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Error POV

Tubbo promised to keep my past a secret, I was grateful for that. Jschatt came up to us and requested for Tubbo to help him something. Tubbo left with Jschatt but I didn't saw the expression of his face when Jschatt came near us. I decide to explore the place to see if Wilbur was around. Two person came up to me and greet me. Their names were Quackity and Punz. 'My name's Error! Are you guys part of L'manberg too?' I asked them as they nodded. I asked them where Wilbur had gone and they told me Wilbur and Tommy had gone away to do something. 

Despise my hatred for the Dream Team, I asked them what they were doing. Their answers surprised me. 'The Dream Team stopped the war and let L'manberg have its independence. So basically, Dream is now a good guy with his boys.' Quackity told me. 'Oh, maybe I could talk to George about him stabbing me in the stomach.' I said as I went to find George. I saw him together with Dream talking with each other. I purposely let my footstep louder to let them know that I'm here so they won't attack me. 

They whipped their heads to my direction. 'What is it, Error?' Dream asked. He had a leadership vibe. 'I know the war is over but I'm sorry for that harm splash potion I threw, it was just because we need to escape to not end up dead.' I said to George. He waved his hand side by side. 'It's ok, it's not like someone want to end up dead willingly actually.' George joked as Dream chuckled. I pretend to chuckle as I whispered a silent, 'I would.' I didn't expect Dream and George to hear that as they stare at me with a concern look, I don't know what Dream was thinking because of the mask but he was staring at me. 

'Are you mentally ok...?' Dream (He is not entirely heartless okay?) asked. I was surprised that they heard me. 'How are you guys so good at hearing whisper?' I asked. 'We didn't hear you, just observe your lip syncing.' George said. 'Oh.' I said. 'Where is Sapnap?' I asked and Dream just said he went into the nether to get netherite. 'Dream!' A new voice rang out as we saw a black and dark red hood person came skipping towards us. He stopped when he saw me. 'You must be Error, right?' They said and I nodded. 

'I'm BadBoyHalo, call me Bad.' They said. I nodded at him meaning I acknowledge him. 'Hey Error, watch this.' George said as he smirked. 'Fuck.' He said and Bad yelled at him. 'Language you muffinhead!' Bad yelled at George as he snickered. He reminded me of Blueberry. 'You act a lot like my friend before he started cursing.' I said as he gasps loudly. I was confuse on why he just did that. 'How did he start cursing?' Bad asked. 'His brother pushed him to his limits.' I said that as it was true. 

'That's acceptable.' Bad said as I remembered about my cow because Blue was part of the bad sanses now. I went quiet for a split minute. 'Uhhhh, Error? Are you ok? You're freaking me out.' George said as he back up slowly. I summoned my axe as I started chasing Dream. 'YOU KILLED CROSS!' I yelled at Dream trying to hit him while he was running and dodging. 'Who the hell is Cross!? Dream yelled in confusion. 'It was my pet cow, damn it!' I yelled at him as he just oops at me. 

'Don't you just said oops at me you shit head!' 

??? POV

'Oh no... Error is getting close to those who are with Jschatt. I need to tell Wilbur and Tommy about Error getting back here...' Their shades glimmered underneath the light as a golden crown was on their head. A red royal cape flapping in the air because of the wind. 'I don't want to be the traitor Eret but the friend Eret.' They thought to themselves before walking away.

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