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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   Soon enough, Friday came rolling around the corner and the twelve boys were in their vans, on their way to the airport. All of the boys were extremely excited, all except for one.

   Huening Kai.

   The youngest of the bunch failed to warn his sister of the oncoming company that would soon be in their house. Right when he had called to warn her, he chickened out and hung up on her. He proceeded to scold himself in the bath that night as he soaked his tail.

   Kai's eyes darted every which way around the van. Perhaps if he texted her now then she'd be prepared enough? Kai nodded to himself and was bringing out his phone, only for the BTS and TXT van to come to a stop in front of the airport. Kai snapped his eyes closed and hit his forehead with his palm before exiting the van after Taehyun.

   After the long walk from outside, through security, and into their private plane, Kai sunk into his seat beside Hoseok and Beomgyu and sighed worriedly. What if the beach house wasn't even clean? Well, he and Y/N rarely even went into the main part of the house, but still! Kai didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his hyungs and sunbaes.

   Just then, as the plane took off the runway, a sudden realization dawned onto Kai and he shot up in his seat, startling Hoseok and Beomgyu. Nobody knew of Y/N's existence! Nobody knew Kai had a sister! Kai groaned and covered his face with his hands. Y/N would need to stay in the secret room for the entire trip, and he knew for damn sure that she wouldn't be happy with that.

   "Hey, Kai, are you okay? Ever since we left this morning, you've seemed really stressed. Your family is alright with us using the beach house, right? We wouldn't want to intrude," Hoseok voiced his concerns worriedly. Kai pushed out his best fake smile and held out an "okay" sign.

   "I'm feeling just great, thanks for asking!" Kai said in an overenthusiastic voice that even Taehyun and Taehyung from the other side of the aisle knew was fake. "I'm just a little tired; I didn't get much sleep last night. And of course they're okay with it! Why wouldn't they be?" Beomgyu gave Kai an unamused look, but Hoseok nodded, smiled, and looked away. Kai let out a sigh of relief and put his AirPods in. He'd just have to deal with the problem when the time came.


   Hours and hours later, the plane landed on the ground of Honolulu, Hawaii. The BTS members and TXT members exited their plane with masks and sunglasses on their faces (which confused and weirded out the locals), but they didn't are and paid no mind and just continued on with their lives.

   "Home, sweet home," mumbled Kai as he entered into the second van along with his members. He gave the driver the address and had Soobin text Namjoon the address before playing Among Us on his call phone with a few MOAs, trying to distract himself from his oncoming doom.

   "Are you excited, Hyuka?" Yeonjun asked.

   "Mhm, yeah," Kai fake smiled.

   "It's been so long since you've been here! Are there any good places that you can take us?"

   "Of course there are! There's aquariums, beautiful beaches, restaurants, and so much more!" Kai exclaimed.

   "Times like these, I wish I could swim," Soobin grumbled.

   "I'll teach you, Binnie!" Yeonjun said happily.

   "Hyung just offered that so that he could flirt with Soobin-hyung," Taehyun mumbled. Kai and Beomgyu snickered quietly.

   "What was that Tae?" Yeonjun asked with his eyes narrowed.

   "Nothing!" Yeonjun rolled his eyes and began to play on his phone.

   The closer the two vans got to Kai's house, the more scared Kai got. He was so freaking dead. Y/N was going to toss him into a fire pit and turn him into fish fillet! Kai was too young to die! Kai groaned out loud and placed his head in his hands.

   "Bro, what actually is wrong with you?" Beomgyu questioned.

   "Nothing! I'm fine!" Kai replied with his voice cracking, causing him to wince. Everyone looked at them with a questioning expression and Kai looked away embarrassingly.

   Soon enough, both vans were pulling into the driveway. Kai took a deep breath in before rushing out the van before his members could leave and while the Bangtan boys were getting out.

   "Wait guys!" Kai exclaimed while running in front of everyone. "Let me run inside and make sure everything is in order and clean."

   "No, that's fine," Jin started, "we can help you—"

   "No!" Seokjin stared at Kai with wide eyes, along with everyone else. "I-I mean, it'll only take me a moment, Sunbae. Please let me go first," Kai pleaded, using his huge puppy eyes that he learned how to use from watching Jungkook on videos. Jin stared at him for a moment before sighing.

   "Aish, okay. Using those damn puppy eyes—go before I change my mind!" Kai grinned before running over to the front door and grabbing a spare key from underneath a large shell. The merman—merboy?—then proceeded to unlock the door and rush in, locking the door behind him.

   Quickly, Kai made a beeline towards the door that led to their cave room and slammed it open, emitting a scream from the girl inside.

   "Kai!" the girl exclaimed once she saw who it was. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

   "Y/N, I'm going to need you to stay here and not come into the rest of the house for a couple of months," Kai said frantically while giving his sister a quick hug.

   "What? Why?" the mermaid shrieked while Kai refused to meet her eyes.


   "Kai! You've been in there for quite a while. Are you okay?" a voice—most likely Namjoon's—called from outside. Y/N's eyes went wide, and she stared at her younger brother.

   "Y/N—I—okay, look, they mentioned that we were going to have a vacation here, and I accidentally mentioned this place." Y/N's stare turned harder. Kai flinched.

   "I know I screwed up—"

   "Damn right you did."

   "—but it's too late now! I can't let them live on the streets!" Y/N sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

   "Alright. Whatever. But they better not find out about our secret or ever come in this room, you hear me?"

   "Yes ma'am!" Kai saluted.

   "Good. I expect you to sleep in here every night and to distribute the other rooms evenly, okay?"


   "Go then!"

   "Right. Kai scrambled out of the cave room and ran to the front door, where he unlocked the door and let everyone in. While everyone looked around in awe, Kai gave a tour of the house and gave everyone their room before telling everyone to never enter his room (the cave room). They all hesitatingly agreed and went into their rooms that they were assigned to get some much needed rest.

   With a sigh, Kai entered the cave room and allowed himself to change into his merman form, where he proceeded to cuddle with his sister in the shallow end in which they slept in and allowed himself to succumb to the darkness.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!! Please make sure to vote and comment, it really does help.

Bye friends~~<3

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