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'Welcome to the final control room!' Eret said as he spread out his arm in a welcoming gesture. 'I'm sorry if I didn't include your chest Error, you joined suddenly.' Eret apologized. 'Why does the apology sound so fake...?' I thought to myself but shake it off as thinking I was paranoid because of the fight. 'It's ok, Eret.' I said as I saw the others open chests with their names on top. 'There's nothing in here.' Wilbur said in surprise. 'There's nothing in here too.' Fundy said too. 'What is the meaning of this, Eret?' I asked as Tubbo and Tommy whine about their chest being empty.

Eret just smirk and press a button in the middle of the room. I didn't notice that. I heard sticky piston being activated. I paled. 'Error?' Fundy asked worried about me. I grab Tubbo and Tommy quickly and shoved them out of the room. 'What the hell, Big E!' Tommy yelled. 'It's a trap!' I yelled as Dream and his friend came out of a hole that was opened by sticky pistons in the wall. Tubbo and Tommy was shocked as we were attack by the Dream Team. I saw preparing their weapons. 'RUN!" I yelled as I splash a harming potion on the ground. 

Sapnap and George was in the area of the splash so they got the effect too. 'George, Sapnap!' Dream yelled as Wilbur cut his stomach. Tommy came rushing in and punch George in the face. George was coughing up blood because of the harming potion. He threw his sword towards Tubbo before fleeing away to the hole that was in the wall with Dream and Sapnap. Tubbo was too occupied about worrying over us, he didn't notice the sword. 'TUBBO! WATCH OUT!' I yelled as I ran in front of Tubbo. 

I didn't got my shield up just in time as I suddenly feel pain in my stomach before passing out. The last thing I heard was my name being called out.

With the skeletons POV

Nightmare threw Ink across the council. Dream was pinned to the ground with blue attacks. 'Error's dead because of you, creator.' Outer spat out with disgust. He had learned the truth after talking with Blue about Ink's behaviour when Error fell into the void by accident because of tiredness. 'You're lucky that the multiverse haven't crumble because our cousin Error 404 can destroy too.' Fresh said without his lingo and his glasses were off, revealing his soul eye. 

The determination souls in the anti void were the first to feel the shaking of the multiverse when the suddenly had their physical form back. They were release because the strings that were holding them disappeared. They didn't reset as they talk to Error all these year and learn everything about the multiverse. Core Frisk hated Error at first. That was because she didn't know much Error and shelter those who were alive from Error's destruction. The souls then went to the omega timeline, shocking all their respecting Au survivors. 

They explained everything to Core Frisk. Core felt bad because she misunderstood Error and always treat him a treat to the multiverse. She shut down the whole Omega timeline resulting in many survivors falling into the void. The souls left everything to Core as the also had to go to the void. Core made a deal with the souls to find a replacement for Error and report everything to the nightmare gang. She found Error 404 at abandon Au that was used to call 'CQ family'. 404 had already felt the shaking and was trying to find a way out of the place when Core entered. 

Core helped him out of the AU and he went to the anti void first. He connect his strings to the anti void to replace Error. Meanwhile with 404's brother, Fatal. He was panicking. He had to handle distracting Fate from going to her Multiverse survelliance room. He and Destiny are friends and kept it a secret to his family. Destiny had taken his cousin to another deity for them take care of him. Karma was pretending to cause mayhem so Fate could be to occupied with scolding Karma.

'Error, we are trying to help you. Please make friends and up your mental health during your adventure in other multiverses.' Destiny, Karma and Fatal hoped.

Promise me, You'll never leave me (A Fgod  X Mcyt story)Where stories live. Discover now