morning, my love," he greeted tiredly.


   "How was last night, baby?" Taehyung asked worriedly. "I wasn't too rough, was I? I didn't harm our baby, right?" You giggled.

   "Last night was amazing, Oppa," you reassured while raising your hand and placing a hand on his cheek. "And our baby is just fine, I think. He or she will be out sometime this month." Taehyung smiled brightly.

   "I can't wait," he said. "We'll be our own little mermaid family."

   "We sure will," you grinned.

   Right at that moment, Taehyung's phone rang from the ground. With a groan, Taehyung rose from the bed and retrieved it before hurrying back to the bed. At some point during your session the night before, Taehyung's members spam called them multiple times, causing Taehyung to grow frustrated and throw it away from them, a small crack spreading across the screen.

   "Yes?" Taehyung questioned annoyedly once he accepted the call.

   "Where are you?! Why aren't you answering our calls? Are you feeling better?" Seokjin fired rapidly at him. Taehyung held the phone away from his ear until he was sure Jin was done.

   "I had better things to do," Taehyung shortly replied while winking at you with a smirk. You blushed and buried your face in his bare chest.

   "You sound better . . . Is Y/N there with you?" Taehyung pressed his lips tightly together.

   "That's none of your concern." On the other side of the phone, Seokjin sighed.

   "Just . . . Just bring her with you to recording, yeah? I know you just got her back, but we can't push off recording any further." Taehyung remained silent. Jin sighed again.

   "We'll be there, Seokjin," you answered for your mate when you noticed he wasn't going to answer.

   "I . . . Okay. See you there." Taehyung hung up the phone.

   "We aren't going, sweetheart," Taehyung finally said while tossing his cracked phone to the side. "We just made love. You need to rest."

   "Babe, I'll be fine," you assured while cupping his cheek. He leaned into your touch with a satisfied sigh. "Plus, I want to hear you sing."

   "You can always here me sing, my love," Taehyung pointed out.

   "I want to be the first person to hear your new songs." A pout settled on your lips as you stared at your mate with wide and pleading eyes. Taehyung knew he wouldn't be able to say no when you were looking at him like that and immediately said yes, the both of you leaving your new home only thirty minutes later.


   Taehyung opened the door to the recording studio very quietly, you following behind with your grip on his arm silently. All eyes turned towards Taehyung, then to you, and then to your belly. Your face flushed red, and Taehyung immediately noticed, slightly pushing you behind him protectively.

   "H-Hello, Y/N," Hoseok said with a hesitant smile. You tightened your grip on Taehyung's arm, afraid that they'd try to separate you from him again.

   "We're only here because my mate wanted to hear me sing," Taehyung shortly stated. "After that, we're going back home."

   "S-Speaking of which, why didn't you tell us that you were building a house?" Jimin questioned while slightly stepping forward. Taehyung stared at him blankly.

   "I'm sure you know why." Jimin shut his mouth.

   "TaeTae, can I sit?" you quietly asked while tugging on his shirt. Taehyung immediately turned around and nodded, leading you over to an empty chair. Once you sat down, Taehyung pecked your lips and bent down, pulled your shirt up, and placed a kiss right on your stomach.

   "I love you both," Taehyung whispered quietly, a loving smile on his beautiful face.

   "And we love you," you replied while placing a kiss of your own on his lips. Taehyung smiled again before standing up and making his way towards the recording studio in between Jimin and Seokjin.

   When the men began to sing, you were extremely surprised by how beautiful their voices actually were. The rapping was amazing as well. However, none of their voices could compare to Taehyung's—at least to you. Since becoming a merman, his voice had gotten ten times better and more mysterious than it already was, surprising everyone in the room. It almost rivaled a siren song; everyone was completely mesmerized.

   When all of their recording was finished, Taehyung immediately rushed out of the recording booth and gently lifted you up onto his lap, not wanting to be even five feet away from you. A small giggle escaped your lips as he buried his face into the crook of your neck, both hands caressing your stomach lovingly.

   "Y . . . Y/N?" You looked up to see the rest of Bangtan standing in front of you both. Taehyung rolled his eyes.

   "Did you need something?" you questioned. The boys exchanged glances.

   "We—We just wanted to apologize to you and Taehyung," Namjoon sighed. "We're so sorry for what we did. Probably the worst thing we've ever done in our lives." You gave them a small and hesitant smile.

   "I won't say it's okay, because it's not." They lowered their heads. "But I will try my best to forgive you, and Taehyung will as well."

   "Yeah right," Taehyung scoffed.

   "Thank you, Y/N," said Seokjin.

   "It's whatever. Now, take me home, Taehyung. I want a full house tour!"


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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