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No one POV

Everyone went to the podium to listen to Wilbur's announcement. He made Tommy president and walked away without anyone knowing. Tommy then later said he can't be president because he had some unfinished business to do. No one notice the look of Techno when Tubbo was announcing on the podium. When Tubbo finished his announcement, Techno fired two fireworks at Tubbo. 'TUBBO!' Tommy yelled out in mental pain, thinking his best friend was dead. Luckily, Tubbo had his shield so he didn't took damage.

Techno began yelling at everyone, saying he didn't spent weeks planning the revolution and giving the revolution team gear just for them to replace one tyrant with another. Let's see what our beloved former god of destruction is doing. 'What are you doing?' Two voice rang out in a small secret room under the podium. Wilbur who was in front of a button turned around slowly to face the two person. 'Error, Phil?' Wilbur asked when he fully notice the two of them. 'Wilbur, what are you doing?' Error asked as he step forward.

'N-nothing! I'm doing noth-' Wilbur was cut off by Error slapping him across the face. Wilbur held his dislocated jaw bone while looking at Error in shock at his strength. 'Error wasn't usually this strong, was he holding back all this year?' Wilbur thought to himself as he father tried to calm down Error. Wilbur quickly stood up and got closer to the button. Phil was holding Error back to not let him do anything rash. 'Do you both know what this button is?' Wilbur asked the both of them. Error had calm down by the time and glare at the button. 

'We do.' Phil answered Wilbur while still keeping an eye out for Error's actions. Wilbur asked them about the song that was written on the walls. Error was confused that the writings on the walls was actually a lyrics to the national anthem while Phil nodded. 'Error definitely don't know about the songs since no one mention it to him before.' Wilbur said. 'I would've told him about it if L'manberg is still here.' Error grabbed Wilbur and placed both of his hands on Wilbur's shoulder. 

'What do you mean it's gone? It's still here, Wilbur.' Error said to Wilbur, trying to convince him to not press the button. Error did something he never do to the others in his time in this world, he hugged Wilbur tightly. 'Error's right, Wilbur. It's not gone. You just wanted it back.' Phil said as he placed a hand on Wilbur's head. The three of them heard shouting and fireworks. 'Are they still fighting? I just hope Techno didn't try to kill Karl again.' Error asked as he was surprised that the fight is still going for so long. 

'You gone through war just to get all of it back to just blow it up?' Phil asked Wilbur as he took Wilbur away from Error to hug him. Error noticed Wilbur's eyes went red and he was staring at the button. Wilbur broke the hug from Phil and started walking backwards. 'Wilbur, don't. There is a lot of explosive that are connected to the button.' Error warned Wilbur. 'There was saying, by a traitor.' Wilbur stood near the button. Error and Phil gasped as they rushed towards Wilbur. 'It was never meant to be.' As Wilbur finished the sentence, he pressed the button. 

When the two got beside Wilbur, it was too late. He had activated the explosives. 'RUN!' Error yelled as he grabbed the two and throw them towards the entry of the secret room. Before Error could follow them, he was engulfed in smoke. BOOM! L'manberg blew up as debris flew into the air. The area of the wall where the button was at was gone, exposing it to the others who were outside fighting Technoblade. Everyone was shock and Tommy showed his shock by yelling 'NO' at the top of his lungs. 'YES!' Dream yelled in excitement and laughed. 

When the smoke cleared, everyone saw something they didn't want to see. Wilbur was carrying Error's limp body that was covered in burns while Philza was staring at the corpse in shock and he had both of his hands over his mouth. Those who know Error the closest gasped as tears ran down their cheek. 'Error?' Wilbur said, loud enough for everyone to hear. He was shaking Error's body. 'Will... what did you do!?' Philza yelled at his middle child. 'ERROR!' Tommy yelled as he stood there, not facing reality that Error is actually dead. Wilbur look at Error with tears running down his face and... smiled. 

'I'm sorry, Error. It was never meant to be.'

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