Ch. 4

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   Days went by and so far, living with Dick in the same roof was not so bad after all. Few days ago I apologize for what happened when I immediately went to my room without even say anything, good thing that Dick is a nice person.
   "What's up?"
   "How long have you been here?"
   "Not too long. I was here a week ago, my parents were passed away and thus Bruce Wayne took me in." "I'm so sorry for your loss. My parents are passed away too not long ago." "I'm so sorry, Dick. If it's not rude, may I ask how did your parents had an accident?"
   Dick explained to me that his parents were passed away due to safety during the acrobat. Yes, Grayson's family was a professional and most talented acrobatics in circus. Now that Dick is here, all I need to do is watch him stalk Bruce so he can become the first Robin. "Hey Alisa, can you make me lunch again for tomorrow," ask Dick, "last lunch that you made yesterday is so good." "Well, I was going to make my favorite, so I'm afraid it didn't suit your taste." "Come on, tell me first what are you going to cook tomorrow." "It's stir fry beef with bell pepper and sesame seeds with eggplant tempura."
   "That's sound delicious. Can you make some for me tomorrow?" "Sure." Is it just me or Dick Grayson is a cheerful person to begin with? Or are my appearance affecting the character? Since he is coming to this Manor, he is always begging me to play with him even though I'm doing my homework and even Uncle Bruce scold him a little because he bothers me.
   "You two seems getting along just fine." Bruce Wayne suddenly shows up in the living room while chatting. "What are you two doing right now?" "We're just chatting, Uncle." "That reminds me, Alisa. I already talk to Mr. Kingston about your engagement, he said that he would like to invite you to his house to talk about it together this weekend. We're going to their house this Saturday."
   "Wait, what?! You have a fiancé, Alisa," ask Dick. "Yes, but I'm thinking about breaking off the engagement this Saturday just like Uncle Bruce said." "I see, I'm glad." "You're glad?" "What? No! It's nothing, forget what I've said." Why is he glad when I'm about to breaking off my engagement? Could it be that he's jealous? There's no way, Dick Grayson could be with Barbara or Kory based on my previous memory.
   Next day as I promise, I made a lunch for Dick and also Uncle Bruce, last time Uncle Bruce said that my homemade lunch was good and he asked me to make more, I'm glad that everyone likes my cooking. As usual, Alfred take us to our destination, I said goodbye to Dick and Uncle Bruce when I'm arrived. I saw Lucas again in lobby, he looks like he is waiting for someone.
   "Morning, Alisa."
   "Morning. What's up with you today? It's not usual to greet me, especially in school."
   "You know, yesterday, I saw Bruce Wayne coming to my house. He said about breaking off our engagement, do you really mean it?"
   "Of course. Besides, if your family know that I used to be a mean girl, your parents may be not forgive me."
   "Can you please rethink again? I believe that you've changed. I saw you yesterday apologize to everyone, that's mean you're change."
   "Look, Lucas! I know in the first place when you're going to have a fiancé, your face look displeased, I remembered it clearly. So just take this opportunity as a gratitude and you can thank me later." I left Lucas since he's persistent about our engagement. Seriously, aren't you at least glad that your 'mean girl' fiancé is about to break off an engagement? Whatever, I'm just going to finish school and go home as soon as possible.
   "Alright class! Before we end our classes today, I'm going to giving you a homework, but you're going to have a group consist 5 people. Don't thinking about make your own group, I already make a group for you guys." After the teacher writing the name of the group I looked at it and I'm in the same group with Lucas and Anna, and worst, the other two boys which I'm unfamiliar with, but I know from their behavior that they're best friends and also slackers. Great. Just what I need for this day. Thank God Lucas is the leader, so I won't be bother talking to them. "Since the deadline next week, I want this project finish this week, everyone. I gave each of you an assignment and I expect you done it before Friday after school." Everyone must be jealous that Lucas in my group because his speech was very motivated.
   Later after the last bell rings, I hurried went to the gate where Alfred waiting for me. But not till I reach for the gate, Lucas came, grab my hand and stopped me. "Are you in that hurry to go home," ask Lucas. "What? Let go! My butler is waiting for me!" "Just wait, okay! Do you really mean it? Breaking off our engagement?" "I already told you, yes. What's wrong with you all of the sudden." We kept arguing because Lucas won't let go of my hands, I wish someone is helping me.
   "That's enough, let her go!" Suddenly Dick got out from the car and let go of my hand from Lucas. "Who are you? Don't meddle in our business!" "I'm his brother," Dick said, "now if you excuse me, our father is waiting for us." Dick forcefully held my hand and we straight get in the car. "Who is that kid Alisa? He's so rude to you."     "Well...he's soon-to-be ex fiancé." "What's his name?" "Lucas Kingston." "How dare he did that to my sister. Forcing you to be his fiancé even though you didn't want to."
   "Dick, did you say 'my sister'?"
   "Yeah. You didn't want me to call you that?"
   "N-no, it's just I'm little suprised."
   "Hehehe. I never have a cute little like you, I'm glad that you're my sister."
   "I'm not that cute, you know. But it feels nice to have an older brother too." When we arrived at the mansion, Dick tells everything what happened today to Bruce Wayne, I already told him that he wouldn't have to tell Bruce he insisted. I saw Bruce Wayne immediately grab his phone and call someone, I assuming he's calling the Kingston family since his furious about what happen to me.
   Soon after I take a bath I'm heading to the kitchen to grab a bite, I noticed Dick is following Bruce. I followed them both silently and they heading to a library—where the secret passage to the batcave. I watch him from his back and I can read his mind that he looked stunned.
   "Aren't you curious, Dick?" I tried ask him, instead he is suprised, good thing Batman didn't hear it. "Alisa! You're scared me. Do you know all of this? Where does the secret passage lead to?" "Look for yourself, Dick. What are you waiting for?" We both decided to enter the passage while it still opened. I can't believe I'm going to see a batcave with my own eyes, I hope there's no smell of bat turd. When we arrived, it's really a batcave.—the collection of t-rex, weapons, and even computer, it's too good to be true.
   "What are you doing here?! How did you get in here?!" We immediately got caught by Bruce. "Wow~ you're a Batman," Dick said, "why don't you tell us that you're a Batman?" "Because there is nothing I have to tell you. Alisa, how do you get in here?"
   "Well...Batman," I said, "I'm actually aware that you've gone occasionally after dinner. So I followed you secretly and found the secret passage before Dick. I was waiting for you to tell me, but since Dick is curious as well, I decided to follow him."
   "Okay, you two. I explain this tomorrow and for now, go to bed, it's late."
   "Wait up, Bruce! I want to be your sidekick. I want to avenge my parents murderer," Dick said. I knew this scene would come—a scene where Dick propose to Batman to become his sidekick, Batman refuse him and thus Dick move on his own using a Robin costume. He finally got the murderer of his parents and he became Robin, a boy wonder.
   "There's no way I would let you to be my sidekick, you're too young. It's late, you two head for a bed, I got to patrolling the city."

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