Ch. 26

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   At morning, single luggage and a travel bag has already there in the lobby. I can see Alfred and Dick at the lobby, but Bruce is nowhere to be seen. "Take care Dick. Here, I packed you some lunch and dessert." "I'm really gonna miss your cooking Alisa. Remember what we talked about last night?" "Yes, be careful out there." Before he go, we hug for one last time. I can't believe I was crying last night, that's wasn't supposed to happen but eventually I did it; maybe it's because I longing for a love from family.

   After Dick left, everything went silent. Alfred just told me to have a breakfast an Bruce is still nowhere to be seen even after Dick's departure. "Alfred, where's uncle Bruce?" "Master Bruce's probably in his room or at the Batcave, miss." "Is he alright after what happened last night?" "I'm afraid not, miss Alisa. Give him some time, he might come to his sense in no time." I went to my room after that and try to use my crystal ball to find Bruce. "Show me Bruce Wayne!" I can see he's still at his room—daydreaming, it might be about last night's event. I dare not to distrub him, but my heart keeps telling me to go after him—calm him down and tell him that everything's gonna be okay.

   "Are you going to him, Alisa?" Nitras suddenly show up. "I'm not sure, It's too early for that. Maybe in evening I will visit him, let's just hope that he didn't go on patrol early." After chatting with Nitras, a notebook from Doctor Fate suddenly shine brightly.

   Dear apprentice, tomorrow on the afternoon, you shall come to my lair for another training. Also, I have someone whom you like to see.

   This is the first time Doctor Fate's gonna introduce me to someone—could it be a fellow magician or someone I knew? I just hope it's not Batman, but it couldn't be Batman since Bruce is still cooped up in his room, plus he can't find out about me, training with Doctor Fate ever since I arrived into this universe. I heard a footsteps coming towards my room and I immediately hide the notebook. "Alisa? Are you there?" It's Bruce knocking on my door after he cooped up in his room for almost an hour. "Uncle Bruce? Yes, what is it?" "Are you free right now?" "I am, why?" Can I talk to you for a minute?" "Oh, sure. Please come in." He must be wanna talk about Dick and what happened last night, no doubt.

   "Uncle Bruce, you've taking a long time in your room, are you alright?" "I'm fine, a bit better than last night. Alisa, Alfred told me that you cried last night, are you alright?" "I'm alright. It's just... it's too sudden that Dick left us." "Are you resent me then?" "What?!" "Dick's left because of  me. I never meant to... make Dick left this mansion, I never blamed Dick for everything, including last night. I'm... worried." "Uncle Bruce, it's fine. I'm not gonna blame you for everything, I'd do the same if I were you because I'm afraid of Dick's safety.  So please, I'm sure Dick someday going to forgive you." "Thank you Alisa."

   After that we ended up hugging each other, it's been a while since we hugged. I never knew this kind of side of Bruce Wayne—the Bruce Wayne I know is tough, fearless, and always goes silent in every moment, but all I see is a caring person, although he's a bit of jerk. I wish Dick would've call me now instead of waiting for him to settle in, even though he just left today, I already miss him so much.

   The next day, precisely in the afternoon, I go to the Doctor Fate's lair; he said that he's going to introduce me to someone, I hope it's not one of the Justice League members. "Good day, Miss Crammer." "Good day to you too, Alisa. You're just in time, the guest has arrived and she's been waiting for you." I'm nervous who's going to meet me, Miss Crammer said 'she' so obviously a woman, other than that is nothing, I can't think of a single clue.

   "Dear husband, Alisa is here." My first glance was supposed to look at Doctor Fate, but I stumbled upon a familiar figure—black tie, top only with shorts, stocking and high heels, and tall hat. "Hello there, is this her Doctor Fate?" "Yes Zatanna." It really is Zatanna—a splendid magician, famous for her backwards spell. "Ah, Miss Zatanna, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Alisa Carlyle." "Such a polite child, hello Alisa. I'm Zatanna, but you knew that. I heard from Doctor Fate that you're his disciple, if you may I'd like to see your magic." "But I'm still learning, I'm afraid you would get hurt." "Don't worry about it, right now you're standing in front of two mage, we'll handle it if there's a mistake." "Okay."

   I just wish that my emotions doesn't affect my actions, because right now I'm nervous compared to when Doctor Fate watching me and train me. I hold my wand and focusing my target to the tree not far from the garden. "Here I go... Kcatta eht eert!" A white beam comes right out of my wand and immediately push the tree and fell. "Not bad for a disciple," Zatanna said, "do you often fight with magic?" "Not necessarily, I try to stay away from that, but I still use my magic for daily necessities like healing, watching, or stalking."

   "I see. Does become a hero has come to your mind? If you do, the Justice League door is always open." "Haha, I think I pass, just because I wanted to avoid someone." "Was it Batman?" "How did y-" "Haha relax, Alisa. Doctor Fate told me everything before you arrival, but don't panic, your secret is safe with me." "Really? Can I trust you?" "Believe in me." "Thank you, miss Zatanna." "Now then, why don't we take a break and have a chat with me? I want to know more about you." "Okay."

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