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Error POV

I finally reach Dream's land, now time to find my way back L'manberg. I walked around the place and saw Tubbo beside a stranger. 'A new L'manberg recruit? Why is Tubbo not wearing his uniform?' I ask myself as I run towards them. 'Tubbo! Who's the man, is he a new recruit of L'manberg?' I ask as the two of them notice me. Tubbo was in shocked while the other man raise his eyebrows. I smiled awkwardly as I apologize to the man. 'My name is Error! What's your name?' I ask. The man was staring at my uniform. I was confuse on why, didn't he got one?

He smiled and said his name is Jschlatt. I notice Tubbo panicking and asked him why. He just said it was nothing. 'Before I go, where is L'manberg? I didn't see the walls anywhere.' I said. 'Wilbur took the walls because the space it took was too big.' Jschlatt said. I nodded and went to find my underground base.

Tubbo's POV

Jschlatt forced me to walk with him and talk about what I need to do in Manberg. I heard footsteps coming towards us and thought it was just Quackity. 'Tubbo! Who's the man, is he a new recruit of L'manberg?' A very familiar voice shot out. I look at the person that came from the side and saw Error. I was shock that Error had woken up but started to panic because Error wasn't suppose to be known to Jschlatt. Shouldn't he be with Wilbur and Tommy!?

How did they not notice Error had woken up and came back here. I was busy panicking and didn't notice Error's conversation with Jschlatt. I stopped panicking when Jschlatt suddenly grabbed my shoulder harshly. 'So tell me, what is Error' s relation to you and L'manberg?' Jschlatt asked as he eyes showed a glint of evil. 'I-I... ' I stuttered in fear. He grip my shoulder more harder and I yelp from the pain. 'Error is part of L' manberg. When we had a war with the Dream Team, George stab him in the stomach and hit a vital point.

We manage to get him back to the van and heal him with healing potions. He got into a coma for years during the war and somehow woke up now.' I told Jschlatt. 'Then, how did I not know or saw him before?' He asked. 'Wilbur and Tommy took him out of L'manberg with them. He was located at Tommy's hole' I told him. He smirked and shovee to the ground. 'Make an announcement to everyone to go the election stage and distract Error from going to the election stage.' Jschlatt said as he walk away.

I had to warn Wilbur and Tommy. I quickly went to the exit of Dream's land but before I could step out of the exit, Dream came in the exit. 'What are you doing?' Dream asked. I tried to find an answer. 'I know you're gonna find Wilbur and Tommy to tell them something.' Dream said. 'I'll tell Jschlatt if you step out of the exit.' Dream threatened me as he walk away. 'Jschlatt said to go to the election stage!' I yelled to Dream. I walked away from the exit and went told everyone about the election stage thing by Jschlatt except Error.

After telling everyone, I went to find Error. I found him looking at the lake where the walls surrounded before.' What are you looking at Error?' I asked as he suddenly jolted. He turned around instantly. 'Nothing, Tubbo. What do you need?' He asked. I asked him to follow me to the bench where me and Tommy always listen to disks. We sat on the bench. 'Error, you said you've been in a war before.' I said. He sighed. 'I knew sooner or later one of you will ask the question.' Error said as he look up at the sky.

'That war was caused by someone named... Cross.' Error said but suddenly started to freak out. 'Where is my cow!?' He asked frantically. I remember finding some raw steak after Dream exploded the place. 'Dream killed it.' I said as Error was smiling creepily at me. The atmosphere near the bench became frightening. 'I swear to the void I will throw him in it.' He said. I was confuse. 'The void is blocked in a slayer of bedrock which is impossible to break.' I told him since no one had told him about the bottom layer. 'Oh.' Error said. He then continue to tell me about the war and his origin. It was a shock to know that he was a skeleton before and was hurt badly by someone who was dub a hero just because he was forced. 'Are you still thinking about Eret?' I asked him. 'It's just I started to trust you guys but he just betray us.' Error said sadly. 'Try not to remember about betrayal, alright? I advise him. He nodded as we continue to talk with each other while Jschlatt was telling about Error's presence to everyone.

No one POV

'Thank you everyone for coming here.' Jschlatt eyed everyone. 'Today I found an interesting person. He's name is Error. He had a coma and just woken up from it, so he doesn't know about the election.' He said. Fundy and Eret was shock that Error woke up. Niki was relieve that a member of L'manberg had woken up. Three of them suddenly remember that Error wasn't suppose to be known by Jschlatt. 'Shit.' They thought to themself.

'He still think that Manberg is still L' manberg, so I want all of you to pretend that manberg is L'manberg. I also want all of you to tell him that Wilbur and Tommy went out to do some stuff if he ask you about where they are. That's all.' Jschlatt said as he walked away, a evil grin was plastered on his face.

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