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Error POV

'Ugh....' I sat up as I rubbed my head, the headache I'm having is fucking killing me. I realized that I was sitting on a bed... again and I remember what happened at the festival. 'Tubbo!' I thought of him and quickly got off the bed to only fall onto the floor due to the sudden strike of pain in my chance. I fell with a thud and I groaned from the pain. Apparently, some people heard the sound I made when I fall to the ground and rushed to the place I'm at. It turns out to be Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo and Techno. 

'Error, you're finally awake!' Tubbo said in happiness. 'You okay, Tubbo?' I asked him. 'I care about Tubbo but shouldn't the question refer to you than Tubbo?' Tommy said as he cross his arms. Techno just stood there swaying around to pretend like he didn't care but I can still see sweat dripping down his face. Wilbur lift me up as quick as possible because of my phobia and quickly plonk me down onto the bed. 'Rest, Error. You were shot in the chest with fireworks and it exploded inside of your chest. 

Your chest was severe mangled with your outer skin and the meat within the skin. Also, your heart was luckily protected by your rib-cage so it didn't get wounded.' Wilbur said as he hand me a regeneration potion for me to drink it. I drank the potions and handed the empty bottle to Wilbur. Tommy started to argue with Techno about almost killing me and Tubbo. Wilbur joined in the argument to tell Tubbo to look menacing at Techno. It was a total fail as Tubbo can't look menacing with his face and voice. Niki came out of no where and watch the fight. 

I then only realize that I'm in the same cave I was in but this time it was more bigger with stairs added to the walls to go up to another level. 'Let's settle this with a fist fight, alright?' Wilbur suggested. He had already made a pit for them to fight on. 'Oh no, you don't!' I yelled at them but what a bed-ridden guy could do? They proceed to fight. In the end, Tommy was laying on a bed that was made last minute by Wilbur, bandaged up. 'And this is why no one fights Techno even with or without armor and weapons.' I said as I glare at the sulking blonde boy. 

'But he almost kill you!' Tommy whined an excuse but earned a bonk to the head by my fist. 'There's no excuse for that, Tommy.' I said. 'Sorry, Big E' Tommy pouted. Techno came in the room we were in and spoke to Tommy. 'Tommy the thing is, you're using words.' Techno said and I was extremely confused as hell. Before Tommy could speak, he continued. 'But the thing about this world Tommy, is that the only universal language is violence.' Techno said. I was suddenly hit with realization. 

I didn't even think of LOVE and the motto of each AU when I got here, not everything will go peacefully. 'We've spoken that language, in the pit. Onto a new day, a new plot, to destroy Manberg.' Techno ended and laughed a bit in the end. I sighed and place my hand on Tommy's shoulder. 'He's right, Tommy. In this world is kill or be killed. At the place I used to live everyone knows that sentence. Once someone causes violence, they can't stop doing it. So, that kind of person is gaining LOVE. 

The definition of LOVE from the place I came from translate to Level of Violence, it means how far you'll take to hurt others.' Techno seemed to nod in agreement to my sentence. Tommy was quiet and it was starting to scare me. I turn my gaze to Techno who was ready to leave. 'And no. We are not destroying Manburg.' I said to Techno as he just walk out of the room, not saying anything. After that, we didn't heard from Techno for a long time.

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