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Error POV

'Why are they here?' Niki asked quietly. 'When they were digging a tunnel to Manburg, they somehow manage to dig into my base.' I explained to Niki then remember I have to fix the obsidian wall. I check my inventory to see if I have any obsidian in it. I didn't find anything so I begin rummaging through my chest. 'What are you doing, Error?' Niki asked as she walk beside me and look in the chest I was rummaging in. 'I'm trying to fix the outer wall of my base, it's made of obsidian but Techno broke two blocks of it.' I said as close the chest. 

'I have some obsidian.' Niki said as she hand me two block of obsidian. 'Thanks.' I said as I  break open the inner wall I fixed. I place the obsidian to cover up the outer wall. I fix up the inner wall and check the clock. It was almost dawn. 'Niki.' I said. 'Yeah?' Niki said as I turned around to face her. 'You have to leave, it's almost dawn.' I said. She nodded and went up the ladder to the entrance. I followed her up the ladder and got out of the base. After I got up, she place the dirt back into the river. 'Bye, Error.' Niki said as she walk away. 

I went to find Jschlatt to talk more of the festival. I bumped into Tubbo who had goat ears and horns. 'Hey Tubbo.' I said while he greet me. Wait... Goat ears and horns!? I turned my head to him and I swear I heard a crack from it. 'Tubbo... why do you look so much like Jschlatt?' (I'm adding DadSchlatt in here UwU) I asked. 'I don't know but please do not tell anyone.' Tubbo said before hiding his goat features and running away in a hurry. It was already morning and Jschlatt was holding a paper while talking to George and Quackity. 

'Should Error help with the decorations?' Quackity suggested and George nodded in agreement. 'Hmmm, I don't know what he should decorate. We don't need to bother him to do something for the festival since he's kinda a guest?' Jschlatt said. I walk up to him and place my hand n his shoulder. 'What do you mean I don't need to do anything? I want to help.' I said. The three of them suddenly jumped. 'Baaaaaaa!' Jschlatt suddenly close his mouth with both his hands. George and Quackity was trying not to laugh while I was confuse af. 

'Why are you guys laughing about? Isn't it normal for a goat to baa?' I asked. Jschlatt glared at George and Quackity before talking to me. 'I'm not a normal goat so no, don't mind the idiots in the back please?' Jschlatt said and I nodded. 'Since you want to help, you can do the decoration with Fundy.' Jschlatt said. 'Oh, ok!' I said and ran to find Fundy. I saw Fundy putting up wool as decoration and went to help him. 'Error, what are you doing here?' Fundy asked. I told him that Jschlatt let me help him with the decoration. 'Oh.' That was all Fundy said and he went back to putting up the decoration.

(Timeskip to the festival because I don't have anything to write)

Before the festival, I went to find Wilbur, Tommy and Techno. When I found them, Techno wasn't with them. 'Where's Technoblade?' I asked them. 'He was invited to the festival.' Wilbur said. 'Don't they know Techno is sided with you two?' I asked as they shrugged. 'I think they know, but still invited him since he's the strongest fight after Dream.' Tommy said. 'It's almost time for the festival. What's your plan?' I asked Wilbur. 'After your speech, it's Tubbo turn to do a speech right?' Wilbur said as I was getting suspicious of his plan. I nodded my head and warn him. 

'By the tone of your voice, you're gonna do something bad. I don't want to hear your plan anymore, but I hope you don't do anything you'll regret in the future.' I said and I quickly went to the stage where the festival is held at.

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