Ch. 15

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   Thankfully Batman said the meeting has done when I was about to give a call just now. When the rest are dealing with the villains, me and the other proteges are having lunch together. "How is it Alisa?" Robin ask. "It's good. Thanks Robin." "You're welcome," Kid Flash said, "I'm the one who bought it." "Did not!" Robin said. "Pretty sure you're the one who wants tacos, Dick." "I did craving for tacos, but I did also bought that grilled cheese for Alisa, so stop spouting nonsense." "Okay guys, that's enough," I said calmly, "how about we just enjoy this lunch while it last." Both of them thankfully calmed after what I said, I guess I did the right thing before their fighting sparks.

   "Robin, Alisa, it's time to go home."
   "Already?" Robin said.
   "We've been here for awhile now. Besides, your homework still not finish yet."

   "Okay." I don't realize that we already been here for a long time, maybe those chatting makes time seem long. Both of us then said goodbye to everyone and we heading to the Batmobile I started taking a nap again since the ride will be long. While I'm asleep, I'm having a dream. I saw Roy Harper a.k.a. Speedy in front of the school gate. He then come over to me and apologies, he feels bad because he's been staring at me fiercely and he thinks I'm scared of him. The dream then ended when I woke up from my sleep, Batman woke me up and told Alfred take me to my bedroom.

   I kept thinking about that last dream I had, there's no way it's true, since he lives in the Star City while I'm lived in Gotham, if it's true though, it will be nice. I started remember my journal that I've written, an important journal that I've kept because it contains any event that occurs that already happens. I already take a note about what happened-from found a secret passage of the Batcave, Robin entered the manor and became Robin, meeting Superman for the first time and other things. I can't believe I've been encountered many amazing events for almost a month, this could be an achievement if there's one.

   Aside from that, I should think about my future as well, if it's for junior to highschool I can just tell Bruce that I wanna enroll at Gotham Academy, but I have to set up my career path. In my previous life, as a bussineswoman, that job was never meant to me, my parents always pushed and force me to study an accounting major, despite that's not my passion, I eventually graduated with a good grades. I don't mind though being accountant again but still, while I'm still alive, at least I wanna try new things. The only University in this universe that I know at least three-Gotham University, Metropolis University, and Ivy University. Should I ask Bruce for preference? I can already imagine a man like him went to the most prestigious university, but still, I should ask him for preference. When I'm about to search for Bruce, I can already see him in the living room-resting and reading a newspaper.

   "Uncle Bruce!"
   "Yes, do you sleep well?"
   "Sit here. Alfred, bring in the tea."
   "Yes, Master Bruce."

   He looked so serious reading that newspaper. I took a peek a little, it's a news about Two-face, no wonder he's so serious. I sometimes feel bad for Bruce, his friend, Harvey Dent a.k.a. Two-face, was a Gotham City District Attorney who is hailed as Gotham's 'White Knight'; but soon changed after a mob splash his left face with an acidic chemical that turn his face.

   "Uncle Bruce, where did you graduate?"
   "Which one?"
   "I graduated in many universities."
   "Wait, really?!"
   "When I was 14, I went to different universities, Yale for example. I would drop out after first semester, then move on to another one."
"That young?! Wow! Then besides college, what did you do."

   "I travel around the world, gaining as many skills as I could. I finished my academic education by the time I was 18 and graduated with 14 master degrees from various universities. The masters degrees were in subjects like: criminology, physchology, forensics, engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, etc." "That's amazing." "Why are you suddenly interested in this?" "I wanna ask your preference about universities for my future. "Aren't you too young for that?" "Better decided now before it's too late." "Alisa, you're still have way to go, don't think about this too much. You can decided when you old enough, okay?" "Okay, sorry I'm overly excited." Bruce then smiled and pat my head slowly. Just in time after the conversation was over, he's bringing the tea.

   I'm kinda envy Bruce, no wonder Ra's Al Ghul always called him the detective, not only he has handsome face and graduated in such young age, he searched many skills throughout the world. If I was about to follow Bruce's path, I might stop halfway through.

   The next day, I went to school as usual. Lucas on the other hand, always keep nagging and tease me, thankfully my Anna and the others were showing concern towards me and told him to buzz of. When the school is finally ended and all of us went outside, I saw red hair guy standing in front of the gate, he must be Roy Harper, it's definitely him because it's exactly the same from my yesterday's dream. He suddenly look towards me and start approaching me.

   "Hey, friend of Dick?"
   "You know me?" I told him to bend down and I whisper in his ear.
   "You're Speedy, right?"
   "Yeah, I'm glad you notice, I was hoping you would instantly know me because... y'know, yesterday we met on a different circumstances. How do you know me?"
   "Your red head actually. Anyway, what are you doing here?"
   "If it's okay, do you mind having a little chat?"
   "Well my ride's not here yet so why don't we just have it briefly?"

   "Listen, I don't know what's wrong with me yesterday, you may be realize that I give you a bad impression at first, not to mention yesterday I was the one who volunteered to take care of you so that I can apologize but turned out to be failed. So, what I like to say is I'm sorry." "Roy, did you just come here, from Star City to Gotham just to apologize to me?" "Well, yeah. Please don't tell Batman, if he knows, he'll be straight telling GA. My point is, I felt bad for you so I came here straight, no other places."

   "Okay I won't tell Batman, and it's okay by the way, I thought it was my fault back then." "No, it's my fault yesterday, I'm just glad I can apologize to you. So anyway, can I have your phone number for y'know... if there's danger happen to you." "Be my guest." Soon after I gave Roy my phone number, Alfred's arrived just in time, I said goodbye to Roy and straightly get in the car.

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