Ch. 1

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   I have a memory from my past life. In my previous life, I was just regular bussinesswoman—cold and strict businesswoman at young age and thus people hate my personality. It can't be help since I want to everything done at time when in comes to work. There is only thing people don't know about me, I'm a geek. Although people looked at me as a perfectionist, my personality changed 100% when I'm home–enjoying watching or reading comics especially DC Universe. Sadly, people more in Marvel Universe because the movie was a big hit. Though I do like Marvel myself, but nothing beats DC superheroes. Lately I've been interested in Young Justice Universe, because the series and comics were just perfect for me; because the young heroes seems to have perfect normal life-friends that always support each other, lovey-dovey couple, and they not judge based on the appearance. Unlike me, people always judge me based on my personality, any man in my workplace would avoid me since I am a workaholic-I'm kinda envious. All my life I've dedicated to myself to work hard so I can meet their expectations.
   One day, I was on my way to work taking taxi, I had to make it quick since I'm late because I'm spend my time watching Young Justice series all night. I checked the time through my phone and I realized something on the road, a car that hit us from the front; my head got hit by the windows and starts bleeding, my minds turn blank and got dizzy due to the blood-loss; to think this is the way I die, not be able to get along with my colleague, and also to say goodbye to my family, that's what I thought.
That is how I remembered my past life. I woke up in a strange room, bedroom I presume, not to mention a very nice looking bedroom, more like a mansion bedroom. Wait! Am I at the mansion? Where am I? Why I'm here?! I was about to get up and I noticed something uncanny; my feet and my hands are so small, almost feel like I'm 7 years old. I quickly looking for a mirror and when I look at it, I'm shocked. Who is this little girl? And why am I inside someone's body? Her face was definitely not mine and not even close to my childhood figure-black long hair, fair skin tone, blue eyes, and rosy cheeks.
   "Ah Ms. Carlyle! I see that you are awake." A man suddenly appear and he sounds familiar, I stood silently unable to move and I try look back—he was Alfred Pennyworth. It can't be! What is Alfred doing here? Alfred Pennyworth wasn't supposed to exist, he is just a fictional character from DC Universe but how come I saw him? Even his voice and his figures look exactly like the movies and series.
   "It seems that Ms. Carlyle already know me. Master Bruce must be told you about me."
   "M-M-M-Master Bruce?!"
   "Yes, Ms. Carlyle. Come now, master Bruce is waiting for you in the dining hall."
   Why is Bruce Wayne here? He is also fictional character from DC and again, he wasn't supposed to exist in real world. Also I still haven't found out who is this girl that I have been in it for a while? I didn't recall any black-haired girl character that Bruce Wayne adopt. Perhaps, Am I in some kind of DC universe? Am I being revived into this universe? I suddenly passed out since I'm overthinking it too much and I can hear Alfred is calling my name several times. When I woke up again, I'm in the bed again and I'm not alone; Bruce and Alfred were waiting for me while I was asleep.
   "Are you alright, Alisa," Bruce said, "are you perhaps want to have eat here?" Shit! It's really Bruce Wayne—billionaire playboy, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, and Batman, even his voice and his face are the same as the series and movies. Now that I think of it, am I in Wayne's Manor? If this is a dream, please don't wake me up.
   "Bruce...Wayne?" I called him.
   "Yes, Alisa? What do you need?"
   "What happen to me?" That is the first question that I've been wanting to ask since I don't know what is happening and what happen to this girl. Bruce and Alfred facing each other just stood there silently, am I said something wrong?
   "I will tell you tomorrow, Alisa," Bruce said, "but for now, you must be hungry. Let's eat and after that you must go to bed, it's already late." After having a fine dining meal which prepared by Alfred, Bruce taking me to my bed, I can't believe I'm being held by Bruce Wayne, By a Batman.
   "Goodnight, Alisa."
   "Goodnight, Mr. Bruce."

