Ch. 12

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   After several hours of napping, I'm heading to the kitchen to find some snacks and cold beverage. Bruce must be busy at the Batcave, I didn't see him around manor.
   "Yes, Alisa?"
   "Could you tell me where's Bruce."
   "Give me a moment. He's still in the Batcave, with his guests."
   "Do you know who the guests is?"
   "It's the main members of the Justice League."
   "...Come again?"
   "The main members of Justice League." I'm shocked. Yesterday was Superman coming to the Batcave, now the main members of Justice League is here? In the Batcave?! I wanna meet them but at the same time, I don't wanna interrupt them. After a long thought, I decided to refrain to meet them, there's plenty of time to meet them, maybe someday Bruce is gonna introduce them to me.
   "Miss Alisa, you're awake."
   "Is Uncle still in the Batcave?"
   "Yes miss Alisa. You're just in time, Master Bruce is asking me to deliver your homemade cookies for the guests, perhaps miss Alisa want to come and deliver the cookies?"
   "Is it okay? I might interrupt them."
   "Master Bruce would be delightful if miss Alisa deliver your own homemade cookies."
   "Who's the guest though?"
   "It's the members of Justice League, miss Alisa." I'm actually scared and happy at the same time, but this is my only chance meeting the Justice League for the first time. With the help from Alfred, I bringing the cookies and tea to the Batcave. My legs suddenly just froze, couldn't walk because nervousness just keep piling in my body.
   "Miss Alisa, are you alright?"
   "As I thought it's impossible. I can't do this Alfred."
   "Why so, miss Alisa?"
   "I'm nervous and shy at the same time. I just go back to the top."
   "Hey Alisa! We meet again." Suddenly Superman just showed up out of nowhere. "Superman! You're here." "Where are you going?" "Upstairs." "Don't you wanna meet the members of Justice League? Bruce is going to introduce you to them." "Thank you Superman, but I think I pass." "Is something wrong?"
   "No. It's just...I'm not good with the other people, especially if they're new, plus I'm shy to meet them."
   "It'll be alright Alisa. Come here." Superman then lift me and carry me carefully, although I showed my embarrassing side in front of him, he's still nice to me and not judgemental. I can see so many people—Wonder Woman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern Hal Jordan version. I can't believe I could see the members of Justice League, with my own eyes. Seeing them gather like this makes me wondered how serious they are.
   "Clark, what took you so long?" Ask Bruce." "It's Alisa Bruce, I think she's nervous." While Superman carried me to here, I unconsciously hid my face because my face is red than usual. "Give her to me Clark, come here Alisa." Now it's Batman's turn to carry me.
   "Are you alright Alisa? I'm sorry I didn't greet you this evening."
   "What is it Alisa? You can tell me, perhaps are you afraid?" I lean my head towards him and whisper. "I'm nervous and shy, that's all. Because this is my first time seeing Justice League, I'm not scared at all." "I see. Then you wanna go upstairs?" "No. I wanna meet them but I'm too shy." "Then, how about you sit right there with Alfred until you calm down?" "...okay."
   While they're working, I just watch them from afar, they must've think that I'm embarrassing—hiding my face while they all looking right through me. They may think that I'm afraid of them but truthfully it's not because it's like dream come true to see the Justice League. Few minutes later, they all finally take a break.
   "Are you alright now Alisa?" Ask Superman. "I'm fine now Superman, sorry for the trouble, it must've been embarrassing for you yo carried me like that just now." "Not at all. It's a human nature to feel that way so please, don't blame yourself." "Alright."
   "Hello there, Alisa." Wonder Woman suddenly showed up next to Superman. "You're Wonder Woman." "You already know me Alisa?" "Yes. You're awesome." "Thank you. It's nice to meet you Alisa." "Nice to meet you too. I'm sorry for the trouble that I've been caused few minutes ago." "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. What are you eating there?"
   "I made these cookies yesterday."
   "Really? Can I try it?"
   "Sure. Here."
   "It's delicious Alisa. Did you make these all by yourself?"
   "Yes. My hobbies are cooking and baking, I'm glad you like it."
   Slowly, people approaching me, it suprised me that they really liked my handmade cookies, it was thanks to Alfred who brought the cookies. Another few minutes later, the meeting is done and each one of them return to their home.
   "Is it done, Uncle Bruce?"
   "It's done Alisa. You must be tired, waiting here for a long time and talked with so many people."
   "They're not that many, besides they've been nice to me."
   "I see that you already liked them. Come, I'll take you to your room."
   After Bruce is changing, he hold my hand and we walk together to the upstairs. I always wondered, does he rest properly? According to the movie, he is restless, even after patrolling all night after he arrived at the Batcave he just go straight to the Bat-computer, only Alfred can make Bruce go to bed. Someone who is restless, his complexion is perfect—no eye bags, pimples, and even wrinkles. Back in my past life, whenever I overwhelmed by work until evening, I instantly got eye bags, now that I think of it, how does he manage the time as a CEO and Batman?
   "There you go, blankets all tucked and here's your doll, do you need anything else?"
   "Uncle Bruce, can I ask you something?"
   "Yes, anything."
   "Does Dick have a friend besides his schoolmates? You know...the superheroes protegee."
   "Yes, he has. When I first bought him to the Hall of Justice, he met Kid Flash and Speedy."
   "Cool. Are they in good terms now?"
   "I think it is. Now, it's already late, go to sleep. Good night Alisa."
   "Good night Uncle Bruce."
   The next morning as usual, we're having a breakfast together. "Alisa, are you free tomorrow?" Ask Bruce. "Since tomorrow is Saturday, yes I'm free. What's up?" "I was hoping that you would come with me and Dick on our little trip. "Where to?" "The Hall of Justice." "The Hall of Justice?!" "Yeah, It'll be fun Alisa," Dick said, "I will introduce you to my new friends."
   "That would be wonderful, but is it okay to bring me to the Hall of Justice as a stranger or in fact, not a superhero."
   "You're not a stranger Alisa," Bruce said, "It will be fine as long as you stay beside me, plus you already know Superman and Wonder Woman so it should be fine." "If that so, okay, I'll come tomorrow." "Then it's settled. Make sure you don't forget."

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