Ch. 2

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   "Good morning, Alisa. Please have a sit." Bruce Wayne invited me to the dining table and as he promised yesterday he telling me what happen. After hearing Bruce telling the story, looks like the spirits were right,  how Alisa's parent were hit by a truck and the only survivor was me. I wasn't surprised like most people do since I already know what happen but I pretended.
   "You can call me whatever you want, Alisa."
   "May I call you Uncle Bruce?"
   "Yes, you may."
   "Uncle Bruce!"
   "Are there any other people live here besides us?" I asked him because I want to know of Dick Grayson's already arrive before me. The first adoptive children was supposed to Dick Grayson—a boy who lived with his parents as a international acrobatics and died because of accident.
   "No, there's not. It's just three of us."
   What?! Dick Grayson isn't arrive yet at Wayne Manor, could it be because of my existence I, unconditionally altered the storyline? "No, you're not changing the storyline." I heard the voice of Nitras whispered at me; I tried not to panic and use my telepathy skill and it worked.
   "How come Dick Grayson's not arrive yet?"
   "You're just too early."
   "Too early?"
   "Remember again from your previous life, when does Dick Grayson's arrived?"
   I tried to remember from my past life and I recalled that he is arrive at the mansion approximately when he is between 9 and 12 years old, but I don't exactly know when he is arrive, he could be arrived by now or tomorrow, I'm not sure enough of all this.
   "I only remembered that Dick Grayson should be arrived when he was 9th or 12th, that is all."
   "That should be enough information. We'll just have to wait when he's arrive."
   Then Nitras ends our conversation. Since it's weekend, I would like to take a stroll around manor, alone if possible. The mansion is bigger than it was in the comic book or the movies, it's the first time I entered the manor—library with full of books, big and wide kitchen, a never-ending hall on each floor and lots of empty room. Speaking of which, I forgot where does the secret passage were, all I know is the secret passage was in the room full of books, either in the library or his study room, I tried to resist investigate the batcave because they'll be suspicious if I do that.
   I take a stroll around backyard and noticed there is a big lake, it is beautiful than I have ever imagined. I look closer to the pure an clean lake; hard to imagine that Alisa Carlyle are pure, beautiful, petit, and innocent girl judging by her face; I was thinking maybe Alisa's parent could be a beautiful person. "There you are, Alisa. I was wondering where have you been." Bruce's voice startled me until I almost trip myself; fortunately, Bruce catches me just in time.
   "Are you okay?"
   "Yes, thank you. I was just startled, I thought I was alone."
   "Sorry for suprising you, Alisa."
   "It's okay Uncle Bruce."
   "Shall we take a stroll together?"
   I can't believe I take a stroll with Bruce Wayne. Moreover, he is carrying me by his hand, to me this isn't normal because I'm 7 phisically and 26 mentally, even my parents from my past life never carrying me like this. When I look closer at him, his face was magnificent—pretty blue eyes, pointy nose, white skin tone, and not to mention his body looks sturdy, well since he is Batman, he must be training a lot, I thought that he watching me through batcave since he is busy with his 'job'.
   "Do you already adjusting your life in here?" Bruce said.
   "A little. I just hope that my friends at school didn't mock me because my parents passed away."
   "If they do, just tell me. I will have them said it in front of me." Despite offering a help to me, I can still handle this childish play because I'm used to bullying based from my previous life.
   "It's okay, uncle. I can handle them on my own. Besides, this is my problem and uncle don't have to worry about it."
   "...You're strong kid, Alisa. But are you sure you want to go to school tomorrow? Are you done with the grieving?"
