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Error POV

I was helping the rest to make potions. 'Hey Error, can you fetch us some water?' Wilbur asked. I nodded and went to find buckets. I took the buckets to the river to fill them. 'Moooo' I saw a cow in front of L'manberg. 'Maybe I could keep it as a pet and call it Cross.' I thought to myself and snickered to the thought of Cross running away from the cow. I quickly took the filled buckets to the van and placed them on the ground. 'What does cow eat?' I asked. 'Wheat.' Fundy said. 'You want to have a pet cow?' Wilbur asked. I nodded. 

'I have a friend who really despise cows and would scream if there's a cow near him.' I said. The gang giggled a bit as Eret hand me some wheat. I quickly went to find the cow and found it still in front of L'manberg. I hand out wheat to it and it walk towards me, eating the wheat. Soon, the cow was tamed. 'Error!' Eret called me and I turn around to face him. 'Here.' He gave me a nametag and an anvil. 'Get a name for him.' Eret said as he wait for me to give the cow a name with the nametag.

'Done. Her name is Cross.' I said like I was proud of accompalish something impossible. I used my pickaxe to break the anvil and pick it up. 'Let's get back to making potion. We have a book on how to make potions for you.' Eret said as I followed him to the van not without him giving me a leash and a fence. I placed down the fence and connect the leash to the fence with Cross. I went in the van and Eret hand me the book. After reading the book, I decide to make strength potions because something tells me that something bad is gonna happen. 

I also make a couple healing potions. I finally remembered something. 'Hey, did you guys heal me with healing potions?' I asked. 'Yeah, we did.' Tubbo answered as he took out three bottles of swiftness from the brewing stand. We made multiple potions until night. 'Everyone, please put the potions in the chest just in case of emergency.' Wilbur ordered and we left everything in the chest. 'Tommy, today it's your turn to guard L'manberg.' Wilbur reminded him as Tommy groans. All of them went to bed except me. I don't need sleep. 

'Pssst, Big E.' Tommy whispered from outside of the van. I tilt my head indicating that I heard him and want to know he he called me. 'Can you help me guard L'manberg please?' Tommy asked as he clasp both of his hands together in a pleading way. 'Sure.' I agree immediately earning a happy Tommy coming into the van and thank me before going to sleep. I step out the van as I saw Cross sleeping outside. I pet her and start to walk around L'manberg. It was boring, no wonder Tommy didn't want to patrol. 

I went into the van to secretly grab a blaze rods and three cobblestones. I went to river and started digging downwards. I think of making a secret room where I can hang out only with myself. I made a 10x10 room space. I decorate it by putting smooth stones as walls and black concrete as floors. The ceiling was only made of dirt. I placed a crafting table, some furnaces, torches and lastly the brewing stand. I made some chest and placed them around the room. I stole a clock from Fundy and placed it on the wall with a picture frame holding it.

I started to make more potions that include the invisibility potions. I thought on my choice of weapons. Axe is very effective in short range but for long range, I'm at a disadvantage. I think back on Ink's pawn. I shudder on the thought of Ink and his pawns. Dream always uses a bow so he doesn't get near me. Most of the times I didn't dodge the arrows. I clicked my fingers. 'I'll use a bow just in case. I think I should make those harmful arrows. I could make some helpful arrows if I want to help the others who are far away for the potions to reach. 

I can shoot them and they'll get the effect depends on what arrow I use on them. Now to think of it, I think should find a village so I can transport the villagers into my secret base. I made some boats to trap the villagers in. I made ladders to get out of my base and seal the base with dirt. As a precaution, I surround my base with obsidians. I went to the van and put back all the stuff that is not mine. It's almost morning so I quickly wake Tommy up. 'Ngggh...' Tommy groan, tired as hell because he was woken up early. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. 

'Big E?' He asked groggily. 'Tommy, pretend to patrol now. I don't want Wilbur being mad at you.' I told him and he yawned before nodding. He went out of the van and wash his face at the river. I grab some wheat as I fed Cross who somehow is already up. 'What did you do during the whole night, Big E?' Tommy asked. 'Nothing, just walked around and that's it.' I said. I heard footsteps behind us and saw Wilbur walking to the river. 'Morning.' He said and proceed to splash his face with water. 

But Tommy shoved his face into the water and that make Wilbur jolted from his sleepyness. 'TommyInit!' Wilbur yelled as he push Tommy in the water. 'Guys...' I tried to stop them but only resulting me getting pull into the water. 'I'm sorry, Big E!' Tommy apologize and I just splash water at him and he smirked. That is how we wake up that morning to a full fledge water battle. That also caused Fundy, Tubbo and Eret to wake up.

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