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Last chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   After being intimate together a couple months later, you and Taehyung were cuddled up close to each other, your naked bodies pressed close together. Currently, you were on birth control pills, as you wanted to wait a little while before you got pregnant again. Taehyung didn't like using protection. Well, at least not the physical one.

   "Taehyung?" you said, quickly gaining the attention of your husband. "Can we set up a date for family pictures?"

   Taehyung smiled and kissed your cheek. "Of course, sweetheart," he agreed, as he had been want some pictures of the three of you anyway.

   You grinned happily and buried your face into Taehyung's chest, your hand resting on his stomach. He didn't have any abs, but you could hardly care less. His pudgy little tummy was adorable. "I'll make the call in the morning," you declared, your voice muffled from Taehyung's chest.

   "Okay," he said with a yawn. You smiled again.

   "Goodnight, TaeTae," you cooed.

   "Goodnight, my love."


   A couple days later, you, Taehyung, and Ellie were in a pasture on one particular evening. All three of you were wearing nice white clothes, and you and Taehyung were extremely excited to see the outcome of your photos. Taehyung had hired one of his trustworthy friends to be the photographer, so you both could be sure that the pictures won't be leaked.

   "So, we're doing two different shoots today, right?" the young man asked with a polite smile.

   "Ah—Yes," you replied. "Some photos with Ellie and some with just Tae and I."

   "Alrighty!" The photographer exclaimed. "Let's get started!"

   The first shoot you'd be doing would be the couple shoot. You and Taehyung pecked your daughter's lips and her forehead before setting her down in her carrier.

   "First, I'd like to see you, Taehyung-hyung, to stand close to Y/N-ssi with your arms wrapped around her waist, staring into each other's eyes," he requested while checking his camera settings. Taehyung nodded and did as asked. Once you were both in position, you found yourself getting lost in his gorgeous brown eyes. Staring into them, you were hypnotized, falling in love with him all over again.

   "So beautiful," Taehyung whispered, his eyes displaying all the love that he had for you. "And all mine." Unconsciously, his face buried into your neck and he began to kiss you where your mark would be.

   "Yes, just like that!" The photographer praised. "Just continue to act natural!" Taehyung smirked at that and lifted his head up to place a sweet kiss on your forehead. Your eyes closed in bliss and your arms moved around his neck. "Beautiful! Hyung, give her a kiss now!"

   "Gladly," Taehyung purred before connecting your lips together. Faintly in the background, you could hear the photographer calling out praises, but all you could focus on was the feeling of Taehyung's soft lips against yours. Lovingly, his lips moved against your own, cucking and biting them in order to get the most of you. You moaned softly against his mouth as he pried your mouth open with his tongue and guided your own tongue into his mouth.

   "Okay, nice! I got some good pictures." Immediately, you both snapped out of your stupor, separating your lips. A thin string of saliva was still connecting you both together. Embarrassingly, you waved it away. You both had completely forgotten that there was someone else there. "Are you two ready for the family pictures?" Taehyung nodded with an awkward cough and you went to grab your baby.

   The pictures you took with your daughter were beautiful. You and Taehyung posed with your daughter cutely and lovingly. The both of you took turns holding her while the other would hold each other.

   "Okay, okay, Hyung, for the last picture I would like Y/N-ssi to hold baby Ellie close to her chest while you have your arms wrapped around her, kissing Y/N-ssi's forehead." Taehyung nodded and passed Ellie to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. He gave a quick peck to your daughter's head before looking up and pecking your own head. A few moments later, you heard the camera shutter go off and Taehyung pulled away with a quiet smack. "Perfect!"

   "Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to take pictures of us," you said gratefully while walking over to the carrier to set Ellie in.

   "You're so welcome!"

   "We'll leave first," Taehyung announced while grabbing the handle of the carrier. "Ellie is probably starving."

   "Well, that's quite alright," the photographer smiled. "You two have a good night!"


   A few days later, you and Taehyung received the pictures you had bought. Happily, you both bought picture frames and hung them up all over your house. You both loved the pictures very much.

   At the moment, you and Taehyung were laying bed after putting Ellie to sleep. Taehyung was deep in thought as he stared at that last picture you both had taken, which had the sun on the other side of them, so their faces were unable to be seen. He wanted to post it, to let the world know about his two beautiful girls But, he was afraid. If you and his daughter ever got hurt because of one of his fans, he'd never forgive himself.

   "What's wrong, babe?" you asked curiously after noticing the conflicted expression on his face.

   "I . . . I want to tell ARMY about us. I want to post the picture where you can't see our faces so that they don't know who you and Ellie are. I feel as if I'm betraying them if I don't tell them that I'm married with a child. I know there are people that feel as if they're generally in love with them to have hope for nothing." Your eyes widened at the information load that your husband just dumped on you. What he was saying made sense, but you didn't want to risk your baby's safety.

   "Okay," you finally said, agreeing with him. "You can do it, as long as Ellie and I aren't revealed." Taehyung smiled.

   "Of course not, my love," he purred while pulling you into him embrace. "You and our guppy will remain completely unscathed."

   The moment Taehyung pulled up Weverse, he began typing away all that he felt the need to say to his fans. He spoke about you and your daughter with so much love and fondness. He just wanted to shout to the world that you were his and only his. Once he added the picture and uploaded that and the paragraph without permission, he placed his phone down onto the nightstand and took you back into his embrace. "I love you so much, baby," he whispered while pecking your lips sweetly.

   "And I love you." A sudden thought then popped into your mind and you chuckled. "We would've never met if it weren't for you and Jimin's pure stupidity."

   Taehyung laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head. "Oops?"



That's it, guys! Thank you all so much for reading this story!!! I enjoyed reading it a lot:(

The epilogue is going to be up right after this, so keep scrolling! I'll post the next book cover ip on that one.

Again, thank you all so much for reading! Bye friends~~<3

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