   "Yes, of course. Besides, I don't want to miss school." Then he smiled at me while he pat my head gently, is this the same Bruce Wayne that I know from my past life? It feels... different from I have imagined. After taking a stroll around the park we heading to the kitchen and eat lunch. "Sorry Alisa I finished early, I got some work to do," Bruce said. "Is it from the office?" "Apparently, yes. We'll meet again shortly." I know is not from the office since I used to be business woman and we don't work at weekends, it's probably his another 'job'. Thankfully Alfred is coming with Bruce and what I'm trying to do is following them and of course, I want to know where is the secret passage to the batcave. I secretly follow them and suprisingly they didn't notice from now since I use my telepathy skill to know if they being followed or not. Turns out, the secret passage can be accessed at library; now that I know the secret passage to the batcave, maybe I'll wait for Dick Grayson to enter the batcave together.
   "Alisa?" Nitras voice suddenly heard through my mind. "Yes?" "I forgot to tell you about Alisa's past life before you become her, would you like to hear it now?" "Now that I think of it, I never knew this child was like before I become her, so tell me." "Despite her loving parents, this child is a mean girl. She always bullies every girls classmate at her school, whether is inside or outside school. With her friends, Kathy and Hillary, they become the most notorious girl in school." What the hell?! For real?! OH MY GOD! How am I going to face everyone at school tomorrow? Not to mention her parents just passed away not to long ago." "There's more. Apparently, Alisa Carlyle is engaged with Lucas Kingston, the third son from the Kingston Enterprises."
"'s getting worse if you tell me that. Besides, which person still hold an engagement from early childhood?"
   "Your father is pretty famous worker despite his status. So, no wonder the CEO of the Kingston Enterprises want an engagement proposal. Since Alisa became his fiancee, she is always clinging to him everywhere until he's annoyed by it."   "Now I'm getting headache because of this child. I took pity on her and turns out she is a mean girl."
"Now that you're her, you can fix things up, right?" Nitras was right. Now that I have became her, I can do whatever I want. First, I'm going to ditch Kathy and Hillary at school and decided it's done becoming their friend. Second, if I saw Lucas, I'm going straight tell him that I want to broke-off an engagement with him so he doesn't have to suffer because of my past behavior; since my parents passed away, I think I'm going to ask Bruce to call off the engagement between me and Kingston. I told my plans to Nitras and he's agreed with my plan, then it's decided, tomorrow I'm going to school with my plan.
   "There you are, Alisa. Where have you been?" Bruce suddenly showed up behind me.
   "Uncle Bruce!"
   "You seemed in hurry. Did something happen?"
   "Can you help me with something?"
   "Sure. As long as I can do it."
   "Can you broke-off an engagement between me and Kingston son?" Bruce suddenly stood silently for awhile, maybe he doesn't know that I have a fiancee.
   "Are you engaged with Kingston's son?"
   "Yes, but I don't want that anymore because my behavior towards him really bothers him. So I thought that maybe this is a better way so that he can live peacefully. Uncle Bruce, are you alright?" His faced seemed pale a bit and he's shaking as well. "I understand, Alisa. Since you want it, I can arranged meeting between them to annul the engagement, don't worry about it." "Thank you, uncle Bruce." I finally got have someone to deal with my engagement, but tomorrow I'll have to face Kathy and Hillary so that I don't meddling with them anymore. After I had my dinner, Bruce and Alfred says goodnight to me and I'm straight ahead to my room.
   "Nitras, is this DC Universe is really safe?"
   "Don't worry, Alisa. I arranged this Universe as harmless as possible."
   "Describe this 'harmless' to me." Nitras gave me a long list of event that doesn't occur in this universe, thank God the event that I'm afraid most isn't occur in this universe—the injustice event, Damian Wayne kills Dick Grayson, the flashpoint paradox event, the Batman who laugh, and Damian resurrection. Honestly, when I started to search this events back in the past, this event is kinda interesting and sad at the same time. I can't be too sure of this list because this may happens  unconsciously. Nitras also gave me the events that occur in this universe, it seems that this universe mostly based on the movie or series rather from comic books, so that is Nitras said it is harmless. Well, I can't be so sure yet about what happen starting now because I'm afraid it's getting complicated than this list.



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