   Although this is interesting, I wish someone could give me an explanation about why am I in someone else's body, not to mention a 7-year old girl body, I'm physically a child and mentally a mature woman. Maybe Bruce know what happen to me, even my reincarnation, I just go back to sleep and find out tomorrow.
Several hours later, I woke up at some plain color room and there's nothing besides me. "Sylvia Anderson...come to me!" I heard my name whispered sound on my left ear; I tried to follow the voice, the more I ran there is no end in this room, then I saw a good-looking guy in front of me.
   "Who are you? Where am I?"
   "Pardon for the intrusion, Ms. Sylvia, my name is Nitras, A light spirit. You must have lot of questions right now, I assume?"
   "Well, yes. First, am I dreaming or what?"
   "Technically, yes," said Nitras, "but this is not a dream, this is real. I choose this place since we can show ourselves in Wayne Manor since they have high-level security."
   "How did y-"
   "Isn't that obvious," ask Nitras, "I'm the one who revived you." I was shocked. Is this for real? Am I really reincarnated by them at DC universe? It's too real for me.
   "You must have lot of question right now, Sylvia Anderson or I must say, Alisa Carlyle?" Nitras said.
   "So the name of this body is Alisa Carlyle?"
   "Correct, Alisa. You were reincarnated at DC Universe as a Alisa Carlyle, an adoptive daughter of Bruce Wayne."
   "That doesn't even make any sense. If I recall correctly, there no one named Alisa Carlyle in DC Universe, either in comic books or movies. So am I just lucky side character that adopted by Bruce Wayne?"
   "As you know, Alisa Carlyle wasn't suppose to exist in DC universe, but I kinda tidy up little bit. I'm the one who made Alisa Carlyle exist into DC Universe."
   "Are spirits allowed to do that? And how do you even know DC Universe? Does Bruce Wayne know all of this perhaps?"
   "No, he doesn't. But it's up to you to tell him that you're reincarnated or just keep it secret. Although he knows Carlyle's story before you entered her body." Nitras said.
   "Can you tell me? I can't wait any longer." Nitras explained to me what has Carlyle have to do with Bruce Wayne; turns out Alisa's father, Robert Carlyle were Chief Manager at Wayne Enterprises and as for Alisa's mother, Luna Carlyle, she works at home. 3 days ago, Alisa's parents got hit by a truck and the only one were survived was Alisa. After the funeral, Bruce took me in as an adopted daughter, the old Alisa must be confused and don't know what is going on with her parent, so that is why when I ask Bruce what is going on they looked suprised, poor child.
   "Now Alisa," said Nitras, "I'm going to give you my blessing in order to survived in this universe." His hands are sparkling and it channeling right onto my body, it feels like I'm floating and energetic, unlike my previous life, I always hectic and anemia due to overwhelm at work.
   "Do you like it, Alisa?" Ask Nitras.
   "I do like it, but Do I have keep this power?"
   "What's wrong?"
   "After hearing your stories about Alisa, I decided to live a normal life like normal people and I intend to stay out of superheroes."
   "It is up to you Alisa. I'm not saying that you should be a superhero, I just want to give a few blessings so you can survive in this universe. Speaking of which, my blessings consist of telepathy, telekinesis, healing power, magic, and fighting skill. Also, you can see anything supernatural like ghost or spirit."  "Do you really gave your blessings this much for me? Why?"
   "Because I have been watching you all along," Nitras said, "see you worked hard and underappreciated by your colleagues is such a waste. That is why I decided to revived you to the world that liked the most and of course, with our power, we tidy up a little bit so you can enjoy your life here." Yeah, no doubt. Everyone's mocking me for my personality despite my hardwork. If this is a chance that they're giving me, I'm going to take it and live my life.
   "One more thing Alisa, if you ever want to ask me, just use your telepathy skill so people won't suspicious. And lastly, I give you this necklace for you, it has also contain healing skill and stealth magic so you can disguise as someone else."
   "I appreciate your kindness, thank you, Nitras."
   "You are most welcome. Let's meet again sometime, Alisa." Just like that, he vanished right in front of me and when I opened my eyes it's already morning.

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