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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   It was a very casual day around a week after you two got married in a courthouse. You and Taehyung were chilling on a couple lawn chairs on your private beach while listening to Taehyung's classical music. Apparently, if you listen to classical music like Beethoven and Mozart while pregnant, your baby will be smarter. It probably wasn't true, but you and Taehyung thought it'd be cool to try.

   After a while, Taehyung stood up and went inside to grab some snacks. While he was gone, you decided to just play on your phone.

   And that's when it happened.

   Your water broke.

   "Oh, shit," you mumbled. "Shit!" Your hands made their way to your belly and you carefully rose from your chair. "Taehyung! Get out here now!" Taehyung immediately stumbled out of the house and rushed over to you.

   "What's wrong, baby? Did you hurt yourself?" your mate frantically asked.

   "My water broke!" you squeaked. Taehyung's eyes widened.



   "Fuck! Okay, we need to get you to the midwife. Just let me go get the baby bag and stuff okay?" You nodded and sat back down, starting to feel a bit queasy.

   When Taehyung was back, he lifted you into his arms before taking off towards the ocean and descending in. You hung onto Taehyung's neck desperately as he swam as fast as he could to reach the midwife before the contractions started.

   Soon enough you both arrived, and Taehyung put you into the hands of the midwife. You looked at Taehyung with a scared expression on your face when he turned to exit. "Tae? Where are you going?" He turned back towards you and gently grabbed your face, kissing your lips softly. You eagerly kissed him back.

   "Don't worry, baby girl," he whispered against your lips. "I'm just going to call your brother, okay?" You nodded shyly and buried your face in his neck. "I'll be right back, my love. Keep that baby in you until I'm here, okay?" You nodded into his neck. "Alright."

   While Taehyung was gone, you tried to distract yourself with your phone, but the lack of service underneath the ocean made it hard. After around ten minutes of trying, you eventually gave up and groaned loudly in boredom, which your midwife immediately heard.

   "Are you doing okay, sweetie?" the midwife asked as she raised herself out of the water and began drying her tail off.

   "I'm okay, ma'am," you grinned sheepishly. "I'm just a little bored."

   "I can let you watch Netflix on my iPad if you'd like." Your eyes lit up.

   "Yes, please!"

   Right at that moment, Taehyung swam back into the cave and lifted himself out of the water, Kai right behind him. When both boys' tails were dry, they rushed towards you.

   "Contractions haven't started yet, right?" Taehyung questioned.

   "Is my niece or nephew here yet?" Kai demanded. You slapped his arm.

   "I've been here for less than an hour and my stomach is still big!" Kai blinked once.


   "Don't worry, boy," the old midwife smiled. "She'll be starting contractions at any time now."

   "I'm nervous," Taehyung confessed. "It's going to hurt bad, isn't it?"

   "Yeah, for me!" you exclaimed. Taehyung smiled sheepishly at you.

   "I contacted BTS and told my members what was happening," said Kai. "They all know where you are now and that your three months off starts now. They'll meet us at your house once Y/N is released."

   "Okay, thanks, bro," Taehyung sighed while sitting down in a chair next to your bed.

   Then, all of a sudden, you felt a sharp pain below your chest, causing a yelp to escape your lips. All eyes turned towards you.

   "That was the first contraction," the midwife announced. "They'll start coming in quicker now. Brother, you'll have to step out soon. Husband, you're going to have to wear scrubs if you want to stay here." Yours and Taehyung's eyes widened in fear and Taehyung latched onto your hand tightly.

   Kai snorted. "Good luck with that!" he laughed while leaving the room. Probably to play Among Us in the waiting area.

   Suddenly, you felt panic rise in your chest. You clutched Taehyung's hand tightly, causing him to slightly wince. "TaeTae, I'm scared!" you whimpered. His eyes softened and he bent down beside you.

   "You'll be just fine, my love," he whispered while squeezing your hand gently. "Our guppy will come out healthily and your body with recover quickly. Then when we get home, we can cuddle."

   "But I want to cuddle now!" you whined as tears formed in your eyes. Taehyung cooed.

   "I do as well, baby girl. Just get it over with and then you'll be free." Another contraction racked through your body.

   "Sweetie, go get your scrubs on," the midwife ordered while emerging from a back room with hers already on. She handed Taehyung a set of scrubs and began pushing him out of the main room.

   "I'll be right back, baby!" Taehyung called back. You giggled.

   The midwife was soon back again with a bright and excited grin on her face. Her smile was contagious, and you immediately smiled back at her.

   "Are you ready?" she questioned while stealing Taehyung's chair.

   "As ready as I'll ever be." She smiled again as you once again felt another contraction.

   "Then let's get this show on the road!"


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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