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Error POV

After talking with Dream, George and Bad, I went to search for more new people outside L'manberg. I saw Fundy talking to a pretty lady. 'Fundy!' I said in excitement before running up to them. They turned around to look at me and the girl seem to recognize me. 'Hello, Error. It's nice to finally meet you in person!' The girl said and I smiled at her. 'Error, this is Nihachu or Niki.' Fundy stated the girl's name. Their cheerful expression changed to a serious expression. They look around and no one are around. 

'Error, you're in danger.' Fundy said. I was shocked. 'In danger? How so?' I asked them. Niki opened her mouth to answer me but she was interrupt by a guy with a blue sweater. 'I'm Quackity, Jschlatt's helper. He wants to see you Error.' The person named Quackity told me and I went to find Jschlatt after saying bye to Fundy and Niki. I didn't notice Quackity glare at the two. I found Jschlatt talking with Tubbo about a festival? 'Jschlatt?' I asked and both of their attention landed on me. 

'Ah, Error. Nice to see you're here.' He said and Tubbo glance at us nervously. 'I forgot to tell you that Wilbur put me in charge when he's away so I'm doing a festival for everyone.' He said. He was lying, he's eyes were showing it. I shove that thought back in mind, thinking it was because my brain doesn't like the sound of Jschlatt in charge of L'manberg.

Sorry for the short story, the laptop broke down so I have to stop typing here

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