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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3



   No answer.

   "TaeTae-hyung~," Kai whined. Taehyung groaned in response. "Hyung, we've got to go to the kitchen to eat. I'm pretty sure Yeonjun-hyung is cooking breakfast this morning." Taehyung groaned again and snuggled more into what he was holding.

   Wait . . . what was he holding?

   Taehyung's eyes snapped open and he gasped at the sight before him. There, in his arms, was . . . you?!

   "Oh, yeah," said Kai. "Sometime during the night, Y/N let go of me, allowing you to pull her into your arms and you both cuddled all night long. You two are a cute couple."

   "We're not a couple," Taehyung pouted. "Plus, I barely know her."

   "Yet, you're cradling my sister close to your chest protectively with her face hidden in the crook of your neck as you caress her hair lovingly," the young merman deadpanned. Taehyung froze in his movements and hurriedly placed you down gently on your wet pillow and pushed through the water to put some distance between the two of you. Kai laughed at him and Taehyung scowled.

   "Anyway, we have to go out now. We have to eat and I'm pretty sure that Namjoon-sunbaenim mentioned that the wanted to go to an aquarium today." Taehyung nodded and scooted his way out of the sleeping pool, using the air that came from his hands to dry off his new tail. Once his legs were formed again, he got up from the ground and got dressed into his regular clothes. After that, he met Kai at the door and left the room, all without waking you up.

   "Okay, let's go," said Taehyung.

   The merman duo exited the room and made their way over to the kitchen, where everyone already was. Taehyung waved and went to go sit by Jungkook and Hoseok.

   "Hi, Hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed happily.

   "Hey, Kook," Taehyung smiled.

   "Hey, Tae, how'd you sleep?" Seokjin asked while helping Yeonjun place the food on the table.

   "Like a baby," Taehyung replied.

   "I'm sure you did," Kai snickered. Taehyung glared at him.

   "Huh?" Taehyun questioned.

   "Uh, um, guys? Do you mind if we go to the aquarium? I mean, if you guys don't want to go, then I can always go by myself . . ." Namjoon began shyly. Everyone cooed at the gentle giant, causing him to flush red and hide his face.

   "I mean, I don't mind. I'm sure nobody else minds, right?" asked Seokjin. Everybody shook their heads. "That settles it! Once everyone's finished eating, go ahead and get ready to head out. Joon, call the drivers."


   Slowly, you woke up in your shallow sleeping pool all alone. You looked around and noticed that it seemed like your brother and mate had been gone for quite some time now.

   A yawn left your lips as you dragged yourself out of the pool. Today, you decided you would visit your animal friends in the aquarium. Around once a week, you'd go to the aquarium and just talk aimlessly with the creatures. You couldn't understand them, but you like to think that they could understand you.

   After drying your tail, you got up to get ready. You brushed your teeth and packed some clothes and your phone in a waterproof bag, as you'd have to swim out of the cave and onto a secluded beach in order to leave. Normally you'd just walk out the front door, but with Kai's friends residing in the house, you couldn't.

   You groaned in annoyance. Now you had to go all the way to the water and swim all the way to the beach and then expend energy to produce air to dry of your tail and then get dressed and call an Uber! So complicated!

   With a sigh, you dove into the water and set out on your way to the beach. On the way there, you grabbed some sea urchins to eat for breakfast.

   Soon enough, you reached the beach and were all changed into a cute yellow sundress and white strapped sandals. After that, you grabbed your phone and called up and Uber, too lazy to walk all the way to the aquarium.

   Once you arrived at your destination, you paid your fair and entered the building after greeting the staff, who recognized you from you previous visits.

   "Hey guys!" you whispered excitedly once you reached one of the giant fish tanks. Some of your fish friends swam towards you and bumped their noses against the glass, seemingly recognizing you. "How are y'all today? Are the workers feeding y'all enough?" The fish stared back at you blankly and you giggled adorably.

   "Alright, friends, I'm going to move over to my crustacean friends. I'll see you all next week, okay?"

   They didn't answer (obviously).

   "Okay, good! Bye guys!" you smiled brightly before skipping away to the crabs and lobsters and stuff.

   "Helllloo my friends!" you exclaimed loudly once you entered the room, not even caring about the other people inside, until you froze.

   Of course Kai and his team of celebrities had to be there right at that moment.

   You scowled pretty hard at Kai, who secretly flipped you off before walking over to the crabs. There was a tall, lean, and muscular man that were gazing upon the cabs with an awestruck expression on his face. You giggled quietly before turning away before he noticed you staring.

   "Hi little buddies—"


   You once again froze before you turned towards the voice slowly with wide eyes. Once you made eye contact with the owner of the voice, you glared so darkly at him that he flinched and mouthed, "Sorry".

   "Taehyung, you two know each other?" the tall man from beside you asked while looking between the two of you back and forth. He must be a part of Taehyung's band.

   "I—Uh, I—"

   "We met at the beach the other day. Just exchanged hellos and each other's names before we parted ways," you effectively lied. Taehyung sighed in relief before giving you a thankful look. You glared at him again.

   "Oh, okay. Cool," one of the other guys said.

   "Yeah . . ." Taehyung mumbled.

   "Hyungs and Sunbaes, I'm getting kind of tired. Can we head back to the house?" Kai suddenly said, coming to yours and Taehyung's rescue.

   "Yeah, I'm getting kinda tired, too," Yoongi yawned.

   "You're always tired," scoffed Seokjin.

   "Alright. We can go then," the tall man from beside you said. "It was nice meeting you, Y/N. Have a good rest of your day!" You nodded in acknowledgement before saying bye to the big group of males. As your mate passed by you, you harshly glared at him warningly and when Kai passed, you slapped the back of his head. He whined before flipping you off again.

   After they were all gone, you finishedgreeting your sea creature friends and went back to the beach and swam backhome, where you awaited for the two mermen to reach your shared room, fullypreparing to scold the living daylights out of them.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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