Ch. 17

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   Besides what happen about Jason, I still kept thinking and felt cringe for Lucas, I can't believe he's secretly have a picture of me, maybe during school he's secretly took pictures of me. Well, it's been decided that he's stalker, one hundred percent no doubt.

   The next, I feel reluctant to go school, since I remembered yesterday's event, it would be awkward for me but still, he doesn't know that I'm stalked him yesterday through my crystal ball so I should try act normal. When I arrived at school, as usual, Lucas is waiting for me. "Morning Alisa." "Yeah... morning." "You okay?" "No, why?" "It's just like, you're not the usual one." "I'm probably just tired." "Then you should just rest at the nursing room, don't force yourself." "I'm fine Lucas! Just leave me alone for a while."

   I ended up yelled at him despite today's goal is to act normal, I should just apologize to him later and focus on the school. After many hours of study, finally lunchtime with Anna and the others. "Alisa, are you alright?" Aysha ask. "I'm perfectly fine, is something wrong?" "Well... we saw you upsetting Lucas this morning and you've been frowning since then." "Am I? Sorry I worried you guys." "It's alright," Anna said, "you can tell us of anything's happen." "Well actually..."

   "Is something happened?" Alina said. "Some of you may know or don't, but I like to keep this secret. But I don't though if everyone find out but still, it's a hassle if everyone find out." "It's okay Alisa, you can trust us," Anna said. "Yeah, you can trust us," the twin said. "Before my parents died, I used to engage with Lucas." "You what!!" They shouted in surprise. "Shh! Calm down, don't make any ruckus." "Sorry Alisa," Anna said, "but I never knew an engagement still exist." "Yeah, I think the same way, but I already broke off the engagement." "Why?" Alina said. "Well... before I befriend with Anna, I used to bully anyone in the class. The cherry on top, I used to clinging with Lucas. If I recall correctly, I remembered his cringed face and forced to smile when I was with him."

   "When my parents died, it really like punch in the gut and a wake-up call for me. I decided not to bully anyone anymore and make a plan to broke of an engagement. The task one is done and the other one didn't." "That is the most wonderful heart-changing story I've ever heard," Aysha said. "I wish I come to this school sooner and confront you after the accident," Alina said. "Hahaha guys, you're exaggerating. It's fine." "But still," Anna said, "Lucas should be happy when the engagement's off." "I wish I had a good answer. I used to wondered as well, instead I pushed him away, he became more attached to me."

   "Don't worry Alisa, we will help and protect you." Aysha said.
   "Yes. Like what you did when you help us." Alina said.
   "Me too. You saved me as well and I wanna repay you by doing this."
   "You guys... you don't have to. I can handle everything pretty well."
   "No, we have to! It's for your sake."

   I kinda feel bad for their doing; I mean, they're basically nice but they went to far taking it. I ended up nodded and thank them by what they doing. We finished our lunch at the cafeteria and on our way to our classroom, when we're about to going in, I saw Lucas just chatting with his friend. I reluctant to go in, but Aysha and Alina suddenly move and stand towards me and whisper, "it's okay Alisa, we got this." I don't know if I should thanking them or confused by what they're doing but eventually I followed their instincts.

   When we entered the classroom, Lucas and I made an eye contact; the way of his look, I know he wanna see me that bad, but remembering about the incident this morning, he seemed reluctant. I saw Lucas finished his chatting with the others, he got nothing to do. His footsteps slowly move towards; I tried to back off but eventually, Alina, Aysha, and Anna circle around me. I can see his face became disappointed and he go back to his desk without asking anything.

   Finally, when the school is finally end, I said goodbye to my friends and rushed to the car, I can see Bruce is already done with his work. "Uncle Bruce, you're early." "Hi Alisa. How's school?" "Everything's fine." "I see. Here, I bought you some dessert." "Thank you Uncle. Where's Dick?" "He said he have a club activity so he'll be late." "Then, I wait for him and eat this together." "Very well then. Can I ask you something, Alisa?" "Yes?" "It's regarding yesterday matter, about the dinner." "You mean when you ask if I'm alright or not?" "Yes. It seems like yesterday you don't look tired." "What?" "I know what tired people look like, more than tired, it's like you concerned about something."

   "Well yeah."
   "Is everything alright? You can talk to me."
   "Actually... it's about Lucas."
   "What about him? Did he do anything bad to you?"
   "No but... do you remember when I told you the reason why I wanna broke off the engagement between him?"

   "I still do. You regret for made him feel bad for what you're doing in the past, right?" "Yes. I thought by doing that he will be free from me but instead, the more I pushed him away, the more he's attached to me." "Alisa, do you hate Lucas?" "I don't hate him, but I don't like him either. I mean, I used to like him because I was happy to engaged with a pretty boy, but I remembered when I was clinging to him, his face looks discomfort and try to hold it with a fake smile."

   "Then you should tell him how you feel; tell him that you're feeling uncomfortable when he still attached to you, tell him that you don't like to be bother, and lastly, ask why he is in love with you. Ask many times until he reveal his main reason." "I'll try Uncle, thanks for the advice. " You are most welcome, Alisa."


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