Ch. 7

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   Thank God this is Sunday. I already made plenty of lists since last night.
What I want right now on my top-list is visiting Bruce's parents grave secretly. I hope the others aren't awake yet because I purposely woke up at 5.30 Am. I searched for the graveyard while try to remember where is it. Several minutes later I finally found it, it's not too far from the backyard. I always wanna know how Bruce cope with his parents dead, it must be painful for him, everyday remembering that night at the alley.

   "You may don't know me, but Uncle Bruce adopted us, myself and Dick Grayson. I wish you both were here, spending time as a family, Uncle Bruce might want that as well. I hope you have a better life." I kept praying for a long time and didn't realize the sun is already rising. Although I eagerly wanna leave, my feet didn't move an inch because I still wanna be here and keep praying.

   "Alisa? What are you doing?" Bruce suddenly shows up behind and it almost surprised.
   "Uncle Bruce! I-"
   "How did you manage to find this graveyard?"

   "I'm sorry Uncle Bruce. I woke up early 30 minutes ago and wanna take a stroll for a bit and I found this graveyard and decided to keep praying." I honestly scared because I think I crossed the line despite my curiosity. He then reaches his hand towards me and starts to carry me.

   "It's okay, Alisa. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was just surprised that you're not in your room, I'm afraid that you kidnap or something." Eventually, Bruce starts hugging me, maybe he's really worried about me going missing.

   "Alisa," Bruce said, "do you know who they are in that graveyard?" I pretend not to know about them so I shake my head. "They are my parents. They die as a hero because they helped people and protect people as well." "Do they love each other?" I asked. "Yes. They love each other. Earlier you said something about praying. May I know what you said to them?" "I wish I could see them." "Although you can't see them, they're already watching us. Right above us." "I see."

   After we finished our conversation, we both on our way to the kitchen to have breakfast. I'm completely bored right now. I wanna go out but I'm afraid Bruce and Dick won't leave me alone because I wanna be alone for a while. I just suddenly remembered Nitras blessings a few days ago. I secretly made a list of my own spell since I don't have a spelling book, but I hope it works. Now, I tried to make the magic portal.


   Then a big round circle just pop-up in front of me. I hesitantly walk towards the portal. After I entered the portal, I was amazed by the view-waterfalls with a beautiful garden full of flowers. "Oh my! I did not expect such a guest at this hour." Suddenly a voice came from behind-a beautiful woman, probably between 30's.

   "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know this is your garden. Actually...I don't know where I am." "Could it be you're lost?" "Kinda. I was just casting my own spell of magic portal and I ended up here." "Maybe my husband can help you, follow me." I ended up following her even though she's stranger. I saw a monument, an exact replica of Washington Monument.

   I follow the through the longest entrance, while looking at the various collection-I think it's magical stuff most that I don't know about. We finally arrived at the main hall, not long after I can see someone familiar. I can't believe my eyes, it's Doctor Fate.

   "What is it, my wife?" Ask Doctor Fate. "Who is this girl?"
   "Dear husband, please, do not be alarmed. I think this little girl is lost her way home."
   "Impossible! No mortal can come to this place."
   "She said that she casting her own magic portal spell and ended up here."
   "Hmm. Interesting."

   Doctor Fate suddenly walk towards me, looking at me closely, maybe he sense some magic in me. "What is your name?" Ask Doctor Fate. "It's Alisa Carlyle, sir." "Doctor Fate is fine, young one." "Ah, yes Doctor Fate." Then Doctor Fate's magic suddenly show up, lingering my whole body.
" have a abundant magic, enough to defeat any paranormal creatures. Most interesting one is, I sensed an other world soul in this very young body." Oh no. I think I've been found out. How should I tell Doctor Fate?

   "Judging from your reaction, you seemed know about this as well, young one."
   "Well I-"
   "Hold that thought! Come. We discuss this in the living room." I explained everything as soon we arrived at the living, including my past life, about Nitras, this whole universe and many more. About Nitras, since Doctor Fate wanna Nitras in person he asked me to call Nitras, suprisingly they know each other, and the rest story is told by Nitras. It took a while maybe for Doctor Fate based on his way he's thinking right now. Also, I just realized Doctor Fate's wife name is Inza Cramer. Based on a comic book that I've read from my previous life, she will soon to be a Doctor Fate, replacing her husband.

   "Doctor Fate? I'd like to keep this as a secret. Just between us, please?"
   "Why should I do that?"
   "Because I lived among the superheroes right now. They shouldn't find out about this, or else they might in shock."

   "Very well. But, on one condition."
   "Anything except my life."
   "You will be my new apprentice starting tomorrow." I suprised for the moment. The mighty Doctor want me to become his student.

   "With all due respect, but why me?"
"As I said before, you have a abundant magic. Such power must not waste. Here, take this magic notebook. You can communicate with me by just writing in the notebook."
Suddenly a magic circle popped-up in front of us. As I look closer, it's my bedroom. "Now go! Your guardian must be worried about you." I say goodbye to them and step up onto the circle.

   What a day. I don't know how long I was gone. I don't even know if they were looking for me, I look at the clock and I was away for about 15 minutes. Before I go out, I kept my notebook under the bed so that people won't find out.

   "I don't know if you guys know each other, Nitras."
   "He is Doctor Fate, Alisa. He knows everything and everyone. But I never guess that you'd be Doctor Fate's apprentice."

"Same here. His reason didn't answer my question though. Ah, I almost forgot Bruce and the others! I better find them." Thank God after I got out of my room I met Alfred and he told me that they go on patrolling. I asked Alfred if they were looking for me, Alfred said they were but they don't have a time because something's urgent.

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