I am a mage who summoned a familiar for one of my assignment with my friend Louis though my fimiliar is a bit crazy sometimes especially with I'm near other girls
Grim and Louise managed to saito back but ends up heading back to the Mott's estate again so grim,albedo,Louise,kirche,and Tabitha went to save his dumbass....right now they are in the Mott's estate taking to the head of the Mott family
Mott;the quality of the students at the academy has really fallen, I must request that old Osmond give you a severe punishment for this Mott said
Louise;I apologizes for intruding due to the emergency and the familiar misconduct is the master's misconduct as well, I'll accept and form of punishment Louise said
Grim watches as he holds himself back from helping Louise but he knows if he did so he would makes things worse
Saito;L-Louise Saito said
Mott:pointing a sword at a royal place employee is a felony, you better be ready to get your family involved in this case Mott said
Saito; wait I'm the one at fault here Saito said as he steps forward a bit
Grim and albedo just look at saito with disappointment
Grim;he's really done it now Grim said
Albedo;I would have to agree Albedo said
Kirche;count Mott, how about we settle this case with this? I heard you were looking for this sorry for my late introduction, my name is Kirche von Zerbst Kirche said as she lifts a bit of her shirt up and pulls out a book
Mott;Zerbst?! Than that's Mott said
Albedo;what's going on Albedo asked
Grim;I don't know but all I know it's about to be stupid Grim said
Kirche;yes our heirloom the summoned book please accept this Kirche said
Mott;so this is the famous book Mott said as he starts to open the book
Louise;are you sure? Isn't that your heirloom Louise said
Kirche: I checked out the content and I don't need it Kirche said
Louise;don't need it Louise said
Grim;and called it Grim said as he signs
Albedo;I was hoping we we're wrong Albedo said
Saito;rather than that give siesta back first! Saito said
Mott;give siesta to him Mott said as the guards went out of the room
Mott;it's opened!, I don't know where this writing is from but who knew something like this existed in the world Mott said as he opened the book to show a book with girls on it
Grim;damnit I fucking called it Grim said as he and albedo go outside not wanting to deal with this anymore
(Next day)
It was the next day which dd sucked because talent show day for our familiars...right now Grim was with albedo training for the big day
Albedo;you've been improving at such a great rate Grim-Sama Albedo said as she puts away her axe
Grim;thanks albedo Grim said as he gets up from the ground
Albedo;I think we could use that ring for our performance Albedo said as she and grim looks at the ring with a dragon going in a circle
Grim;maybe but for now let's keep it for a last resort Grim said as he puts the ring away
Albedo;Grim-sama I have a question Albedo asked
Grim;sure albedo ask away Grim said as he stretches
Albedo;how come I haven't seen any photos of your family in the room? Albedo asked
Grim;well that's because their at my house where they are kept safe Grim said as he looks at her
Grim and albedo head to his room to relax for the day as they do they saw a lot of students gathered at the entrance of the school with some royal guards
Albedo;must be someone important Albedo said
Grim;yeah it's probably the princess of these lands Grim said as he walks with albedo
(The next day)
It's was time for the talent show to begin...right now Grim and albedo were watching other contestants show of their familiar's
Grim;hey Louise I wish you luck k Grim said as he pays her on the shoulder
Louise smiles Louise;thanks grim Louise said
Saito feels a dark aura and turns around to see albedo staring jealously towards Louise
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Saito;hey albedo are y- Saito gets cut off by albedo
Albedo;talk and I'll cut off your tongue and shove it up your ##### Albedo said
Saito;okay shutting up now Saito said as he and Louise go and perform
Grim and albedo watch as Louise and saito go perform
Grim;this has to be the worst show I've seen like of all time Grim said as they started to laugh at saito and Louise
Albedo;agreed master Albedo said as Louise and saito exit the stage
Mr. Colbert;now please welcome mr Blaze and his familiar Colbert said as grim and albedo head up on the stage
Once they got there albedo quickly uses a magic speed which causes the weather to darken and start thundering
Grim;nice thinking albedo Grim said as he uses on of the rings on his driver
Driver;lighting please The driver said as Grim shoots lighting up into the air causing it to a shape of a arrow
Once albedo and Grim were done with their performance the students Cheered for them as they step off the stage
Albedo;that was quicker than expected Albedo said
Grim;we had to or else we'll be stuck with Colbert for the whole day Grim said as he and albedo waits for the queen to say who is the winner
Princess ;now to announce the winner this years champion goes to Queen said but grim ignores it to hear an explosion
Grim;what did she do now Grim said as he stands up
Albedo;should we finish watching the result grim-sama Albedo asked as tabitha gets praised by the queen
Grim: boy this time sadly let's move Grim said as he uses his ring to transform
Driver;flame please fire,fire,fire,fire!!! The driver said as the armor appears on grim