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New slightly shorter chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   "Kai, are you ready to go?" Kai let out a long and loud sigh.

   "As ready as I'll ever be."

   You and Kai were all geared up and ready to swim the long swim to the moon pool. For some reason, you both felt the need to put on tons of heavy jewelry for the ceremony. It was probably just due to instinct.

   "Alright, let's go." The two of you stepped into the water and dived down with you in front of Kai. The water was extremely dark, so your lighter tail helped guide Kai.

   While on the way, both you and Kai picked up some sea snacks that you both could eat during the ceremony, which you probably weren't supposed to do, but oh well. You glanced behind you and snickered at your brother, who was struggling with carrying all of his snacks. Kai glanced up and caught your eyes and scowled. You snickered again.

   Soon enough, the two of you arrived at the moon pool. You both swam into the cave underneath the water and up into the hollowed out mountain, the crystal clear blue water never failing to amaze you.

   You and Kai sat down on the step-like thing in the water and laid back with a sigh. Tonight was going to be a long-ass night, that's for sure.


   Taehyung along with the rest of his members stared up at the mountain in awe. It wasn't that big and there was a trail, but they all still felt a little bit nervous.

   "Maybe we shouldn't have come here . . ." Hoseok started.

   "Well, we're already here, so we might as well," said Yoongi.

   "Yeah! If you hyungs were just going to have second thoughts, then you shouldn't have come," Jimin pouted. Taehyung and Jungkook nodded in agreement. The four older members rolled their eyes and walked ahead of them.

   The trail up the mountain was really beautiful and peaceful. They really couldn't understand what was so dangerous about the mountain. Taehyung didn't see any wild animals except for a few birds. Perhaps Kai was just bluffing?

   "What's so dangerous about this?" Jungkook chuckled while spinning around in circles. "This is probably the most calming walk I've ever been on!"

   "I'm thinking that he must've had one bad experience up here and was paranoid about anyone else having the same experience," Namjoon said.

   "Sounds logical to me," shrugged Seokjin. By this point, they were all nearing the top of the mountain. There was only about 1,000 feet remaining.

   "Jimin, race you!" Taehyung suddenly yelled, running in front of everyone.

   "Taehyung, you little shit! Don't run, it's too dark!" Jimin yelled after him while running to catch up. Taehyung just turned around and flashed him a mischievous smile but kept running.

   All of a sudden, a loud cry erupted into the air, right when they hit the peak of the mountain. Taehyung turned back in alarm and saw Jimin on the ground, cradling his ankle in pain. The second maknae's eyes widened and he went over to Jimin, along with the other members.

   "Jiminie, are you okay—?"

   "No!" Jimin yelled. "I told you not to fucking run!"

   "Hyung, I'm sorry—"

   "A 'sorry' isn't going to fix my twisted ankle, now, is it?" Jimin hobbled onto his feet and took menacing, shaky steps towards his dongsaeng, causing the latter to back up with a gulp.

   "Sometimes, I wish you weren't so fucking childish, do you know that?" Jimin snarled. Taehyung gaped in surprise. "It's your fucking fault that my fucking ankle is twisted, because I was trying to prevent your stupid ass from getting hurt!" Taehyung started shaking.

   "W-Why're you being so mean? I already apologized—"


   "Jimin, you need to calm down. He meant no harm—"

   "You're not the one with the twisted ankle!" Jimin lightly shoved Taehyung backward.

   "Jimin, stop!"

   "Why can't you just grow up? You're twenty-four almost twenty-five for peats sake!"

   "Jimin, be careful! There's a—"

   Another push. "Were you trying to get me hurt, huh V?"

   "Hyung, no—"





   And Taehyung fell into the mountain.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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