Chapter 15

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So after some convincing  aka Louise threading to tell the princess they knights agreed to release saito since the princess was talking to saito as they after getting to the cell saito was at the blue harried knight opens the she does they see saito and the princess to close for comfort

Saito said as he backed away

Louise said as she slowly walked inside

Grim;your so dead
Grim said as he knew what would be coming next

Albedo;I'll grab some popcorn
Albedo said

Saito;wait! You got it wrong you got it all wrong
Saito said as he starts to freak out

Louise;s-saito! Idiot, you idiot saito you idiot how dare you make me worry
Louise said as she tackles saito into a wall as she cries into his sweater

Saito looks up and sees grim motioning that "your dead meat once were done" to which saito was now more scared than he was before

So after that Louise,grim,albedo and saito get into a carriage and was heading back to the academy

Saito;hey what's that
Saito asked as he sees Louise holding a small journal

Louise;Heresiarch's book of invocation, the princess gave it to me, she said that it'd be better for me to hold onto it apparently it's passed down through the Tristan's royal family
Louise said as she opens the journal

As she does they see that the pages are empty

Saito;what's this?
Saito said as he looks at the pages

Grim;well that's disappointing
Grim said

Albedo;for this to be passed down from the Tristan's I think they haven't even wrote in it
Albedo said

Louise;according to principal Osmond's research void spells should be written in it
Louise said

Saito;should be? But there's nothing there, a misprint or it could be
Saito said as he looks at the book

Louise;what did you figure something out
Louise asked

Saito puts on a serious face
Saito;white paper in other words nothingness, fight with an empty mind perhaps sparkle
Saito said

A few minutes of quietness before grim smacks him on the head

Sait said as he rubs his head

Grim;you dumbass!!!
Grim said

Saito;don't you often see that kind of line in manga?
Saito said

Grim/albedo/Louise: manga?
They said as they looked at him

Saito looks outside the window
Saito;oh yeah I haven't read manga in a while
Saito said

Louise looked down to her hands
Louise;saito do you feel that you should have returned home
Louise said

Saito;well a little
Saito said

As he said that grim pulled out his sword

Saito started to freak out
Saito;b-but I can't leave you alone in a dangerous place like this
Saito said

Louise said as she blushes

Grim puts away his sword
Grim;good call saito
Grim said as he puts away his sword

As he does they had reached the academy's they started to get off the carriage the blonde knight stops them real quick

Knight 1: from now on Miss Valliere the queen's words shall be passed down to you via a member of the Musketeer force the code name for you two are zero is that understood
Knight 1 said as she looks at them

Louise said

Knight 1:and Hiraga saito I shall overlook today but if you act in a persverse manner towards the queen in the future be prepared
Knight 1 said

Louise;saaaiiittttooooo what's this perverse manner you dog!!!!!
Louise said As she drags saito towards the academy

Grim signs as he was about to leave but the knight stops him

Knight 1;wait as for you Mr blaze your also have  via a member of the Musketeer force the code name for you and for your familiar will be coded named WIZARD
The knight said as she heads towards her carriage

Albedo;what's is your name knight of the queen
Albedo asked as she looked at her

The knight looks back at them before leaving
Knight;the names  Agnes de Milan
Agnes said as she leaves

After she had left grim and albedo went to Grim's room to head to sleep....once they had got there grim lays on the bed exhausted from today

Grim;man this day is stressful
Grim said as he lays there on the bed

Albedo lays next to him
Albedo;lord-sama rest for tomorrow we'll enjoy peace and quiet
Albedo said as she hugs grim gently

As she does grim began to fall asleep, he tried to stay awake but sleep got the better of him and he. Passed out

(The next day)

It was like any normal day but sadly it's not normal for grim....a loud bang noise was coming from his door before it burst open to show Agnes,Louise and saito

Agnes stops as she sees grim

Grim was laying there peacefully while albedo stretches on top of grim (with clothes on this time)...albedo looks towards the door and sees them

Albedo;again really you guys always interrupt our time together
Albedo said as she yawns

Agnes;pardon us
Agnes said as she had closed the door but opens it again while blushing

Agnes; Actually it is an emergency so forgive us, the queen has been kidnapped by somebody and we need Grim's help
Agnes said

Louise;please albedo
Louise said

Albedo signs
Albedo;very well since Ms Valliere is lord-sama's friend
Albedo said as she got off of grim and started to wake him up

Grim;it's to early
Grim said as he buries his head into the blankets

Saito walks into the room and started to shake grim
Saito;hey get up we have to go sa-
Saito gets cut off by Grim's fist going into his face

As that happens saito gets flung out the room and hits the wall....Agnes and Louise look at saito before looking back into the room to see grim sitting up as he yawns

Grim;w-what's going on
Grim asked sleepily as he looked around

the familiar of Zero oc insertedWhere stories live. Discover now