Chapter 21

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Eleonore;cattleya are you alright?!
Eleonore said as she checks in cattleya

Cattleya;yes I'm fine sister
Cattleya said as she holds onto grim as he carries her

Albedo sees how grim was carrying cattleya and screams internally with Jealousy
Albedo's mind;raaaa and yes not fair I want to be in lord-Sama's arms!!!!
Albedo thought as she grips her axe tightly

Grim;I should take cattleya inside so she could rest
Grim said as he looked at Louise's mother

Louise's mother;please do grim
Louise's mother said as grim goes inside while carrying cattleya

As they were walking to cattleya room, cattleya looks at grim

Cattleya;I could walk you know grim
Cattleya said as she looks at him

Grim;I know but still with your illness and what happened just now I can't risk it
Grim said as he reaches cattleya's room

As he heads inside he goes towards her bed and gently lays cattleya down

Cattleya; I have to go find Louise
Cattleya said as she looked at grim

Grim;don't worry I'll take care of that besides we both know where she is going
Grim said as he looks at her

Cattleya;you know grim even though I'm 24 and your 19 you seemed to more of an adult than most nobles
Cattleya said as she smiled

Grim;well yeah I had to be if I didn't than I would be useless as Guiche or whatever his name was
Grim said as he headed towards the door

Cattleya;grim wait
Cattleya said as grim looks towards her

Grim;yes cattleya
Grim said as he looked towards her

Cattleya; thank you for always being there for Louise I mean that
Cattleya said as she smiled more

Grim smiled back
Grim; don't thank me yet cattleya but thank you to without you or Louise well I would've been someone who would the will to live
Grim said as he heads out the door

As he leaves albedo waits for him outside cattleya's door

Grim;albedo stay with Cattleya okay I have to go look for Louise
Grim said as he heads out of the house

Albedo nosed and heads into cattleya room and sits next to her bed

Cattleya;albedo is that your name?
Cattleya asked

Albedo;yes is there something you want to ask me Miss valliere
Albedo said as she looks towards her

Cattleya; are in love with grim?
Cattleya asked as she looks towards her

Albedo's wings twitched as she was surprised to that answer
Albedo;w-w-what are you talking about Miss valliere?!
Albedo said as she panics at bit

Cattleya;It's because the time you arrived here with grim you've been holding hands like a couple
Cattleya said

Albedo's mind;I almost forgot about that shit!!!!
Albedo thought as she wonders what to do next

Cattleya;don't worry ms. albedo I just wanted to know and it's good to know that grim has someone to rely on when he's in a pinch
Cattleya said as she smiled

Albedo;w-well yes but are you mad about knowing this won't this ruin the engagement between you and grim
Albedo said as she looks towards her

Cattleya shook her head gently
Cattleya;no it won't knowing my mother and father will do probably let this slide once grim graduates
Cattleya said

Albedo;and why that?
Albedo asked

Cattleya;because grim is the type of person to always back up his friends and even charges headfirst to make sure no one is hurt....grim is also the type of person you can always rely on when you down he's always been that way
Cattleya said

Albedo;I see but miss valliere what is grim to you if I may ask?
Albedo said as she sits next to cattleya's bed

Cattleya;for me grim is a shadow who is always protecting you even though you don't need it....but because of my illness and week body So certain people would try and use that to their advantage but grim was always there for me when I need help...I guess that's why he always checked up on me when he sends out letters
Cattleya said

Albedo nods
Albedo;my master is like that though his methods do need improving
Albedo said as she remembered how grim put her to sleep so she wouldn't be able to follow him to fight in the first battle

Cattleya;though I wouldn't give up on being his favorite
Cattleya said

Albedo;your challenging me?
Albedo asked

(Grim's pov)

Grim was walking along the river near the valliere estate

Grim;damnit where the hell is she first the boat she hides in is gone and now this
Grim said as he walks

As he does he sees Mr and miss valliere with serval armed servants surrounding saito as he had his sword out

Grim;oh what the hell?
Grim said as mr and miss valliere looks towards him

Louise's mother; grim help us this lowly familiar was kissing Louise!
Louise's mother said

Saito;here I go!
Saito said as he charges through the servants and jumps onto the boat to grab Louise than jumping over the armed servants

Louise;grim don't let them follow us! Please
Louise said as she gets carried away by saito

Saito;please don't worry about Louise father!
Saito said as he runs away with Louise

Louise's father;don't give me that crap! get them!
Louise's father said

Before the servants could move a large wall made of rock blocks them from following saito and Louise

the familiar of Zero oc insertedWhere stories live. Discover now