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Once Wilbur and the group reached L'manburg, they were attack from the above. 'Oh my god, they're shooting!' Quackity yelled as everyone look up at the tower near them. "Oh! They're shooting!' Fundy said and Techno aimed his crossbow at the people shooting them. He shot fireworks at them. They began to try to shoot the people above to stop them from attack them since the people have an advantage from high grounds. They all decided to risk it by invading the tower by climbing up the ladders while shoot. 

Techno on the other hand, just use his trident to fly up to the top of the tower to find everyone had taken down the enemy. 'Oh, Technoblade.' Wilbur said when he realize it was just the blood god rather than the enemies. Now they have the high grounds. Everyone used their bows to shoot the enemy that are on the ground. 'Fire!' Fundy and Tubbo yelled at the same time happily while shooting them. 'Take em down!' Techno said with his monotone voice while continue to fire his fireworks. 

'Ah!' Wilbur got hit with a flaming arrow and is on fire. 'Shit!' Tommy yelled as he quickly place water for Wilbur. 'Wilbur, take some apples.' Techno said as he threw some golden apples for him. An arrow shot Wilbur and it instantly heal him. That left Wilbur confuse because no one had a healing arrow with them, he didn't thought about Error because he knew Error isn't joining the war. Wilbur didn't bring up the arrow from before to anyone and continue to attack the enemy that was on the ground. 

Techno placed an ender chest on the ground and took out an enchanted crossbow. 'Here, Tommy. Take this crossbow and a few fireworks.' Techno said, handing the crossbow and fireworks to Tommy before jumping of the tower without taking the ender chest back. He placed water on the ground to soften his fall. Karl was unfortunate since he stumbled across Techno when Techno landed on the ground. 'I'm assinating Karl! Techno informed his teammates and started to hit Karl with his fire aspect netherite sword. 

Error who was hiding, saw Techno's doing and try to came up with a plan to stop him from killing Karl. 'I'm sorry, Techno.' Error whispered to himself as he aim a harming II arrow at Techno's arm. 'This should stop Techno from killing Karl.' Error thought to himeself and let go of the arrow, letting it hit Techno's part of his arm that wasn't covered in armor. Techno groaned in pain as he clutch his arm. Karl quickly got away from Techno rather than being a idiot and attack Techno when he is off guard. 'Damnit, he got away.' Techno yelled as the effect wore off. 

Error quickly move away from his hiding spot since Techno was facing the direction he was at. Techno fired two shots of fireworks to ensure the people hiding there was dead before going away to attack other enemies. Error sighed in relieve and quickly went to find another hiding spot. Karl got targeted again and Error had to save his ass again... two times. Techno begin hitting someone with invisibility effect on. 'It's definitely is Dream.' Just as Techno finished that sentence, Dream became visible. 

Dream suddenly ran away, surprising many of the revolution group. They came back to their senses and chase after him. 

Error POV

Dream ran away from the fight and I was puzzled. There must be some kind of trap, or else Dream wouldn't just ran away like that. Everyone began to follow him while I have to find another hiding spot to hide in to spy them. I fell, anime style, when I found out Dream ran away because he ran out of enchanted golden apples. 'Wilbur, we need to talk.' Dream said nervously as those who aren't with Jschlatt surrounded him with means of hostility. Speaking of Jschlatt, where is he? Techno likely hear my thoughts and question where Jschlatt went. 

'We would like to surrender. I also want to show you something.' Dream said and lead everyone to a broken down van. Everyone went into the van and saw Jschlatt drinking alcohol while bottles were over the floor. I quickly went over to the van to peek through the window. Jschlatt was holding a bottle of alcohol, drunk. Bottles were everywhere on the ground. Everyone surrounded Jschlatt and he look confuse. 'Is this a surprise birthday party?' Jschlatt asked. 'He better not be drunk...' Wilbur said, amused. 

'What are you doing in my drug van? It better not be drugs.' Wilbur joked the last part. Jschlatt started talking nonsense and Tommy threatened to kill him. 'If I die, this country go downs with me.' Jschlatt said. After he coughed, he collapse while clutching his chest. 'Quackity, come here.' Quackity went near him. Jschlatt whispered something to Quackity before going limp. Quackity was extremely disturbed. 'He's fucking last word were Flatty Patty!' Quackity yelled while cringing at the choice of Jschlatt's last word. 

Everyone laughed. 'Excuse me?' Someone asked me. I turn around to face someone with large black wings. 'You must be a comrade of my middle son, can you help me with something?' The man asked. I was confuse on who this man was but still nodded. 

'Sure, what to you need?'

Promise me, You'll never leave me (A Fgod  X Mcyt story)Where stories live. Discover now