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Error POV

Jschlatt told me that Tubbo is gonna held a speech at the festival. He also requested me to show up on stage because he want to tell them that he want you to help him with making potions. He never told me the reason but I accept his requested. Tubbo left and there's only two of us here so I decide to start another conversation. 'So Jschlatt, how's it like to be in charge?' I asked. He seem surprise about the question but still answer anyways. 'It's ok, sometimes I would crave power unintentionally.' He said sheepishly. 

'That's ok, I met a leader who crave power to the point he turn many against me. He like to create thing but I don't so he hated me.' I told him half of the truth of Ink and me to Jschlatt. He nodded before asking me another question. 'How did you became a part of L'manberg?' He asked. I notice his eyes color were black, it was red before. 'Well, I don't know much but the former five before Eret betray us, found me bloody and bruise all over my body.' He was shocked about my status when they first found me. 

'They took me in and use multiple healing potions to heal me and wait for me to wake up. I didn't trust them at first thinking they'll hurt me but I warn up to them later. You know the rest.' I said. 'Alright, tommorow night is the festival. Rest well, Error.' Jschlatt said as he shooed me away from him. I return to my secret underground room without anyone seeing. After getting in the room, I just sat on the bed since I don't sleep. I hear someone digging underground and I panic. Fuck, someone found here. I was ready to bail when I heard a dead voice. 

I quickly got my axe out and stood in front of the place they were digging straight to. 'Obsidian? Who would put obsidian underground unless there's something hidden here.' They voice said as it break the obsidian and the wall of my room. 'GET THE FUCK OUT FROM MY BASE!' I yelled as I attempt to slam the axe towards the person who break it. 'Holy fu-' The person react quickly and took a shield out to protect them. My axe had stab through the shield as it almost him in the chest. I took his shock to examine him. 

He had pink hair with pig ears. He wore a crown and royal attire. 'Technoblade, what the hell happened!' A familiar voice rang out in the air as the teen boy came out from the hole and stare at the pink hair guy. Another person with a beanie came out from the hole. 'A crazy guy just attack me when I broke down the wall of this base! His axe slam through my shield and now it's useless!' The pink guy just took out his sword and point at me. I got my axe out of his shield and he threw the shield away. 'Error!?' Wilbur and Tommy exclaimed when pink guy point his sword at me.

'What's with everyone getting shock at me when they saw me!?' I said confused. 'You were in a coma for years, Error! How could we not be shock when you woke up?' Wilbur said. 'Coma!?' I yelled in shock. 'I thought I was just sleeping for a few hours because of me become unconscious.' I said. 'Let me explain, Big E.' Tommy said as he started to tell me about the war, Dream blowing up part L'manberg, Nichachu joining, The shoot off, him giving his disk to Dream for L'manberg's independence, the election, Jschlatt casting them out of L'manberg and Technoblade helping them out.

'Are you ok, Error?' Wilbur asked. I nodded. 'I'm ok, it's just too much to take it.' I said. I can't believe it! Jschlatt tricked me.

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