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(I watch the red festival from Techno's perspective)

Error POV

Wilbur said Techno was invited to the festival so I went to find him. Due to my time as destroyer, I never got to know activities people normally do for fun. 'Hey, Error. What are you doing here, walking around like a deer confuse on where they are?' Techno's dead voice rang out through the air. 'Hey Techno, I kinda don't know what people do in festivals because of my past that I rather not tell anyone. So can I follow you?' I asked him as I spun around to face him. 'What are you? A lost puppy that can't find its owner?' Techno said as he ignore me and walk away. 

'Techno wait!' I yelled. (Error's making this face QwQ) I followed him until he stop when he saw a crowd of people that were invited to the festival. I saw Tubbo and went over to him. 'Tubbo!' I said loudly and grab him towards me. 'I didn't get to say this but I know everything.' I whispered to him quickly and went over to Jschlatt. 'Hey.' I greet him. 'Hello, Error.' Jschlatt said waving his hand. 'Error, you made it!' Niki said as she come over to hug me. A hand grabbed Niki's arm. 'Niki, wait. Error has haphephobia, he's afraid of getting touched.' Fundy warned Niki about my phobia. She gasped and apologize. 

'Oh my god, I'm so sorry for almost touching you Error. I didn't know.' She said. 'It's ok! I don't get it why people apologize. Whenever I tried to tell someone about my phobia, they won't listen and proceed to beat me up. Isn't that only normal?' I asked. Suddenly the noisy atmosphere became quiet in a blink of an eye. 'What?' A guy who look like a creeper said. 'Ok! Let's play a game to lighten up the atmosphere!' Fundy said as he sweat nervously and told me to follow him. 

I followed him to a area where someone shoots a bow to the button and the people who was sitting on a platform will drop down into the water. 'Do you have a boy in your inventory, Error?' Fundy asked. I nodded. 'Good.' Fundy said. Fundy quickly went to the water glass thing and stand on top of the platform above it. 'Alright, you can shoot now.' Fundy said. 'Can I try a trick shot?' I asked Fundy. 'Sure, do whatever you want to be happy and have fun.' I wanted to do a backflip and shoot the button at the same time. 

I inhaled and exhale deeply to calm myself down. I use a normal arrow and pull the string of the bow backward. I jumped into the air and flip my whole body foward to spin. I shot the arrow at the same time when I land. 'Oh fuc-' Fundy fell into the water glass thing. Everyone begin clapping and I realize I had shot the button. Fundy climbed out of the water glass thing and was dripping with water. 'Nice trick, Error.' Fundy said. I thanked him and watch some people I don't know play the game. 

Fundy tried to drown Niki so I kicked him straight in the stomach to make him fall off the water glass thing and onto the floor. Fundy didn't learn from that last encounter and tried to drown Technoblade. As the saying goes, Techno never dies. Techno just brake the block above him and use a trident similar to the tridents that the Asgores use but the color is aqua like to fly out of the water glass. Fundy whined at his fail attempt to drown Techno and I just pat his back... harshly. 'Error... stop. You're gonna hurt his back.' Niki tried to stop me and I just stopped hitting Fundy. 

'EVERYONE GATHER AT THE L'MANBERG PODIUM!' (Everyone except Wilbur, Tommy, Techno, Niki and Tubbo doesn't know Error knows everything right now) Quackity announced. Everyone went to the podium and I trailed behind them because I don't want them to be suspicious of me on why I know about the manberg podium. Once everyone was present at the podium, Technoblade shot fireworks into the air. Jschlatt started to make a speech on stage. Quackity was sitting on a chair at Jschlatt's right side while Tubbo sat on a chair at Jschlatt's left side. 

I sat on the front row between Techno and Fundy. I look around to find George but I can't find him, isn't he suppose to be here since he is Jschlatt's co-vice president? Once Jschlatt finished his speech, everyone went to a dance floor. 'You know how to dance, Error?' Bad asked. 'I think so... I think it's called hip hop?' I said. 'Ooooh, can you do a hip hop dance?' Quackity asked. 'I'll try.' I said as a purple hoodie guy put on a random hip hop song. *Random hip hop dance* (Error just watch Dancetale sans dance so he knows a bit of hip hop) 

Once the song ended, I stopped. Everyone begin clapping and I became nervous. 'How was it? I just watch an enemy who likes to dance do those moves, so I kinda learned it.' I said slowly. 'It's awesome.' a cat said. After that, some people started dancing inculding Technoblade. 'Let's go to the fighting ring! We can have Error vs Techno.' Fundy said. 'Don't you guys think you all are inserting me too much on the fun?' I said as found myself in a lot of activities. Everyone went to the ring and I step inside of it. 

Fundy said it's a fist fight so Techno went to take off his armor... and drank a potion. I can visibly hear the sound of him drinking the potion. He came back to the ring and took a fighting stance. 'Alright, 3 2 1. GO!' The same cat man said and we started to fight. Techno punched me and I dodged my body to the side. I slid my foot under him and attempt to trip him. He did trip but did a backflip to stand up. He threw his fist towards me and hit my arm. I felt immense pain. 'What the hell, Techno! You drank a strength potion!' I yelled at I round-kick him in the arm. 

'Without the potion, you still hit hard.' Techno said as he suddenly held me in a lockhold. 'Fuck.' I said as cat boy announced him as winner. They had to cancel the fighting activity since Techno kept winning with strength potions. Everyone went back to the podium to hear Jschlatt's speech again. He told me to give a speech but I just said a few sentence and step down from the podium. It was Tubbo's turn to make a speech. After another long ass speech, he finally ended the speech. He wanted to walk away but Jschlatt had other plans. 

He trapped Tubbo in front of the mic with Quackity and expose him as the traitor of 'L'Manburg' More like Manburg. Me and Techno was shock that he found out. He requested Techno to come up to the podium and Techno followed his orders. He went up to the podium and stand there looking at Jschlatt. 'Kill him.' Jsclatt ordered. When I heard that sentence, everything went blank. Jschlatt, he's just a kid! Before I can wake my ass up, my whole body went autopilot and took out an enderpearl to throw it in front of Tubbo.

'Error, NO!' All I heard was Tubbo yelling before a bang and pain gathering at my chest. It was pitch black.

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