Ch. 22

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   After the school is ended, as usual, Alfred is supposed to wait at the front of the gate, but I didn't see him anywhere. Instead, I saw Bruce waiting in the front gate. "Uncle Bruce!" "Alisa, how's school today?" "Same as usual." "I see. Let's talk inside, Alfred's waiting." "Are you finished your work? You're early." "Yes I am. Do you have a homework?" "Yeah, I'll be on it as soon as we arrived. By the way Uncle Bruce, there's someone name Alex Bressett who offered me an engagement at school." "What?! Alex Bressette, son of the CEO of the Bressette Inc.?" "Yeah, but I already turned him down, but you should be prepare because I think Alex might tell his parents and then come to you." "I see, I'll be prepare from now, thank you for the warning." "Please keep this as a secret from Dick, I don't want him know." "Okay Alisa, rest assured."

   We finally arrived at home, I straight went to my room to take a bath, after that I started working on my homework. 30 minutes later, a sudden knock from outside surprised me. "Alisa, it's me! Can I come in?" "Yes Dick, come in!" "What are you doing right now?" "Homework. I might have to skip dinner because this homework is endless." "Let me help you then." "Really? You don't have a homework yourself?" "I already finished, besides, I'm the top student at the Gotham Academy." "Haha, what's with you, bragging all of the sudden?" "I thought you'll be flatter." "I am, but I never thought you would do that." With the help of Dick, I can finally be at ease for now. It's true that Dick is the top student right now at the Gotham Academy, according to the poster I saw at the Young Justice series.

   As for myself, I'm also top student after Lucas and Alex, infact, I'm the only female top student in my school. Well, that's simply because I'm a 26- years old bussineswoman in a child body so naturally, I already mastered all of the subjects. "All finished, thanks Dick." "No problem, now let's go get dinner." I couldn't imagine my life without Dick; he's always helping me when I'm in trouble, always introduced me to his new friends and most of all, he made this mansion became livelier.

   "Oh yeah, almost forgot, are you free tomorrow Alisa?"
   "Yeah, why?"
   "Wanna hangout with us tomorrow?"
   "No, you can't, Dick!" Bruce voice suddenly rosen before I answer Dick.
   "Why not Bruce?" Dick said.
   "This is the 4th time of this week you ask Alisa out, don't you think she needs rest?"
   "Oh, come on! It's not like Alisa is gonna say no either."
   "I'm sorry Dick, I'm gonna have to pass this one."

   "Why?" "Well, just like uncle Bruce said. Plus, I think a rest tomorrow since I have a club after school." "Okay, sorry I asked you out frequently." "Don't be, it saddened me also not hang around with you guys." After dinner I said goodnight to them since they will going on a patrol tonight and decided to go to sleep. An hour later, I'm having a strange dream; I saw a building that shaped like a letter T, like a Titans HQ, then I saw Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Speedy, and other 5 familiar figures-green boy, a woman in red suit, half man half robot, a woman in cape, and a red hair lady. Could it be it's a Teen Titans?

   I woke up knowing that I dreamed about Teen Titans because I'm between excited and anxious. Doctor Fate once said that my dream could be a vision as well, so if I dreamed about Teen Titans, that must be Teen Titans will soon be build by Robin and Robin. If this is come true, I'm above exciting. Teen Titans has became one of my childhood favorite and I couldn't imagine if I meet one of them in person.

   The next morning, I couldn't sleep a wink because I still remembering the last dream about Titans. Thankfully it's weekend so I could sleep some more. "Alisa, are you there?" Suddenly Bruce knocking on my door. "Yes, Uncle Bruce, come in." "Alisa, it's almost 8 AM and you haven't touch your breakfast." "I'm sorry. I can't sleep last night and now I wanna go to sleep again." "That's not good. I tell Alfred to prepare a light breakfast and after that you should take a nap for 2 hours." "Thanks Uncle Bruce. Are you busy today?" "Unfortunately yes. I have a meeting at the Watch Tower and Robin is coming with me." "Be careful then, come back safely."

   Bruce then pat my head and start heading out. As soon as Batman leave, I started to take a bath, change my clothes, and heading to the kitchen. "Good morning, miss Alisa. Master Bruce told me that you having trouble sleeping, I will prepare a chamomile tea for you and afterwards, you should rest for 2 hours." "Thanks Alfred." It feels calm and soothing after I drank the tea; most people said that chamomile tea helps you with fatigue and lack of sleep, I didn't believe it at first but after tasting it, I feel like my head's just floating.

   After I finished drinking, I went straight to my room to get nap. When I'm about to open the door, I hear my drawer has been opened; strange, there's only me and Alfred right now in this mansion and Alfred's in the kitchen, so who's rummaging my drawer? I took a peek and I saw someone-pale face, dark circles around his eyes, his eyes are all white, and with weird red costume. I opened the door carefully and thankfully he hasn't noticed yet. "Stop right there!" I said. He then surprised and started to turn around looking at me. "Deadman?!" "Whoa, you know who I am?" "Well kinda. What the hell are you doing in my room?"

   "Okay, first of all, calm down. Second, I was just curious why I can sense magic in this room. Are you some kind of witch of something?" "Sort of, but I still learning. So you came here just because you're curious?" "Why, do you want to kill me now?" "I'm not that type of person. Besides, I've known you for a long time so I can trust you, for now." "How do you know me again?" "Long story." "I've got all times you need, I'm all ears." "Fine. Let me just sit for a bit, I'm tired."

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