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Error POV

I heard voices around me. 'Didn't I fell in the void? Why are the voices here?' I though to myself. I laughed painfully in my mind. 'Who am I kidding? Fate surely wouldn't let her puppet to die.' I thought. The voices continue to talk til they faded away. I assumed they left so I begin to open my eyes. I sat up from a... bed? That was what Blue said about the soft thing. I look around. Everything look weird. I was in a small place where multiple weird yellow stand thingy are visible on tables. I tried to use my magic, but realized I couldn't. 

I begin to panic. Why couldn't I leave this place? I saw a door so I get off the bed. I instantly fell down to the floor doing so. 'Owwww, why does my leg feel sore?' I asked no one. I was shocked that my voice isn't glitching anymore. I shrugged it off and head towards the door. I got out of the small place and realized it was one of those van on the surface except for the hot dog thing on fire. The first thing I saw when I stepped out was a huge black wall surrounding the place. 'What the...?' I looked around and saw a river. I also saw an entrance. I walked to the river and look into the river. I freaked out. (What he saw in the water)

'Am I human? Is that why I can't use magic?' I questioned myself

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'Am I human? Is that why I can't use magic?' I questioned myself. Wait a sec... I quickly roll up my jacket sleeve to reveal nothing. No blood, no cut, no burn, no wound, no scar, just nothing. How!? Did the voices heal me to the point where nothing is visible? Did Fate do this to make me feel pain all over again? 'Why does Dream have to be like this? Can't we just fight for independent?' A childish voice rang out. Dream is here!? I can't use my magic, so I ran back into the van and pretend to be still unconscious on the bed.

'Weird, I thought I heard someone walking around here.' Another voice said. 'Eret, can you go and check on that person who drop down from the air into the river? I think he might have full health by now.' Another voice said. How many people are there!? I sensed a presence near me as I quickly shot up and punch the person right in the face. 'Argh!' The person yelp in pain. 'Eret!' A teenage boy came into the van and help the person I punched up. 'Who are you!? Are you both Ink's pawns to hurt me!?' I said as I stood on a fighting stand.

I remembered I can't use my magic anymore so I act menacingly. It did kinda work as both of the humans shivered at my glance. 'We don't know anyone named Ink, so can you please come out so we can question you some things?' The kid asked timidly but manage not to stutter. I hesitated. Since I can't check them or can't use my magic anymore, I could just kill them bare handed. 'Alright kid, but first... What are your names?' I asked. The two persons look at each other. 'I'm Tubbo.' The kid said. 'Eret.' The person I punched said. Now that I'm focus at them, they're very interesting. (Imaging Tubbo in the uniform)

 (Imaging Tubbo in the uniform)

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'What's your name?' Tubbo asked

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'What's your name?' Tubbo asked. 'My name is Error.' I said my name as they went silent for a while. I panicked. Did they not like my name? Will they hate me? It was the opposite. 'Your name is unique, Error!' Tubbo said as Eret smile and nodded his head. I feel fuzzy inside, this is the first two person aside from my family (Nightmare and his gang, Charas, his brothers and Blueberry)  that doesn't hate me. 'Are you crying?' Eret said as he and Tubbo felt uneasy on why I suddenly cried. 'Crying?' I asked as I touch my cheeks, it was wet. 

'Did we do something wrong?' Tubbo asked. I shook my head. 'No, it's just that... both of you are the first person aside my family who accept my name. Mostly everyone who heard my name despise me.' I said smiling as tears roll down my cheeks. Tubbo and Eret smiled in relieve. Tubbo hugged me but I instantly flinch from the contact. 'Sorry for hugging you so suddenly, Error.' Tubbo apologized. I wave my hand in denial. 'It's alright, Tubbo. I just have haphephobia because of the people who despise me.' I said as I rubbed my arm. 

'We had taken lot of time in the hot dog van, we need to bring you to see the others.' Eret said. 'Alright.' I said as I followed Tubbo and Eret out of the hot dog van as they call it. When we went out, we saw three more person. 'Wilbur, he's conscious now.' Eret said to a man who look like the leader. There was also a boy and a fox? Is he a monster? I don't think so, better not judge someone. People wouldn't like it if they were called monster because of their appearance. 'Greetings, my name is Error. How about you?' I said and asked them their name. 

'Well, hello. My name is WilburSoot, but call me Wilbur. I am the leader of this small group.' The person who looked like the leader said. 'I'm Fundy, Wilbur's son.' The fox said. 'And I'm TommyInit! Call me Tommy, I'm Wilbur's adoptive little brother!' The kid who look like the same age as Tubbo said. 

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'We're gonna ask you some questions

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'We're gonna ask you some questions. If you don't want to answer, that's okay.' Wilbur said. I look at him and tried to find a hint of him lying. I found none so I nodded my head. 'Ask away, Wilbur.' I said.

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