Ch. 11

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   "Uncle Bruce, Dick, I'm back!"
   "Welcome back Alisa." Bruce said.
   "Alisa! Did you see my fighting with Batman? Was it cool? What do you think?"
   "It was my first time seeing you both in action, I'm glad I watched it from afar."
   "Hehehe, I hope you watch me fighting more often."
   I hope so too. In my previous life, I always mesmerized by the fighting scene in animated version, but in real life fighting scene, it doesn't keep my expectations high, maybe I'm more into animation instead real life.
  "Alisa, come here. I wanna give you something."
   "What is it uncle Bruce?" He handed me a new smartphone and a tiny pepper spray but it covers with pink glitter, a girl like me won't be deceive just because the pepper spray is covered by a pink glitter.
   "Thank you uncle Bruce, but why is the pepper spray covered in glitter?"
   "Uncle Bruce?"
   "I thought you would be fooled because I covered it with glitter."
   "The bottle is black which is impossible for girls perfume and I can still see a little bit of the product label."
   "It looks like you can't be deceived, Alisa. It's for your protection in case you are bully by others and if you got kidnap since you always play outside school with your friend."
   "I'd like to bring it, am I allowed to bring this to school?"
   "I already contacted the headmaster and a few staffs so just bring it."
   "You can do that?!"
   "Most of the teachers already know me so it will be fine."
   Of course they all knew Bruce Wayne, who doesn't? He is the most prestigious person in Gotham. I can't believe he would do that just for me, is he worried about me that much? Cone to think of it, he's been doing this since the beginning—carrying me, accompany me when I was about to sleep, and even helped me cancelling the engagement, is this the Bruce Wayne I know? Or is it just me that never get a compassion back in my previous life?
   Back when I was Sylvia, people never been nice to me, including my parents, maybe because I'm a plain-jane and sorts. I always wanted an attention from my parents but they ignored me, even when I was working at the prestigious company and became a bussineswoman, they ignored me like an outcast. Maybe Nitras gave me this chance so I can feel what it's like to be in the family and what it's like to be in DC Universe. I've now determined to keep moving forward, not looking to the past, and start my new life as Alisa Carlyle.
   "Now then," Bruce said, "let's have a dinner together and after that, it's movie night."
   "What are we watching?" Dick said.
   "Anything you both want to."
   While we eating dinner, I can see Dick eating so fast, probably because he can't wait to watch a movie together. He got choke about two times and thankfully Alfred gave him a glass a water and Bruce told Dick to be careful because the movie is not going anywhere.
   "What are we going to watch Alisa?"
   "I'm not sure. Let's search together."
   "What about this then?" Dick showed me a Mask of Zorro movie. This is the movie where Bruce watched with his parents, and also that night was a tragic memory to him.
   "How about the others, Dick?"
   "Have you guys decided yet?" Bruce suddenly showed up. Bruce is looking at Dick—still hold a Mask of Zorro movie. I can see Bruce's expression became a little bit gloom but he tried to hide it. "How about we watch this instead?" "Really Uncle Bruce?" I asked. "You both haven't see this movie this before, right?" "No, but we can watch the other movie depends on you Uncle." "Then, I wanna watch this, can I?" "Of course." "Alright, it's settled then. Alfred, prepare the popcorn." "Certainly, Master Bruce."
   With the popcorn that Alfred made, we both watch the movies together. It's my first time I'm binge watching with someone. In my past life, whether in my condo or cinema, I always alone. I guess this is what it feels like to watch together with family. I forcedly try to keep my eyes open because the movie is still ongoing, but my eyes are already tired, it can be help since my past behavior is also like this due to overworked.
   "Alisa, are you tired?"
   "No, I'm fine Uncle Bruce."
   "But your eyes are red."
   "I still can keep up Uncle."
   "That won't do, you don't have to force yourself. Alfred, please send Alisa to her bedroom."
   "Yes, Master Bruce." I have no choice but to follow Alfred, although I wanna be together with them more.
   The next morning as I arrived at school, Lucas is standing near the lobby, as if it's he's waiting for me.
   "Morning, Alisa."
   "Morning. What do you want?"
   "Remember the pie that you gave me?"
   "Yeah? What about it?"
   "I decided to repay you with something."
   "It's just a pie, it's not a big deal. You don't have to go that far."
   "But I've already bought it, here."
   "You gave me a burnt cookies."
   "I made this myself, okay. More importantly is the taste right?"
   "I suppose so." I took a bite of the cookies—I can taste a chocolate, caramel and cheese? Chocolate and caramel are fine by me but putting cheese in cookies, that's unusual.
   "It's not bad but it's a little bit bitter since its burnt."
   "Really? Thanks! I thought you gonna hate it."
   "Well at first, but since the flavor is good, I forgive you." I never thought that boy could go this far—baked a cookies just for me, well, at least he's trying. Long time has passed, school is over.
   "Alfred, is Uncle Bruce is still in the office?"
   "Master Bruce is already at the manor, miss Alisa."
   "He's home early? How unusual."
   "Apparently, master Bruce is finished early." It's not him to left early from his work, not to mention he's the CEO, it could be a bad example for his employees, but I'm sure he has a reasons.
   Finally we've arrived at the manor after a long ride. "Is Uncle Bruce in the Batcave?" "It appears so, miss Alisa. But it would be best if miss Alisa shouldn't go to the Batcave for now." "Is there a guest?" "Yes miss Alisa." "Okay then. I would take a nap then."


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