Ch. 20

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   The next day, after schools was over, I can see Dick, Wally, Garth, and Roy with their regular clothes; even the proteges are handsome without their costumes, even Aqualad who is rarely seen with regular clothes is even more handsome with it. "You guys! You're early." "Told ya," Wally said, "we can't wait for today." "So, where do we going?" "Not sure, how about we look around?" "Sounds great." Dick said.

   Thankfully we got Alfred who brought the car. Yesterday, Dick and I were ask Bruce for permission to go out with the others; although Bruce seems reluctant, eventually he said yes but on one condition, Alfred has to be there take them. "How about that fastfood over there?" Ask Wally.

   "Fine by me." Dick said.
   "I am fine as well." Garth said
   "Whatever, I'm hungry." Roy said.
   "Ah, yes. I'm fine with anything."

   We decided to eat at the well-known fastfood restaurant in Gotham. While Dick and Wally is ordering, Garth, Roy, and I finding a seats. "Here you go guys! Let's eat!" Wally said. I'm not actually really hungry since I had lunch in school, but seeing the boys eating so much, my appetite just rising to the top again. Ten minutes later, I saw people from outside running as if their life in danger, could it be they're in danger? "Guys? The people from outside, what are they running from?" "Don't know," Dick said, "shall we take a look?" When we take a look outside, a villains just showed up-the Riddler. "Okay guys, let's suit up!" Dick said. "Wait! What about Alisa?" Garth said. "I'll be fine, you guys handle the Riddler." "That can't do," Dick said, "you guys handle the Riddler while I watch Alisa."

   "Hey that's not fair," Wally said, "Riddler is Gotham's enemy, so Gotham need Batman and Robin." "Perhaps I could watch over Alisa instead all of you." Garth said. "Wally's got a point, but I should be the one who watch Alisa." Am I hearing things, they fighting because of me? Despite I'm happy that everybody's fighting over me, but outside the restaurant have a bigger problem right now. "Guys stop! You guys should go there right now, we don't have much time for arguing! Look, I'll be fine, if you guys still worried, I just call Alfred to watch over me." "But Alisa... don't you want me to watch over you instead?" "All of you go now! The city is in danger!"

   I felt guilty a bit for scold at them, but I have no choice but to do so because they're arguing non-stop over nothing. To be honest, I'm alone by myself is fine, but eventually I called Alfred because if they saw me alone and without parental's watch, they definitely will start arguing again. "You called, miss Alisa?" "Yes Alfred, can you watch over me? Dick and the others are... y'know what I meant." "Yes miss Alisa, I shall wait here until master Dick and the others are back." "Thank you Alfred." I offered him a fries and surprisingly, he ate it. 15 minutes later, the boys are back, with their regular attire, Alfred then excuse himself.

   "You guys alright?"
   "Yup. The rest is handed by Batman." Dick said.
   "I see, glad you guys okay. Also, I'm sorry I scolded you."
   "Don't sweat it," Wally said, "if you weren't do that, the city is already wreck."
   "It's not your fault," Roy said, "you did it for our own good."
   "I agree as well." Garth said.

   Then all of us continue eating and chatting. I think this is the first time I hanging out with boys, compared to Anna and the others, this is actually kinda nerve-wracking. In my past life, none of the male employees wouldn't even talk to me beside work, let alone invite me for a drinking party. "Alisa, are you free tomorrow?" Ask Wally. "After school, yes, what's up?" "Tomorrow, we gather at the Hall of Justice, wanna join?" "It's impossible Wal," Dick said, "Bruce wouldn't let her out when evening, even Alisa and I were struggled yesterday asking for permission to hangout." "I didn't know that Bruce could be so overprotective." "So am I."

   "As Dick said just now Wally, yeah sorry, I can't join with you guys tomorrow. Besides Bruce's overprotectiveness, I also have plenty of homework." "What a bum." Finally we're done eating; Dick and I said goodbye to Wally, Garth, and Roy and we started to get in the car. "Was it fun Alisa?" "Yeah, it's good to have friends besides from school." "The boys isn't just my friend, it's your friend also." "Really? Am I already befriended with them?" "Of course! You're my sister, my friends are also my sister." "Thanks Dick."

   After a few minutes later, we've arrived at the Mansion. "I'll see you later Alisa, I'm gonna be preparing for the patrol." "Yeah, sure thing." I'm straight went to my-take a bath, doing my homework, and playing games for a while. I got bored again; it's common since I'm the one who's not in the patrolling, I wonder when I can use my power, I haven't decide yet since I don't use my power and become superhero. After a long thought, I go to sleep immediately.

   The next, when I was arrived at school, Lucas is also arrived at the same time. "Morning Alisa!" "Morning." "Alisa, where were you yesterday after school? I saw you with your brother and his friends, perhaps?" "Oh, you saw me? Yes indeed, they're my brother's friend, I promised to hangout with them yesterday." "I didn't know you have a friends outside school." "Because my brother introduced them to me and all of the sudden, we became friends." "You're not gonna forget me are you? After you have a new friends?" "What? No! What's with you all of the sudden!" "Sorry, I just curious." "Yeah my bad, sorry I upsetting you again." I can see Lucas is changing slowly from the most annoying person I've ever met to the most caring and considerable. Although his behavior of him keeping my photos is still lingering in my head, I try not too think about it and just ask him when the time comes.

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