Ch. 29

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   I'm still thinking about Jason's invitation until today. My plan was supposed to meet him first instead the opposite, I postponed it until now because I thought I need to become worthy enough to meet Jason. Not only Jason, I wish I could meet John Constantine too since he's one of my favorite anti-hero and I wanna observe him with my own eyes, might as well I need his help if needed.

   "Miss Alisa, should I prepare your attire for the Gala?" Alfred asked. "Let me do that Alfred, thanks." "I remembered I said to Lucas I will wear the dress from Dick. To be honest, both dresses look beautiful, but I like more from Dick rather than Lucas because it's simple, while Lucas's dress is more lavish and it's not my style at all. After a few hours of getting prepare, I finally got out from my room and ready to go. "You look stunning, Alisa," Bruce said from behind me. "Thank you, Uncle!" "Come to think of it, I've never see this dress before, did you just bought it?" "Why yes, Uncle! Somehow, I felt like in the mood yesterday for buy a dress for the dress." "I see. Are you ready now?" "Yes, Uncle."

   Going to the Gala brings so much memories-both me and Dick are always participated in the Gala. Although we both not the main guests in there, there is always people who says hello without hesitation, including Lucas. Even though it's unclear, I always saw both of them, glaring at each other, I wonder why. Whenever Lucas offers me a dance, Dick is always ask me to reject the offer and dance with him instead. Though I felt relieved back then, I also felt sad whenever Dick says no, I wonder what's going to happen later at the Gala.

   After a long hour, we have arrived and at the same time, I saw one of the family member of Kingston one by one get down from the car and then followed by Lucas. Our eyes met and he's smiling as if he's sees a true beauty. "Mr. Wayne, what a pleasant surprise to see you here!" "Likewise, Mr. Kingston."

   "Alisa," Lucas called, "where is your brother?" "Oh, um... he got tired from school and decided not to come." His smile became brighter and wider than the last time, what is wrong with this kid? I ignore him and reach Bruce's hand and we walk together. Since I've been in this universe, I always got bored of Gala party, although first time I went to Gala and I was amazed, I got bored eventually. "Alisa, I have to say hello to the other guests, you can enjoy the sweets here. Don't go far, I won't be long." Bruce said while reassuring me. "Okay, enjoy uncle!" I immediately go to the dessert section and eat just a few because I already had a dinner. I'm not here to have fun, I remembered that I have to meet Jason, since Bruce is occupied, I might just gonna look for him now.

   "Yeah? Finally you called!" Since I left the Manor, Deadman has been tailing me ever since so that I can call him easier.
   "Find him, as soon as possible!"
   "You got it!"

   "Nitras." "Yes, Alisa?" "Protect me if he's acting odd." "Alright." "Over there!" Deadman shouting and pointed the man, I saw him right in the middle of the room, talking with other guests. It really is Jason Blood—that brown and white hair is really recognizable. After he finish talking, he look around and finally we make an eye contact. Then he signaling his head—told me to go to outside, I follow him cautiously since I still have doubts.

   "Where are you going, Alisa?" Lucas's voice from my back surprised me. "What?! I'm going outside for a bit." "The music is about to start, I wanna dance with you." "Not now Lucas, I need to go outside!" "Please, just once." I'm confuse and angry at the same time, don't know how to distract him and feel like I wanna slap him until drop. I saw Deadman from behind Lucas and come towards him and possess him immediately. "Go," Deadman said, "I'll take him somewhere!" "Alright, but not too far." Then Deadman leave while he still possess Lucas body, now there's no distractions, I finally go to outside balcony. When I reach outside, he's drinking wine while he look at the sky.

   "Alisa Carlyle, or should I say, Sylvia Anderson." "You must be do a background check on me first before meeting me, right?" "Not necessarily. Your arrival is pretty famous around the wizards, you should've know that Rama Kushna's word were true from the beginning." "Even you knew that kind of information. I supposed you want something from me?" He then sigh and put the wine glass beside him. "I'm here because I'm curious how is a little girl like you possessed so many talent and moreover, trained by two certain someone." "Why should I believe you?" "Because I might need your help soon when needed the most." "Sorry, but you're more expert than I am in this matter. Although I still learning, I'm not sure how am I supposed to help you?" "I said soon, not now. Indeed you are still learning, but I know you're not that bad."

   Although his offer is not bad at all, I still need to keep vigilant around him. Throughout conversation, his eyes keep focusing on me as if he's observing whether I can help him or not. "I know you have a question." "A lot, actually, but I just have to keep it in." "Just ask whatever you want." I accidentally keep the question because most of it were too personal, I don't know if he's going to be offended by it.

   "How is it like, be an immortal?" "Void. That's what I'm feeling." "Were you happy with all this?" He then stopped and look at me, considering that my question is too personal. "I was. I don't know about now." The music from the inside suddenly start, the dance must have begin. "Now, go. That boy needs you." "You even know Lucas. If you do something to him, you're gonna have to deal with me!" "I'm not interested in mortals, now go, I want to be alone."

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