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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

Also, thank you for 100 views already! It only has two (now three) chapters :')


   The next morning, Kai woke up at around ten in the morning and saw his older sister eating his favorite food—sea urchins! Kai squealed and stole the urchin out of your hands, quickly eating it before diving underneath the water.

   "KAI! YOU STUPID FISH! GET BACK HERE!" you screamed as you dove into the water after him.

   "Can't catch me, Y/N!" Kai called out while doing a spin happily and exiting the cave and out into the open ocean. You watched lovingly as your little brother smiled brightly and swim around the ocean in circles.

   "Y/N! I haven't been in the ocean for so long!" Kai exclaimed happily while swimming up to you.

   "I know that. Why didn't you just go in Seoul or where you've been for the past couple of years?" you asked while sitting on the ocean floor, Kai sitting right in front of you.

   "Well, I mean I could've, but I didn't want to risk it. Plus, I didn't have a lot of free time when I was a trainee, nor do I do now."

   "Then how'd you keep from drying out?" you asked while unconsciously stroking your pastel blue tail.

   "I'd just soak in the bath every night," Kai replied while floating a little off the ground. "Well, I better get back to my members before they get worried. Remember not to show yourself!" he said while he started to swim back.

   "I know! Also, there's a full moon in three days. We'll have to sit in the moon pool until the moon has passed over the mountain," you called out as he continued the swim home.

   "Ooh sounds like fun," Kai yelled behind him sarcastically. You snickered.

   Every full moon, you and Kai (or just you) were required to chill out in a special pool of water underneath a mountain for a ceremony-like thing, where the water was always crystal clear blue and would bubble when the full moon was directly over the pool. It was quite fascinating, but boring to you and Kai.

   With a huff that caused air bubbles to float up and pop, you got off the floor and swam back home.


   Taehyung woke up late and groaned quietly at the harsh rays of the sun beaming into his eyes. It was the first time in a while that he had gotten to sleep in, and he was so thankful that he finally could.

   With a yawn, Taehyung unwrapped his arms from around Jimin's waist and unwrapped Jungkook's arms from around his own waist and slowly and carefully climbed out of the bed. Jungkook unconsciously grabbed Jimin by the waist and pulled him into his embrace. Taehyung quietly cooed before exiting the room.

   Taehyung quickly arrived at the kitchen, where he saw everyone minus Jimin, Jungkook, and Huening Kai was. Taehyung quietly greeted everyone before slumping into a stool next to Yeonjun and Yoongi, silently watching Jin cook (he didn't question how the food got there without anyone shopping). Minutes later, the other two members of the Bangtan maknae line groggily trudged into the kitchen, but still no sign of Kai.

   "Hey, Soobin, did anyone knock on Kai's door?" Jin questioned after some time of waiting.

   "Yeah, he didn't answer, and the door was locked. But Kai's always been hard to wake up, so it's most likely that he'll be here soon," replied Soobin.

   Right on que, Kai came barging through his door and ran into the kitchen. Everyone's eyebrows raised as Kai panted heavily with his hands on his knees before collapsing onto one of the stools.

   "Am I late for breakfast?" Kai wheezed.

   "No—" Jin started.

   "Hell yeah! What took you so long?" Yoongi crossed his arms tiredly.

   "I, uh, slept in late and ran around my room to get ready and sprinted into here. Sorry, Sunbae," Kai lied while scratching the back of his head. Yoongi and a couple others narrowed their eyes but let it go. Kai let out a sigh of relief silently.

   "What do you guys want to do today?" Namjoon asked while all twelve boys dug into their breakfast—after thanking Seokjin of course.

   "Ah, Hyung, I'm kinda tired. Perhaps we could just stay inside for today?" Jungkook proposed.

   "Uh, Sunbaes, I actually would really like to go down to the beach. Perhaps some of us can go there and the rest could stay here?" Beomgyu offered. Kai's face paled. If he went to the beach and touched even a drop of water, his tail would form!

   "I'll stay here!" Kai said a little too loudly. All eyes turned to him and he awkwardly cleared his throat before saying a little, "Sorry. But I'll stay in the house."

   "You're a weird kid," Yoongi mumbled.

   "I want to go outside!" Taehyung exclaimed with a boxy grin.

   "I'll go, too," said Jimin. A couple of the other people also wanted to go and were getting ready to leave when a sudden thought popped into Kai's brain. The mountain! They can't go near the mountain!

   "WAIT!" Once again, everyone turned towards the TXT maknae. "Hyungs and sunbaes, there is a very dangerous mountain up there," Kai said while gesturing towards the mountain where the moon ceremony would be held under. "There's no telling what's up there, so please don't risk it. I hope you guys will all follow my advice?" The twelve boys nodded hesitatingly before they all went off to their own separate things.

   Once outside, Jimin and Taehyung glanced at each other before giggling mischievously.

   "We're definitely going up there."

   "Fuck yeah we are!"


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Also, do you guys understand the Moon Ceremony? And the moon pool It's pretty important for the story so it's really important if you guys understand what it is.

Also, what was you guys favorite song from the TXT Blue Hour album? And/Or the BE album? My favorite song from Blue Hour was Wishlist and from BE it's Stay and 병 (Dis-ease).

Anyways, bye friends~~<3

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