I am a mage who summoned a familiar for one of my assignment with my friend Louis though my fimiliar is a bit crazy sometimes especially with I'm near other girls
Kirche;it's shiny Kirche said as she looks at the armor
Albedo had her helmet on but she was blushing a bit Albedo mind;the armor suits master very well Albedo thought as she waits for her master's orders
Guiche;so what some little armor won't save you Guiche said as his golems attack Grim
Grim started to knock the golems back as he changes the ring on his right hand Grim;well if that the case albedo now! Grim said as he puts the ring in front of the driver
Driver;Bind please! The driver said as serval magic symbols appear and chains shot out of them trapping the golems in place
Albedo;yes master Albedo said as she does quick work of destroying the golems
Everyone was shocked to see the magic less Grim was able to use magic....the teacher and the principal as well as his assistant were shocked as well as they saw it through the principal's window
Louise smiles happily for her friend Louise;he did it he can use magic Louise said
Guiche;so what I'll make more Guiche said as he summons 6 more golems
Grim;hey saito was it you done playing injured already Grim said as he kicks one of the golems swords to him
Saito take it and slowly gets up as the crest on his hand began to glow
Louise;what happened Louise asked
Saito;don't know but all I know is I can fight Saito said as he charges towards the golems as Grim heads towards Guiche
As saito does he cuts down 2 golems at a time leaving nothing from protecting Guiche
Guiche was shocked and scared as Grim gets close to him and start to beat the living hell out of him until he was unconscious
Grim spins a bit before his armor disappears Grim;well that's for today hey albedo let's go get some lunch than we'll continue teaching you how to read our language Grim said as he walks
Albedo;of course master Albedo said as she follows him
Everyone was shocked how Grim left like this never even happened
(3 minutes later)
After getting something to eat Grim and albedo continued their studying together....as they continue to study they would sometimes looking at the rings and figure out what some of them do.....right now Grim and Albedo were inside Grim's room relaxing after finishing albedo's studying
Grim;alright albedo is there anything else you would like to know Grim asked as he looked towards Albedo
Albedo;not at the moment master Albedo said as she sits on the chair next to the window
Grim;please call me Grim the word master doesn't suit me well Grim said as he looks towards Albedo
Albedo;very well ma- Grim-sama Albedo said
Grim blushes lightly Grim;um albedo there is something I want to ask of you Grim said
Albedo;what would that be Grim-sama Albedo asked
Grim;I want you to train me as I am now I won't be able to fight even with the driver and device Grim said as he looks towards his hands that were bandaged up by albedo
Albedo was shocked to hear her master ask her this request Albedo: of course Grim-sama well will begin tomorrow after classes Albedo said
(The next day)
As Grim and Louise we're about to head to class they had stop in the court yard
Louise: be good until class ends do you get it! Louise said
Saito;yes Saito said as he raises a hand
Grim;I'll be back albedo so in the meantime relax here Grim said
Albedo;of course Grim-sama Albedo said as Grim and Louise head to class
After a few minutes alone with the other familiars a snake like creature clings to saito
Saito;hey stop it don't cling to me Saito said as he gently pushes the snake back and heads off somewhere
Albedo;I fear my master will have a headache from this one Albedo said as she relaxes by a tree
(1 hour later)
After classes were done Grim and albedo went off to train....as they were training Grim discovered that one of the rings could summon a sword with a weird Design on it
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After training aka grim getting tossed around by albedo they went to the dinning hall for dinner...they as got there they noticed Louise standing over a bowl of soup and some bread
Grim;Louise what's wrong Grim asked
Louise; grim do you know where saito is at because he hasn't come back for dinner Louise asked
Grim;no we haven't seen him Grim said
Louise see kirche walk over to them with a cart of food Louise: what's that? Louise asked
Kirche;I feel bad for the poor food he always gets, so I thought I'd give him mine Kirche said
Louise;so you're trying to lure him away with food this time don't feed my familiar without my permission Louise said
Kirche;even if I wanted to give it to him he isn't here, where did he go Kirche said as she looks around
Albedo;this time? Albedo asked
Grim looks towards albedo Grim;it's best to not ask any questions when it comes to this kind of scenario Grim said as he pays albedo on the shoulder
Albedo blushes a bit before nodding Albedo;very well Grim-sama Albedo said
Kirche;where did he go? Kirche asked
Louise:he went out to clean a rag and hasn't came back since, where could he be wasting time? Louise said
Guiche;come to think of it, he came to me asking for directions to count mott's estate Guiche said as he looks towards Louise and kirche
Grim signs knowing it's going to be a major pain for him and albedo
Grim;please god don't let this be a pointless thing Grim said as he followed Louise to go and get saito back